main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[p] M.U.D. Titles

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html

                               *  *                                
                                MOO server 1.8.0p6
Online since: Thu Apr 29 09:51:40 1993 EDT

This MOO is a virtual space designed to promote multiple explorations of contemporary theory and practice. This terrain is governed by a principle of radicle, er, radical consent. By logging on, you consent to contribute to the theme of this MOO--postmodernism and contemporary theory. You also agree to work within the systems of consent of the different zones.
if you do not have a character here, type CO GUEST to connect.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie
and with strange eons even death may die."


The lag is 0 seconds flat. It is staying level.  The MOO will checkpoint in about 14 hours, at 5:00 a.m. EST.

Would you like ANSI color? (Y)es, (N)o, (T)est:

Welcome to Peril, now go away.  This MUD is dead.
 |                    Admins: Arenelys, Beyond, Crail                   |
 |             Administrative Contact:          |

                             Driver: MudOS v22.2b14                             
               Services: telnet (direct or 3000), SMTP, HTTP, POP3             
What name do you wish?

Perilous Realms MUD - revision PR3.001.456 (cassie)
(Enter new to create a new account or ? for help.)

** As of May 12th, 2009 there has been a complete Player wipe **
** Immortals please contact Percival for information on how   **
** to have your immortal re-instated.                         **


Welcome to PernMUSH (NC)!

PernMUSH is a themed roleplaying MUSH based on the _Dragonriders of Pern_
novels by Anne McCaffrey. Here, we attempt to recreate, with as much
authenticity as possible, the society described in the novels. Those who
lack an interest in the world of Pern, or in roleplaying in a cooperative
environment, may wish to seek their entertainment elsewhere.

Use create <name> <password> to create a new character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use connect guest guest if you'd just like to look around.
Use QUIT to logout.
Use WHO to find out who is online currently.

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

              , __                 _                     _
             /|/  \               (_|   |   |_/         | |    |
              |___/ _   ,_    _  _  |   |   | __   ,_   | |  __|
              |    |/  /  |  / |/ | |   |   |/  \_/  |  |/  /  |
              |    |__/   |_/  |  |_/\_/ \_/ \__/    |_/|__/\_/|_/
 PernWorld is based on Anne McCaffrey's world of Pern, in the time after the
end of Threadfall for all time. It is a world of discovery, imagination and
a positive future for all. Cooperative roleplay is encouraged. If you are 
seeking a non-roleplaying forum or are not interested in the Dragonriders of
Pern (tm), then you are invited to look somewhere else, since you might not 
find this place suitable. 
See our home page at
For people wanting to see graphics and hear sound, Pueblo software may be
found at 
Dragonriders of Pern (tm) is a creation of Anne McCaffrey - copyright 1967,
1997 (All rights reserved)
Disclaimer: All Commands and Communications on this mush may be subject to 
Logging for debugging and security reasons. 'See news rules for more'
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a Guest character. 
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

                   .:::''`.,  nnr  , nn,,,,.``_`'::::::::
                   ::' ,n=",dMP",n', MMPMP"4b,`"nx.`::::::
                   `.nMMb.nMM.nP",nP JMB4Mn 4MMn MMb.`::::
                  .dMMMMMMMMMMLuMMP  )ML 4ML 4MMMMMMMb.`::
                 .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM"."  "Mb."Mx`4MMMMMMMM.`:
                 MMMMMP"P4MMMMM"""" .dc`Mb "Mn 4MMMMMMMM.
                uMMM" .,xnMMMP  .r d$$$.`M .`4b."MMMM."T"
          .. .,nMMMMnMMP"""" . ,".d$$$$$ P ?b`.`.`MMMML +.
        .dMMMM"  "3M",, .";===   $$$$$$$c    `b-`.)MMMMb Mr
        P ..,/ ,xP" nP -"        $$$$$$P?  ..    >`"MMMP.MM
       '.dMP".nP".nP"  .. `?.    J$$$$$h. "L.       MM L`4M
       uMMMMMP x "   .d$$$cd$$L,,$$$$$$$$$cc,.z ; d MM .,dMB
     ,J" '"" ,P    xL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$r  Mr4MMP"MMB
   ,df'      Mn' ,`$F $$$$$$$$$$$ ???$P?$$$$$$$L dMB4MP d"P
 ,pP"    ,xnMM" $".`` $$$$$$$$$$$h.  ' ,z$$$$$$$ MM '" MM
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      -4MM ,c$F)." xP =."$$$$$$$"'     "?$$$$$$$$" nMM ">
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  .=      -$$$P'  ?")" . / "?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" ./ dP,P"...
               ,n. '  d" \ -.`?$$$$$$$$$$$$P"  ."./ x" <CCCCCC>,.
             ,==",= nMB      . ."???$$P"""  ...$ d x" <CCCCCCCCCC
           nL  =" uMMMbn`      $$ccc,    .`" ,c$$ dP  )CCCCCCCCCCC.
      .-- ,"> .nMMMMMMMM  ,    $$$$$hc"" ... =$"  M. ,CCCCCCCCCCCCCC.
   ,n.nmdP  ,dMMMMMM"'' -'',  .$$$$$$$$$$$P ,cF.> M .CC'CCCCCCCCCCCCC
 ,dMPP"'.,uMMP""" '".,<CCCC>. ?$$$$$$$..    c".<>'M <>  `C()CCC; ..,,
 "    .MMMMMP'   .<CCCCCCCCCC>.""$$$$$$$h=- F.CC';;.`..' `.)C.`C,`'<C
     .MMMP"    .<CCCCCCCCCC(--,C,.""??$$$-" ,CC'>- ' C>  , CCC>.`C;,,,.
     MMP"      <CCCCCCCCCCCC;--;CCCC,.."" .<C> , ,/ -\>  C CCCC>.`<CCCC,
     P"       ,CCCCCCCCCCCCC;;CCCCCCCCCC,,CCC / ,C / <>  ) CCCC>' `)CCCC
   ='         <CCCCC'`<CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC> -.<> ,(''    <CC>- .-CCCCCC
              CCCCCC> `CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC'  ,C>          =\   ..<CCCCCC>

