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mzo's picture


I invented Doom, maybe you've heard of it?

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Pirate Kart 2
Kitaru's picture

Stop Shooting Yourself


I was going to make some sort of shmup tower defense thing where you place towers/options/multiples around the screen and try to avoid being killed by waves of enemies without having weapons on the player "ship" itself, but then I didn't feel like making waves of enemies and noticed that I had already basically made potential obstacles in making the towers.

The red bar draining at the top indicates when the next tower will spawn. When it empties, a new tower is placed at your current position. After another few seconds, the tower goes into "active" mode. Once active, the tower fires bullets at a set rate. Survive for as long as possible and set that high score!

Arrows - move
Shift - slow movement speed

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lilith-rusalka's picture

Mormon Temple

Game File: 

took forever to get this uploaded but i finished it (close) to the time limit.

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Made For: 
An event

Ghostie Goes To School


Ghostie Goes To School is the story of an innocent young Ghostie facing the challenges of school life and growing up.

Controls: Arrow Keys

Made For: 
An event
TheCakeFlavor's picture


Game File: 

running instructions: extract zip and then run draculoid.exe
if you've got one of those not-windows, install python and run main.py
edit options.ini for graphics purposes
highscores are stored in savegame.pickle
esc to close

babycastles friends: please take care to follow instructions on bcepistolary.pdf
the rest is up to you

the first comment below will probably be someone telling me it doesn't work
I'll fix whatever problems there are in the morning.
(you don't have to tell me the date on the pdf is wrong)

update: if the other download doesn't work, there's a file attached below that should work good. In that one, just run the exe.
Also, the full screen doesn't really work too good. I'll patch it if there's interest, but y'know.

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An event
Draculoid-0.1-win.zip51.79 MB
TheCube's picture

This game just appeared fully formed on my screen and proceeded to unmake itself

Game File: 

Luckily, I managed to save a version of it before it completely disappeared.

It seems that this game is based on a future version of Klik n Play that runs entirely on Tachyons which, according to theory, actually move backwards through time. What this means is that the game was made some unknown point in the future but does not go through time in the normal way, or a way that we can even understand.

It also means that it fits the deadline criteria, since it actually existed DURING the competition, even though it was made afterwards.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
penguin's picture

⚾︎ (tennis ball NOT baseball)

Wed, May 01 2019 04:19 PM
05/01/2019 - 16:19
11/01/2019 - 16:19

update: EVENT BEGIN!!
altogether 10 people signed up which makes 5 beautiful pairs and thus 5 beautiful games, in time.
For the 4 people who didn't explicitly choose a collaborator i couldn't see any obvious matches so i chose randomly, i hope that's ok. so we have:

sergio <----?-----> nilson
mr.a <----?-----> let-off studios
sylvie <----------> thesycophant
everythingstaken <----------> mno
karen <----------> jacqueline

Have fun and good luck!
If anyone missed the start date you are still very welcome to take part, just leave a comment.


Original description:
it is very similar to tennis, except instead of enemies you are friends and instead of a ball you use a game or game-adjacent object.

in more detail:
1. find a collaborator (*)
2. with your collaborator decide on a format (flickgame, bitsy, unity project, polystyrene, etc). Discuss time constraints (**), boundaries (***) or any adjustments to the default rules that you would like to have in place.
3. decide who will make the first turn. this can be by coin toss, duel, or more imaginative procedure
4. someone makes the first turn.
5. other person makes some modifications (****) to these files and sends them back. Don't talk about what you've done!
6. repeat this back-and-forth until you both decide the game is finished or a predetermined time-limit is reached.
7. put the game on glorioustrainwrecks.com so that we can play it :)

(*) Easiest way to do find a collaborator is to post a comment on this event. Maybe mention what kind of tools or formats you would be interested in working with. If you have strong preferences about duration of turns or the overall process, or about anything else, mention that too. I will try to assign pairings based on tools/preferences, or randomly otherwise. Also feel free to figure out your own pairing or sign up with somebody you already know.

(**) Let's say as a default, each turn should be about 1-2 weeks, and the overall time limit is 6 months.
Feel free to disregard these limits and choose your own. If you want to do the whole game in a lightning week of overnight turns, go for it. Multi-generational familial collaborations spanning centuries are also permissible. You should figure out what works for the two of you before beginning.

(***) Probably best to avoid anything illegal, explicitly sexual, or otherwise confronting, unless you are both ok with it. You are strongly encouraged to discuss beforehand what kind of content you are or aren't comfortable with. And obviously when sharing on GT or elsewhere be mindful of your audience.

