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collaboration with my eight year old cousin
arrow keys
to move

on the tiny tim music room thing with the rainbow, press the v key.

Made For: 



I really enjoyed the surprise I felt when I was in the room with the water and pirate ship. I was walking around and realized, "Oh, I'm going fishing!"

I think it's a great idea to introduce folks to game-making as young as possible. This game is a nice start... Hope your nephew enjoyed it!

nephew ? cousin !! she is an

nephew ? cousin !! she is an eight year old that made the buddha statue, the werewolves and the dogs. i showed her some programming basics in gamemaker such as the movement and how to play audio. glad to hear that you enjoyed it ^______________^


My bad. I'm hanging out with my nephews this holiday, and I suppose I had them on the brain...

heh...no problem dude !!

heh...no problem dude !!

ihavefivehat's picture


your nephew's cousin is really off to a great start in life. The sound track was great and I loved picking up the puppies. Also cool how the end screen slowly scrolled into view.

my nephew' s cousin ? it' s

my nephew' s cousin ? it' s just my eight year old cousin that happens to be the tester of my games. she was interested in making a game with me.

also, thanks !!!

also, thanks !!!