Welcome to The Persistence Of Memory -- running TinyMUSH
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest guest "  connects you to our guest character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

            T~~     |'| T~~
        T~~ |    T~ WWWW|
        |  /"\   |  |  |/\T~~
       /"\ WWW  /"\ |' |WW|     __        __   _
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      |   /__\/]WWW[\/__\WWWW    \ \ /\ / / _ \ |/ __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \
      |"  WWWW'|I_I|'WWWW'  |     \ `  ` /  __/ | (_| (_) | | | | | |  __/
      |   |' |/     \|' |'  |      \_/\_/ \___|_|\___\___/|_| |_| |_|\___|
      |'  |  |       |' |   |                   | |_ ___
      |   |' | |[_]| |  |'  |                   | __/ _ \
      |   |  |_|###|_|  |   |                   | || (_) |
      '---'--'-/___\-'--'---'                    \__\___/
   ____  _                 _                __        __         _     _
  |  _ \| |__   __ _ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___ _   \ \      / /__  _ __| | __| |
  | |_) | '_ \ / _` | '_ \| __/ _` / __| | | \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` |
  |  __/| | | | (_| | | | | || (_| \__ \ |_| |\ `  ` / (_) | |  | | (_| |
  |_|   |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__\__,_|___/\__, | \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_|
     A far-off land in the not so distant past, there was a futuristic society
   called PhantasyWorld. This strange and wonderful land is haunted by
demons and dragons, but is protected by knights, wizards and dwarven magic.
Come and explore these lands, and stay as you will - but beware, the forces of
    magic are strong here, and you may feel the desire to stay forever.

             Hotmail addresses and alike will only be accepted
                   if the user is known to the Wizards...

       Co Guest to connect with a guest-character.
       Co <player> <password> to connect with an existing player.

Once connected:
    @request <playername> for <email-address> to request a player.
       @edit-o +local to set your editor to your client

  NOTICE FOR ALL: The citizens of PhantasyWorld request that you ask for
  permission from all direct participants before quoting or pasting any
  material collected here. The maintainers of this MOO are not responsible
  for things said or done by others online.
            *** The wizards reserve the right to deny access ***

               +++ We need builders/coders - apply within +++
The lag is approximately 1 second; there are 3 connected.

          @@@@@@@   @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@    @@@@@@   @@@@@@@
          @@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@
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          @@!  @@@  @@!  @@@  @@!  @@!  @@@  @@!  @@@  @@!  @@@
          @!@@!@!   @!@!@!@!  !!@  @!@  !@!  @!@!@!@!  @!@!!@!
          @!@@!@!   @!@!@!@!  !!@  @!@  !@!  @!@!@!@!  @!@!!@!
          @!@@!@!   @!@!@!@!  !!@  @!@  !@!  @!@!@!@!  @!@!!@!
          :!:       :!:  !:!  :!:  :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!
          ::       ::   :::   ::   :::: ::  ::   :::  ::   :::
          :         :   : :  :    :: :  :    :   : :   :   : :

        SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider -
 Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  Original DikuMUD code by:
  Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer                       

Enter your character's name, or type new:

