deviant art people are lacking the lulz

markp0rter's picture

so some of you might have seen that I have made a game using TWO random pictures I have found on the front page of deviant art. to be honest those pictures sucked dick and weren't art at all so it impresses me people are so uptight about their "work".

I've linked the people to my game. READ their thoughts:

seriously why are you so uptight, folks? snapping ugly pictures isn't what I would consider "art" you can be bitchy about geez. get your head out of your ass.

sergiocornaga's picture

They have a point.

They have a point.

Radix's picture

What were you expecting from

What were you expecting from deviantart? Please tell me this was an attempt at "trolling" them.
Appropriating shit is fine* but if you're rubbing their faces in it this is what you should've expected.

leilei's picture

take an

take an inspiration

Drake & Josh at a Volcano

the actual picture wasn't used

dessgeega's picture

take an inspiration like

take an inspiration like drake & josh at a volcano

and jump into a fucking volcano

Radix's picture

We rip shit of GIS all the

We rip shit of GIS all the time, this isn't really any different besides trying to upset the DA kids, which was wasn't called for (I think this point's been made). Artistic appropriation and parody help make up a lot of klikwrecks but the line is when it stops being all in fun.

SpindleyQ's picture

Dude, antagonizing other

Dude, antagonizing other communities is NOT what Glorious Trainwrecks is about. Saying "Hey I took your work without asking" in a community of people who take their work seriously is not going to make those people happy, regardless of how you feel about the quality of that work.

Neither person whose work you used treated you badly; they simply asked nicely that you ask before you use. Clearly that's the community expectation there, and it's not an unreasonable one. You have no right to violate that expectation and then laugh at them for being 'uptight'. That's like someone coming here and saying "Your games are shit, you shouldn't make them" and then laughing at the response THEY'D get (which would almost certainly be more forceful than what you got). It's a thoughtless thing to do.

The woman asked nicely to take the horse game down. Please change the artwork or take the game off this site.

Zecks's picture

my 2 cents

while I do think that someone getting pissed off about their picture of an iron being used by someone else is funny, and will probably become a huge piss offer myself in the future (though mostly just through being honest), pissing off people just for the sake of pissing off people probably isn't the way to go.


dessgeega's picture

glorious trainwrecks is

glorious trainwrecks is about encouraging a world where people feel excited about putting their shit out there regardless of any outside standard of quality. you are not encouraging that world. kindly fuck off.

Zecks's picture

lets see if i can word this correctly

you shouldn't be that harsh either. he's a good trainwrecker. if i was me three years ago i could do something like this seeing what i was up to on the internet at the time.

but yeah here's some rules to go with from now on:

1. try not to use stuff from "art sites"
2. if you do, don't tell them (i'm pretty sure both of my mozart 5 bg rips were from devart)

i mean, i don't practically give a fuck about intranet drama, and this didn't even qualify as drama until you posted it here, but as i said, it's best to not cause any of it at all unless you have a reason for it. it'll either get to you eventually (kinda rare and tends to happen more to introvert fuckshits like me), or get to others that will get it to you (as seen here.)

basically just try to be friendly and shit. i've already posted a couple times about my indiehatred and here i still am not being an ass.

sergiocornaga's picture

This one comment seems more

This one comment seems more antagonistic and unwelcoming to me than anything markp0rter has ever done.
