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zum's picture

ATTN: SpindleyQ




I made you a birthday game! It is called

I Wish I Were Able To Hold A Cake (In My Tiny Arms)

(use the mouse)

Happy birthday, Jeremy. Hope you have a good one!

wishcake.zip10.01 MB
Pizza Time's picture

He did the Monster Mash

Give the racing game the run-around and put Freestyle Box Wasteland back on the shelf, it's monster time!

Attached is a test version of the fourth idea I had that I am going to be working into an actual game, the third one was going to be a Chu Chu Rocket clone only it was going to be Cock Cock Rocker where you had to guide the rockers into the limos and turn away the screaming fans away but I only could go far as having a single rocker turn ninety degrees when hitting a wall (by, cleverly, changing the angle, which is a device that I should use in more games) as I don't think it's possible to take it further than that or at least my skill level.

See, I want to make a game that could be fun in both single and multiplayer (single player in Cock Cock Rocker would just be a puzzle mode as there is no way I would be able to do multiple AIs using such a basic Klikteam product. Maybe in Multimedia Fusion but not this) and the whole players managing a group of NPCs seemed like a good idea for fast action and laffery so I took the 'herding' mechanism of Chu Chu Rocket and changed it to something that was more direct and that evolved into what we have here. The next step will be either be making the game about herding small objects or eating the most small objects before the timer runs out.

Or maybe just giant Dracula versus giant Wolfman battling whilst small objects run away only to be crushed underfoot whilst you toss buildings and cars at each other until there's only one monster left. That's pretty rhinoceros innit.

That will be the plan for Monster Mash - Gigantic Creature Feature Throwdown.

monmash.zip138.64 KB
Son of a dolphin's picture

phut cat

Game File: 

inspired by everythingstaken's games, just much worse

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Danni's picture

Hosted: El Loco Dumas


My online friend Arf made this thing years ago. I am uploading it here to save for posterity.

I'm not sure if I included the right cncs232.dll version. Oh well.

ElLocoDumas.zip911.12 KB
nilson's picture

the killers

Game File: 

Made in RPGM VXA - just a small game i made this morning

i like JRPG tropes: the idea of impossible foes/battles designed as real but are in fact scripted (to lose) and the idea of hero destiny (the heroes can't lose 'cause that's how the game was written) are common in JRPGs since their inception. i think it's pretty cool when you're playing a JRPG and you think it's a hopeless boss fight but it's just a really hard regular boss fight and you let the boss kill you.

the killers is also informed by the stories 'the killers' & 'a good man is hard to find'

thanks for playing (▰˘◡˘▰)

Nilson Carroll
Made For: 
An event

Infinite Passage


You will never die... BUT WISH YOU WOULD!

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mysteryman's picture

Card Game

card game.png
Game File: 

like pac guy this was going to be part of a minigame arcade thing in a bigger game I was making, but I gave up on it for now. this is like crazy eights if you ever played it but instead of 8 the wild card is 2. also the suits and numbers are a bit different (the numbers are ancient somali runes foiund in caves), it says the numbers underneath so you know. the hat joker guy (there is no joker card) will say random quips so to keep you engaged. this was made in game maker 8

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An event

Broken link the game

i'm a broken link... one day i'll exist and be renamed into something great... until then enjoy this adventure in its full linkbrokennessness. enjoy.

Made For: 
An event

Empty Inside

Game File: 

A journey through one's innerself isn't always a fun one

Made For: 
An event

Work Drinks

Game File: 

short because tired.

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