 88,888. 88                                                               
 88   88 88                                                             /
 88   88 88                                             \             / /
 88   88 88                                              \\\' ,      / //
 88.  88 88,88. ,8888. ,8888. 88,88. 88 `88  88'          \\\//    _/ //'
 88`88'  88  88 88'`88 88  88 88  88 88  `8\/8'            \_-//' /  //<'
 88      88  88 88  88 8888'  88  88 88   `88               \ ///  <//'  
 88      88  88 88.,88 88     88  88 88  ,8/\8.             /  >>   \\\` 
 88      88  88 `8888' `8888' 88  88 88 ,88  88. (c) 1996   /,)-^>>  _\`  
                                                           (/   \\ / \\\ 
              M        U       D                                //  //\\\
                                                               ((  ((   \\ 
       VERSION 4.0   

                Brought to you by:                
            Aleksandr, Cymynedd, Masque           
   Phoenix mud is made possible by Inetsolve      
           Based on DikuMUD, created by           
       Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,       
Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer 

Please waite dost thou wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

     (     ))     /    |>>>     (( ( (   ))))        Enter    /       
     ((      ) ) /\   /^\         ((    )))           the   _/\       
       ( ( ) )) / /\ /___\         (( )))            Realm /   \      
               /\  / |   |          (())           _  o f      /      
              /  ___ | '_|_         / ||\         |_)         /\__    
      /\      \  | |_|__| |        /  || \        |  IXIEMUD /  \ \   
     /  \        | ' ' '  |       /  /\\  `~\              _/\  /  \  
    /   /`~\     | ' /\ ' |      /  /  ||'   \            /  /  \     
   /   /^\  \  /~~~' --   '\  /~'      ||     `~~\        \  \  /     
  /          \/   /     `\  \/ /  /  '/  \     \  \           \       
/~         \ /               \       / /^\\        \          /       
    /~     /~~~'/  ~\         \ /   / /___\\        \/\    /^\        
          /            /'      \    |      | \   ~   \ \/~'   \       
 `      /~                      \    \    /           \/   \   \      
   /   /     /   ~               \   /   /   /'       /         \     
      /     /           `     |   \ /   /         \  /           `~\  
\  /~'         /^\             \   \\/^\\           /     /~'       \ 
 \/          ~    \       \         /   `~~\     /~'            \    \
  \        /          `\                 \  \   /       /        \    
   \      /        \              /    /     \ /     /'~         \    
____\_              `~\ _n_ \/ _u_            \                   \   
_____ \______           `B'=/\='R;         .                          
     \____   \.         /^>    <^\  .                                      
          \   \         ` `    ' ' 
PixieMud is currently running : 3.3.719.

You have arrived at the borders of the sovereign realm of PixieMud, a
realm of fantasy and magic.  A pair of hulking guards are here
checking everyone's credentials.

Please give us your name, or ask to see the list. (list, <name> or quit) :

Welcome to: ____       _         
           |  _ \ ___ | | _____ _ __ ___   ___  _ __  
           | |_) / _ \| |/ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ 
           |  __/ (_) |   <  __/ | | | | | (_) | | | |
        _  |_|  _\___/|_|\_\___|_|_|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|
       / \   __| |_   _____ _ __ | |_ _   _ _ __ ___  ___ 
      / _ \ / _` \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __| | | | '__/ _ \/ __|
     / ___ \ (_| |\ V /  __/ | | | |_| |_| | | |  __/\__ \  Pokemon Adventures
    /_/   \_\__,_| \_/ \___|_| |_|\__|\__,_|_|  \___||___/         Beta v0.9.5
|   Welcome to the initial beta of Pokemon Adventures. A roleplay focused    |
|               MUSH built around the canon Pokemon universe.                |
|                  Join us, both Trainer and Pokemon alike!                  |
|          To join, just enter 'register <character_name> <email>'           |
|           To login, enter 'connect <character_name> <password>'            |
|          To simply check us out as a guest, enter 'connect Guest'          |
|             Please check out our website for more information.             |
             \ Registered Players > Trainers: 52 | Pokemon: 27 /              
                           \ Connected Players: 4 /                   

