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ihavefivehat's picture



screen shot is not of the game, this is a knytt stories level. have fun!

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Healy's picture

Tiny Cave: a Twine game by me

tiny cave story map.png

Tiny Cave was originally started for a short Twine jam, in both senses of that phrase. You couldn't use more than 1,000 words, which is why everything's so laconic. Anyway, I didn't even get started on this before the jam-thing ended, so this is mostly for my own benefit than anything else. I hope folks enjoy this!

tiny cave.html417.79 KB
Danni's picture

Meme Status

So he has a mullet. And runs funny. And has this slightly cheesy/disturbing grin on his face. Always. And all he does is jog. That's the only animation he was ever given.

But I must digress. How the hell did the Yellow Jogger become a meme around here anyway?

I actually found the Yellow Jogger humorous before I came here, after having played Arf's game "El Loco Dumas". And when I arrived at Glorious Trainwrecks, it appeared to be an injoke here as well. But I don't understand! It's just a freaking sprite.

Or maybe the Yellow Jogger's grin is starting to make me insane.

fizzhog's picture

As a child I’d play for hours in Nana’s sewing room (for Clyde)

Game File: 

Clyde said:

-I want fabrics everywhere I look.
-Homemade sound effects (the more the better)
-Please keep identifiable objects to a minimum. I basically want the game to be about fabrics more than the things that are made of fabric.
-No words at all.

Best played fullscreen.

It's made in Unity. The zip file contains 64-bit and 32-bit versions.

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Smedis2's picture


so yeah i took down ANOTHER game and not because of offensive stuff
tpgb12 didn't want everyone to see what he looks like

gisbrecht's picture

Mystery of the TURN (for marbles-box)

Game File (Linux): 

Mystery of the TURN

Espurr awakes in a mysterious world...


Controls -

WASD/Arrows - move

X - somethin
C - somethin?
esc - bring up menu

Credits at the end - can type credits later here
extra thanks to Bagenzo for finding linux problems

Enjoy the game, everyone! Merry Chistmas!

I cant upload mac version its too big sorry steve job

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ihavefivehat's picture

I fell over and no one helped me

New Bitmap Image.jpg

In a nother time or whatever I was on a train and it was hurting to Stare at the light. This is how I felt and what happend after.

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Noyb's picture

Porting MMF2 Games to Flash with External Files?

So... I want to use the MMF2 Flash exporter to port Zambonis to Flash.

I originally structured the conversation engine to play external .ogg files in a convoluted way that basically generates at runtime the filename of the sound file to play for the current line of dialogue.

Is there an quick way to refactor this subsystem for the Flash exporter without, say, adding every line of dialogue into the game manually and creating a separate event for each sound?

(And for another game, it looks like there's little chance of Cellosoft's Text Blitter extension being Flash-compatible in the future, so without upgrading to Pro I'd need to fake it with active objects?)

TheCakeFlavor's picture

Build your Home

Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

This description was originally intended for ludum dare audiences. It is hosted here for completeness and for because I don't have a file host.

A tribute to juliette's destroy your home. Join the community over at glorioustrainwrecks.com

The game:
in this game you have a lot of bricks and a slingshot and an empty field. you must use your expert slingshot skills to build a home for you to live in. click to equip the brick, click again to launch the brick, and once a brick has landed you can click again to equip a new brick. When the bricks go vertically off the screen, the vertical coordinate is negative. That's because this is a "vi deo game".

On Windows, you have to click start.bat in order to start the game.
On Linux, you need to run the executable yourHome.
If you're running from source, use either python 2 or 3, the game has been tested on both.

Also there's no sound in this game, I know.

The development:
I started making this game 24 hours before the deadline so it's more of a tech demo than anything. I can make games very quickly usually, but I had problems with compiling this time because of an obscure bug.
Note to pygame developers: the documentation says you can use None in a font object and the game will just use a default font. This causes issues with pyInstaller and pyg and gives all sorts of weird undiagnosable bugs. Just bundle a font with your game and call it a day.

Other notes: it turns out building a projectile motion engine is not easy. I got lost in negative signs and trig functions for a while. Probably my code is not a good reference if you want to build your own.

Assets and Credits:
I made the slingshot and the brick using openscad, and you can find my openscad files bundled into the game directory for your convenience. Openscad really clicks with me as a way to make 3d models without remembering a million keyboard shortcuts.

The background is an image by Scott Webb from pexels.com that I ran a lot of Gnu IMP filters on. The license for the image says I don't have to do any attribution but I figure I might as well mention that it's not mine.

FreeSansBold is a part of the GNU Freefont project. If my use of it makes my work licensed under the GPL, then it is. If my use of it does not make my work licensed under the GPL, then it isn't licensed under the GPL. Here's a link for that, in case I have to put a link somewhere: https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0

Pygame is a library by which I can make games in python. The way it's structured makes a lot of sense to me but does make developing in it a bit harder. To see what I mean, my source code is in every download as "yourHome.py".

pyg.exe is this magic file where I can use it to run python on windows without making anyone install anything or using pyInstaller. It's made by Radomir Dopieralski and I really want to shake this guy's hand in person for saving me hours of my life. This magic spell and pygame itself is licensed under the LGPL, so maybe that applies too?
Licensing is a nightmare.

Fotocopiadora helped me test this game and makes really cool games like mouse sector. Find them at @cometbook on twitter and https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/user/10891 on glorious trainwrecks.

I made this game. You can find me everywhere as thecakeflavor or other names like that.
through this link you can find other video games I made. Some of them took me even less time to make than this game! (But a lot of them took me significantly longer amounts of time)

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rhetoricstu's picture

sock player

sock player hits the sock ball and wins a contract as a hooker.

hookers play rugby league

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