(****) in my mind this modification can be anything you choose - add things, delete things, arrange things as you like. deleting the entire project is fair game if you feel it is right. but - if you don't agree with me on this, figure out constraints with your collaborator before you begin.

in my opinion it's best to avoid discussing the changes you are making. Try to communicate through the changes you make instead.
Technical questions ('how do i open this type of file?' etc) are good and encouraged.

For sending the project folder back and forth, just zipping it up and sending over email has worked for me in the past. Or use google drive or github if you're into that kind of thing. Should be even easier with flickgame and other web-based tools.

very importantly please be kind and respectful to one another!!

Games made for ⚾︎ (tennis ball NOT baseball)

Healy's picture

You are a Blob! (a SoftSoft Twine game)

Game File: 

This year I decided to enter Ectocomp, a yearly Halloween competition hosted by someone in the IF community (yes, I know this overlaps with the IF Comp, I dunno either). You can read more about it here. I downloaded Twine and everything just for it too.

You are a Blob actually wasn't my first game idea (a choice-based adaption of "Jacked Up Jack-o-Lantern" from the Regular Show Trilogy of Terror 3), but an eight-year-old was getting cold feet about entering, so I vowed to make a game so crappy it would make everyone else's game shine like gold! Which turned out to be no small feat, because everyone and their mother entered a game (or two) this year, for a grand total of 24 entries. But I think I gave it a good run.

If you like this game, please consider downloading (and judging!) the whole set. You can play most of these games through an interpreter like Gargoyle.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
TheCakeFlavor's picture

Build your Home

Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

This description was originally intended for ludum dare audiences. It is hosted here for completeness and for because I don't have a file host.

A tribute to juliette's destroy your home. Join the community over at glorioustrainwrecks.com

The game:
in this game you have a lot of bricks and a slingshot and an empty field. you must use your expert slingshot skills to build a home for you to live in. click to equip the brick, click again to launch the brick, and once a brick has landed you can click again to equip a new brick. When the bricks go vertically off the screen, the vertical coordinate is negative. That's because this is a "vi deo game".

On Windows, you have to click start.bat in order to start the game.
On Linux, you need to run the executable yourHome.
If you're running from source, use either python 2 or 3, the game has been tested on both.

Also there's no sound in this game, I know.

The development:
I started making this game 24 hours before the deadline so it's more of a tech demo than anything. I can make games very quickly usually, but I had problems with compiling this time because of an obscure bug.
Note to pygame developers: the documentation says you can use None in a font object and the game will just use a default font. This causes issues with pyInstaller and pyg and gives all sorts of weird undiagnosable bugs. Just bundle a font with your game and call it a day.

Other notes: it turns out building a projectile motion engine is not easy. I got lost in negative signs and trig functions for a while. Probably my code is not a good reference if you want to build your own.

Assets and Credits:
I made the slingshot and the brick using openscad, and you can find my openscad files bundled into the game directory for your convenience. Openscad really clicks with me as a way to make 3d models without remembering a million keyboard shortcuts.

The background is an image by Scott Webb from pexels.com that I ran a lot of Gnu IMP filters on. The license for the image says I don't have to do any attribution but I figure I might as well mention that it's not mine.

FreeSansBold is a part of the GNU Freefont project. If my use of it makes my work licensed under the GPL, then it is. If my use of it does not make my work licensed under the GPL, then it isn't licensed under the GPL. Here's a link for that, in case I have to put a link somewhere: https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0

Pygame is a library by which I can make games in python. The way it's structured makes a lot of sense to me but does make developing in it a bit harder. To see what I mean, my source code is in every download as "yourHome.py".

pyg.exe is this magic file where I can use it to run python on windows without making anyone install anything or using pyInstaller. It's made by Radomir Dopieralski and I really want to shake this guy's hand in person for saving me hours of my life. This magic spell and pygame itself is licensed under the LGPL, so maybe that applies too?
Licensing is a nightmare.

Fotocopiadora helped me test this game and makes really cool games like mouse sector. Find them at @cometbook on twitter and https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/user/10891 on glorious trainwrecks.

I made this game. You can find me everywhere as thecakeflavor or other names like that.
through this link you can find other video games I made. Some of them took me even less time to make than this game! (But a lot of them took me significantly longer amounts of time)

Made For: 
An event
nobodynat's picture



Simple bullet hell shooter
Made using GameMaker 8.1 lite
Done in under 2 hours

Nathanael Yau
Made For: 
An event
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