                            _         |/                                   
                           | |      ___                                   
          ______           | | _  .' _ '.    _______                      
          \   _ '.   ___   | |/ / | |_//_  .' _   _ '.   ___              
           | |_| | .' _ '. |   <  '._____| | / | | \ | .' _ '.  ___       
           |  __.' | |_| | |_|\_\     ___  |_| |_| |_| | |_| | |   '.
           | |     '.___.'          .'   '.            '.___.' | |'. |
           |_|                     /   _   \                   |_| |_|
               ______              \       /          _          
               |  _  \              '.___.'          | |         
               | | | |  _   _   _ __     __ _   ___  | |_   _   _ 
               | | | | | | | | | '_ \   / _` | / __| | __| | | | |
               | |/ /  | |_| | | | | | | (_| | \__ \ | |_  | |_| |
               |___/    \__, | |_| |_|  \__,_| |___/  \__|  \__, |
                         __/ |                               __/ |
                        |___/                               |___/ 
 /                                                                            \ 
 | 2069              Version 3 in the Pokemon X Series | 
 |   connect <name> <password>          --  To connect to your character      |
 |   connect guest                      --  To log on as a guest              |
 |   WHO                                --  To see who's around               |
 |   QUIT                               --  To quit, duh                      |
 |                                                                            |
 |   request <name>=<password>=<email>  --  To make a new character           |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Warning:  Adult content.  You must be at the age of accountability of    |
 |   your state to enter.  If your not, please type QUIT, and log out now.    |
 |                                                                            |
27 players on right now.  Log on and become another one!

Welcome to Powermud v2.4.5+
            ()    /\                                              (*)
            ||  _/ \\                                              X
          __||_/`   \\                                             X
         /          ||                                           __X__
        <_          ||                                          / ___ \
          \         ||                                         |_/|v|\_|
           ]   ___  //                                            |||
           \__/   \//                                             |||
            ||     V                                              |||
            ||                                                    |||
            ||    ____ __    __ ___. .__      _    _              |||
            ||   |    |\ \/\/ /| []|||[]|    / \  / \             |||
            ||   | [] | \    / | __ ||\\    /   \/   \            |||
            ||   |____|  \/\/  |___||| \\  /          \           |||
            ||                            /  /\    /|  |          |||
     Boss  : Sassman (  /  \__/ |  |          |||
     Admin : Viper                      /  /        |  |          |||
            ||                         /  /         |  |      ___ |||
            ||                        /  /          |  ||| |||   \|||
            ||                       /  /           |  |||_|||[]  |||
            ||                      /__/  (By Link) |__||___||___/\|/
            ()                                                     V
   (Version: 03.02@304)

There are currently 3 users logged on.

Please use the name 'guest' to look around.

What is your user name? (Or 'who', 'exit' or '#<character name>') :

                   _,.       ,               ,       .,_
                ,-` _ \  _,-` \   _,...,_   / `-._  / _ `-.
             ,-`_,-` \ ,' _,-\ :-`_,,.,,_`-: /-._ `, / `-._`-.
          ,-`_,'     ,` ,'   ,` ,':., ,.:`, `,   `. `.     `._`-.
        ,` ,'       / ,`.'-./ ,``-.,_`_,.-``, \.-'.`. \       `. `.
      ,`  `````````` /   '-.,/       `       \,.-'   \ ``````````  `.
     ````````````````                                 ````````````````
         ___     _            _   ___           _                  
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        |  _/ '_| | '  \/ _` | | | |) / _` | '_| / / ' \/ -_|_-<_-<
        |_| |_| |_|_|_|_\__,_|_| |___/\__,_|_| |_\_\_||_\___/__/__/
     ................                                 ................
      `.  .......... \   ,-'`\      _._      /`'-,   / ..........  .'
        `. `._      \ `.',-'\ `..-'`   `'-..` /'-,'.' /      _.' .'
          `-. `._    `. `._  `. `.;'```';.` .`  _.' .'    _.' .-'
             `-. `-._/ `._ `-/ :-._``'``_.-: \-' _.` \_.-' .-'
                `-._  /   `-, /    `'''`    \ ,-'   \  _.-'
                    `'       `               '       '`
             Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Primal Darkness Productions.
                  There are currently 4 people in the realm.
             Driver: MudOS v22.2b14      Mudlib: PD/NM v2.0/3.0

What name do you wish?

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
Welcome to Prodigy Academy/Disharmonia MUCK

Go to for information on how to join!

connect <user> <password> to log in
connect <guest> <guest> to log in as a guest
WHO to see who's online
QUIT to disconnect

Do you want ansi color? (y/n)

Twilight falls...

                                              The Project Awakens...
  .  .  .    .  .     .   . .  .  .  . .   . .  . .   .    .  . .  .
 . . . .  . . .  . .  . .  . .. .  .. . . . . ..  .  . . .  .. .  ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..|------|. ... ... ... ... ... ... .
..... ..... |-----|.... ..... ....|      |..... ..... ..... ..... ...
|---|.|-----|     |..... ..... ...|      |....... ..... ..... ..... .
|   |.|     |     |------|.....|------|  |........  ..... ..... .....
|   |-----| |     |     |--------|    |  |....... ..... ..... ..... .
|   |     | |     |     |        |    |-------|...... ...... ........
|   |     | |     |     |        |    |       |.... ...... ...... ...

       Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
       Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
       Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
         ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
       Project Twilight is a production of:

             The Children's Mud-O-Vision Workshop
       The World of Darkness and All related concepts are
              copyrights of White-Wolf Studios.
Project Twilight.

Please enter Agent Name:

             :=..    t:
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         ;X  t+=+=;;i;=iItt+V
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 I;:. .  :+:YI;R..=;;=i+titIVItIYVYYYXVX=+:.....;;+t=+::=

Welcome to Promage (build 1.0.526)
Visit us at

By what name do you wish to be known:

                                    ) (
                       _________   (___)
                  __.-'         '---|=|
            ._.--'                  | |
            ;                       | |      __.--'--.
            |          __.__        | |__.--'        |
            ;     _.-='    _':-.____|=|              ;
            |  .-'    '---'________ | | ________     |
            ; .'          / .----. \| |/ .----. \    \
            |.'          / /      \ \ / /      \ \.-._'\.
             \          / /        \.\ /__.--'' \ \   \-.:.
              '--._     | |     __.-\/\         | |    ;   ;
                   ''-._\ \..-'' _./ \ \._      / /     >  |
                         \ \  o\\ / / \ \ //o  / /     ;   ;
                          \ o'--\\ /   \ //--'o /     ;    |
                          o'-----\\     //-----'o    .'    ;
                         o        \\   //        o  .'    .'
                        o          \\_//          o.'    .' 
                        o          / _ \        _.o     .'
                        o=========( |_| )=========o    .'
              _.--'-.--.o__.__.__.-\___/          o   .'
            .'          o          //|\\          o  .' 
            |            o        // | \\        o .'
            '.            o      //  |  \\    . o-'
             |             'o   //   |   \\--'o'
              ;           __.'o// __.|.--'\\o'
               \   __..--'      '-...|...-'
                ';/\        __.____.| |..__.-._
                  \ '--.--'' ___.__.| |.._____ \
                   \   __.-''___.__.| |..__  / /
                    '. \_.-'' ___._.| |.__ \ |/
                     '._ _.-''      | |  / / '
                        '           | |  |/
                    *Shivani*       |_|  '
Prophecies of the Pattern - A WoT MUD
Administration by Bellas
Code by Bellas, Ryghen
Maintained by Cierin, Pacis, Makhael Enztia

Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor

A voice whispers, 'Who stands before the gates?'


      *      (*)  
     ###      |   /%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\
     ###      |   \________________________________________________/
      *      (*)

               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor, this
               code has been further enhanced by Kyler and Mical.
               And then by Belgarion, Belgarath, Kyler and Grodeg.
               Continuing features in progress by Naradas and Kheldar.

Remember that it's forbidden to use a name from any of Eddings' books!

By what name do you wish to be known?

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
 :::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::  Players: type "connect <player> <password>"
 :::.:::::.:::::.:::::.:::::.:::  New Chars: type "create <player> <password>"
 :::::                     :::::
 :::::  P u z z l e B o x  :::::
 :::::                     :::::  For Functions: type "FUNCTIONS"
 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  For Help: type "helpstaff"
 :::::                     :::::
 :::::  :::::  Who is On: type "WHO"
 :::::                     :::::
 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  Leave: type "QUIT"

 Leela: Well, someone's in a good mode.
_____________  ___  /___  /______________  _______ _______________ 
___  __ \_  / / /  __/_  __ \  __ \_  __ \ __  __ `__ \  __ \  __ \
__  /_/ /  /_/ // /_ _  / / / /_/ /  / / / _  / / / / / /_/ / /_/ /
_  .___/_\__, / \__/ /_/ /_/\____//_/ /_/  /_/ /_/ /_/\____/\____/ 
/_/     /____/                              Join the community  

& telnet://

Owner/Chief Wiz   :: Moth (#2/#13)
Wizards           :: Fennec (#747/#373)
                  :: Zahra (#828/#228)
  ::*Epitaph (#152/#172)
Assistant Wizards :: Kamahl (#1791/#968)
Graduates         ::*Veneficus (#554)
                  :: Edgemaster (#142)

PythonMOO is unable to interpret the python programming language.

Welcome to PythonMOO. Following commands are available:
 connect username password  :: login with your account.
 who                        :: see who is currently online.
 uptime                     :: see the server's uptime.

First time users please type: connect guest

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sun Aug 16 19:35:35 GMT 2009 So_o2 1