My Workspace: now 500% more Trainwreckier!

kirkjerk's picture

Here's the home office my GF and I share... today I found some appropriate art at Boston's "SoWa" outdoor market...

Are you envious? I think you should be!

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SpindleyQ's picture

The word "hyperjealousy"

The word "hyperjealousy" doesn't begin to describe it.

You mentioned on your blog that Wikipedia now claims that this particular trainwreck inspired the surrealism movement[citation needed]. I can assure you that I chose that particular image because it was the coolest-looking thing that came up when I google-image-searched "trainwreck" three years ago, but I'm delighted to discover that it was a fitting choice, and that the event has been inspiring art for some time.

Danni's picture

My new Trainwrecks partition

My new Trainwrecks partition on my hard drive is named after Montparnasse. Except it was too long, so it just came out as MONTPARNASS.
