<<set addStyle(' body {font-family: Impact, Haettenschweiler, "Franklin Gothic Bold", Charcoal, "Helvetica Inserat", "Bitstream Vera Sans Bold", "Arial Black", sans serif;}')>><<display "fontfinished">>
<<set addStyle(" .passage { font-size: 3em; } ")>><<display "sizefinished">>
''TIME REMAINING: 0:00''\n\nNo! Oh well... so much for that.\n\nGuess you might as well go make breakfast or answer your emails or something...
<<set addStyle(" .passage { font-size: 2em; } ")>><<display "sizefinished">>
<<set addStyle(" a.internalLink { color:#00DFE3 } a.internalLink:hover { color:#fff }")>><<display "l1finished">>
Yes! At least, you hope it'll display correctly on the readers' browsers...\n\nOK, enough screwing around with stylesheets! It's time to [[get to work-]]
<<set addStyle(" #sidebar { font-size:1.5em; width: 12em;} #passages {margin-left: 28em; } "); $center=0>><<display "sbfinished">>
<<set addStyle(" .passage { font-size: 2.5em; } ")>><<display "sizefinished">>
MAKE A TWINE GAME IN 40 MINUTES\n\nby Leon Arnott\n\n* [[Commence]]\n* [[Conclude|http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/games/*/L]]
<<set addStyle(" .passage, #sidebar #title { color: #000; } ")>><<display "textfinished">>
Make a Twine game in 40 minutes
<<set addStyle(" .passage, #sidebar #title { color: #6B3D20; } ")>><<display "textfinished">>
That looks good - very coherent. You didn't realise styling web pages could be this satisfying!\n\nAh, the link colours could stand to be a bit different...\n\n* [[Make links magenta]]\n* [[Make links gold]]\n* [[Make links cyan]]
(function(){ var render2 = Passage.prototype.render; Passage.prototype.render = function () { var b = render2.call(this); var t = this.tags.join(" "); document.body.setAttribute("data-tags", t); b.setAttribute("data-tags",t); return b; }}()); \n
<<set addStyle(" body { background-color: #fff; } ")>><<display "bgfinished">>
<<set addStyle(" a.internalLink { color:#E04ADE } a.internalLink:hover { color:#fff } ")>><<display "l1finished">>
<<set addStyle(" body { font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; } ")>><<display "fontfinished">>
That definitely works with these colours. They look so alive, so tantalysing!\n\nOne last thing - maybe the font could be changed?\n\n* [[Century Gothic]]\n* [[Courier New]]\n* [[Times New Roman]]\n* [[Impact]]\n* [[Papyrus]]
Here you are - a brand new Twine file. You've only got 40 minutes to make a game out of this, but you're ready to get writing!\n\nHmm... before you get started writing, you'd like to drop in some quick style code to make it a bit prettier. Maybe a bit lighter and airier.\n\n* [[Make background white]]\n* [[Make background pink]]\n* [[Make background green]]
<<set addStyle(" body { background-color: #FF96CE; } ")>><<display "bgfinished">>
Ah, much better.\n\nStill seems to be a little ordinary-looking. Maybe making the text larger will make it stand out?\n\n* [[Set text size to 2em]]\n* [[Set text size to 2.5em]]\n* [[Set text size to 3em]]
<<set addStyle(" body {font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; } ")>><<display "fontfinished">>
That looks better than stark black - at least for this story.\n\nAh - better change the text colour, too.\n\n* [[Make text black]]\n* [[Make text brown]]\n* [[Make text navy]]\n* [[Make text purple]]
Hmm... yes! This is definitely more soothing to the eye.\n\nBut, that default sidebar seems to look out-of-place now. Let's look up some CSS to change it.\n\n* [[Enlarge sidebar]]\n* [[Remove sidebar]]
<<set addStyle('body{font-family: "Courier New", Courier, "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "Lucida Typewriter", monospace;}')>><<display "fontfinished">>
<<set addStyle(" body { background-color: #84FAA0; } ")>><<display "bgfinished">>
<<set addStyle(" a.internalLink { color:#D6AB36 } a.internalLink:hover { color:#fff }")>><<display "l1finished">>
<<set addStyle(" #sidebar { display:none; } #passages { border-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } "); $center=1>><<display "sbfinished">>
<<set addStyle(" .passage, #sidebar #title { color: #9E45B0; } ")>><<display "textfinished">>
<<set addStyle(" body {font-family: 'Century Gothic', CenturyGothic, AppleGothic, sans-serif;}")>><<display "fontfinished">>
<<set addStyle(" .passage, #sidebar #title { color: #242A80; } ")>><<display "textfinished">>