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I haven't forgotten about you!

I've just been busy. I'll get back to making trainwrecks soon.

Now that I've delivered my message, this thread is about cake.

.KKliker's picture


...is a game in which you click things. Click here to play

Get it while it's hot.

Dak Dak Buffet Challenge

Game File: 

Eat the food as fast as possible by pressing the appropriate buttons!
Z - Meat/Egg
X - Vegetable
C - Sweets

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An event
spiders's picture



This is an RPG Maker 2k3 chaingame map made over a duration of about a month by krisekrise and me. Starting from a blank map we tried to recreate the entire map of the original Pokémon Red/Blu (Kanto) from memory.

I don't know why we did this. It is not humanly possible to understand it. But what might be even more scary is how eerily accurate our map turned out compared to the actual thing. Have a look for yourself.


* No one was allowed to look at any Pokémon-related stuff during the month of making this: So no maps, images, Pokéwiki, playthrough videos etc. Especially not from the first-gen games. (Both of use hadn't played the games in a long time)
* We took turns during mapping where each of us would create one route or city or some other landmark and then send the map to the other person to continue.
* Only use the default RPG Maker overworld tileset and RTP assets

The title screen graphic was made by asking an AI image generator what it thinks a Pokémon gameboy box cover would look like.
Background midis were collected from various RPG Maker projects lying around.

If you want to compare while playing, here is the original map for reference: https://external-preview.redd.it/ZKQ9FyiXRBX5abm6omYKuT6zTWX9jbxiQ1YH6exWssw.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=00bbfea0fc0b1584906ac46e6013e837dc1bd612

Feel free to use our ruleset to expand this map (anyone want to add Johto?) or recreate some other game overworld.

spiders & krisekrise
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Zecks's picture

A Man, a tree.

Game File: 

you are out for a walk in the park...
but whats your goal?

jump with shift, bananas are not allowed

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HathL's picture

blade runner, blade runner sequels, blade runner prequels, ridley scott

Prequels and sequels to Blade Runner might be created

How can prequels and sequels to the 1982 film “Blade Runner” sound, sci-fi enthusiasts? Production company Alcon Entertainment is working out a deal with Warner Bros. for franchise rights. Those who care about the sanctity of such classic works of fiction are up in arms over this typical expression of Hollywood's lack of originality.

How about 'Blade Runner' sequels? Will there be a 'more human than human' part in them?

Philip K. Dick’s novel from 1968 called “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” is what the Ridley Scott movie “Blade Runner” is based off of. It's about a “blade runner” police officer that has to kill superhuman clones with the name replicants. The police officer, named Rick Deckard, is played by Harrison Ford. Themes ranging from the ethical implications of genetic engineering to the oppressive paranoia inherent in a police state where corporate power is omnipresent prompt the viewer to question the very nature of what it means to be human.

As numerous film critics have stated, “Blade Runner” is one of probably the most literate and complex science-fiction films ever made. The London Telegraph states the Library of Congress put the movie in the U.S. National Film Registry. In 1993 it was honored with this.

Enter Alcon Entertainment, and let the cloning start

The original “Blade Runner” can be honored by Alcon Entertainment in accordance with a statement the company has created. Still, several worry over it. Looking at Alcon's track record, for every film like 2009's “The Blind Side,” for which Sandra Bullock won the Best Actress Oscar, there are multiple less-than-successful ventures like “Dude, Where's My Car” (2000), “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” (2005) and the 2008 action-thriller “Eagle Eye,” which starred Shia LaBeouf.

The 27 percent Rotten Tomatoes rating for “Eagle Eye” is not what makes it so interesting. It's interesting since the rumor is that LeBeouf may be playing Rick Deckard who was, about 30 years ago, at first played by Ford. Blogger Rob Bricken of Topless Robot said of the “Blade Runner” prequel and sequel affair:

“Okay, maybe Nazism was overall a worse idea, but making a sequel to an utterly complete science fiction masterpiece has got to be up there. ... And seriously, if this happens, is there any way Shia the Beef is not cast as Deckard? Oh, looks like it's scotch for brunch today.”

[links removed by SpindleyQ]

KristopherWindsor's picture

Make It Rain (Pizza)


The city of Dubai, suffering from legit drought, has asked you to make it rain. Fortunately, you had some extra pizzas to get rid of. Unfortunately, the citizens will always want more, so there is no way to win this game.

Kristopher Windsor
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spiral's picture

Game That Takes Longer To Download Than To Play (gttltdttp)

Game File: 

Game That Takes Longer To Download Than To Play

by Corvin Marie of the Spiral System, 2020

press up or W to move once the race has commenced.

if you are wearing headphones you might want to turn the volume down. there are no jump scares or mean shit like that, but the ending audio gets loud.

graphics are by Clickteam
voice is from F-Zero GX
car sounds are from the Macmillan sample library
audio was produced in Audacity
font used is Tahoma

ps. if your internet connection is really good the title might be in a lie in which case give me your money so I can afford a better ISP

Made For: 
An event
KristopherWindsor's picture


Game File: 

draw string (100, 100), "Jumps! A game with 7 levels", &HFFFFFFFF
draw string (100, 120), "Left and right arrow keys move", &HFFFFFFFF
draw string (100, 132), "When you move, you will teleport to a random tile of equal value", &HFFFFFFFF
draw string (100, 144), "Get to the smiley with as few moves as possible", &HFFFFFFFF
draw string (100, 156), "Press key to start...", &HFFFFFFFF

In summary:
-Press the right arrow key to randomly go to one of the red tiles
-Press the left arrow key to randomly go to one of the blue tiles
-Get to the smiley in as few moves as possible
-Final score is shown after all 7 levels are played; it is 1000 - number of moves

Made For: 
Klik of the Month Klub #33 (Mar 2010)
Blueberry Soft's picture

Water and Rat Dream

Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

A dream with water and rats, no reset key, too many polygons.

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Made For: 
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