
quasiotter's picture

INVISIBLE MEGAN for let-off-studios


this is a print and play boardgame !! you need to print one page out (more if you want) and candy / snacks / treats (7).

wishlist by let-off-studios
Randomness, Luck & Chance
Pattern Recognition
Flightless Birds & Female Protagonists

more info in the readme!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

EPeakLanB Extra Preamble KragLe and Bread (Clyde)


EPeakLanB! (the acronym extension was improvised early am)

The Santa/Grog/Grolby/Tia rat-pack is back with more cast and more blast!

* Written in two languages so nobody understands nobody
* Soundfonted midi music playing to a listener's delight
* Guaranteed to appall and awe the masses in an improvised Christmas/Winter Pageant
* Released a day before Orthodox Christmas
* Other stars/bullets that may or may not shock yoU!!!!!
* Sequel to Arswaeerea

For one more current update: those on mobile platforms there's a mobile version, I don't know how it works/look but:

Have you ever been so lost in a series it inspires a change in your canon, or you decided to take a request and still work out a dream in your head you've been itching to do? EpeakLanB can take you there. The world is also open! Your input can change the direction of where or what those crazy crew members are and/or do next. Suggestions are open, psyches can by hypnotic, and life is full of fiber optics to bring these pipe dreams to sewer life!

Authors' outside-of-game Notes:
This took a bit longer than expected, but released one day before Christmas so that's a +. Ray's story can finally be enjoyed by others.

Part of the time involved watching an entire series for "rewsearch" and that took a while. I don't want to spoil the series and and made an attempt to tread carefully in the finished(?) product to reflect on that so PM me if you want my take on it. Good series though.

Thanks to clyde for the inspiration. Other names of notoriety in bass: Catdodo, Lazi, Moneyfunny, onlyorange. It's really early. I must sleep. The Christmas cycle curse has been broken and for that I can say:

Attachments included: 26283391.txt game script as of now. This site doesn't allow xml attachments so pretend it's text, rename to xml and view it in a browser if you want that layout to see what a bassnovel game is really made of! epeak.txt all of the chinese text here before translation. It isn't in any order. other conceptual art.


edit: smaller image version of the image so it doesn't break the page. original image here

If you'd like to read up on the prequel you're welcome to click on the image below this line:

Or you could choose and play EPeakLanB if you'd like! I made an uninspired PLAY BUTTON animation you can click on that will theoretically take you there. You could also alternatively click on this sentence as well for your enjoyment!

Having Trouble running the game? Maybe the replies to this comment will help!

Interested in dropping a line of feedback/input or just SUP? That would be great pilgrim! Alternatively you can scroll down if you want to reply to one of the commentes instead. *DISCLAIMER* if you object to any comments listed below as I'm not a moderator, don't reply to it as it makes the original message uneditable. Leave a comment next to it or drop the recipient a PM lol. *Other Disclaimer* Game flow and events subject to change, things are unpredicable, just in case.

Acks: mno, dattzies, spindleyq, linhat, 3fox, dorn, yom, chaos, mkapolka, sergio, fvm, superdot, vampirkat, nuuup, jeff, happygreenfrog, blueberryhill, smedis, db20, newt, wil, commodore, orion, bagofmagicfood, erokky, bitbot, everythingistaken, barf, lemmer, sean, racarate, rehasoft, adrian, josh, hellogregor, pillow, left-off-studios, mizzq,, noyb, wertpol, robgba, pirate_sephiroth, aplsos, RedR, snapman, hugs, leilei, scribblewise, clyde, the ug, #sally, #glorioustrainwrecks, forkheads, #gmc, #bottlekids, penjamin, flimsy

Made For: 
Klik of the Month Klub #33 (Mar 2010)
spiral's picture

Defense Sheng Castle 2 - Bride of the Gator


***COOL NOTE***: The Sound Track to this game is now available!!:
***COOL NOTE 2***: The Sound Track to that soundtrack is now available!!:



What is it? ONLY the greatest ClickTeam Fusion's 20.Five Game Of The Year To Be Released Only Hours Before The Year Is Over of the year (GOAT OF THE YEAR) ((GTFTHYR))

Our favourite fans have already recieved their thank-you packages in the mail. If you have NOT recieved any such, it's because you didn't pay us enough money! Sorry. Not!!!


A: This is an FAQ!!! Geeze lousy eeze!

Q: How do I complete the robot quest?

A: Destroy their cottage, steal their wed-mug, smash their spaceships, drink their lukewarm space-booze, crush their leaders, spill their milk.=!

Q: Why do you keep making these horrible games that nobody wants?

A: I have reported your address to the super-police and they will have your house surrounded within minutes.

Q: What is the plot of of of Return To Castle Desheng 3D?

A: I'm glad you asked!!!
A: In this 'spiritual successor', we have taken what people LOVE about the original (shotguns and demons) and taken them out entirely. Instead, what we have here is a tale of love. Love, and redemption. Love, and redemption, and cold-blooded creatures.
A:) The story is as follows::
    STORY: Are you one of Zepulon The Raider OF Defenders of Space Zones, a stereo of the future, a princess warrior fated for great destinations, a fantastic pair of binoculars, WufflePuffer The Wonder Dog, bald space marine space-farerer, a giant key stuck on something, or ???!
    STORY: IF SO, you are already a part of this fantastic game!!
    STORY: The events between the first game and the second are as follows:
        EVENT: Zepulon laid down after being shot.
         EVENT: stereo had nobody to play it... yet?
        EVENT: princess warrior ran to work
        event: binoculars now exist
        EVENT: WufflePuffer was redacted
        EVENT5 Bald Space Marine got back his keycards!
        EVENTS:Giant Key is still stuck in the muck- or "muck stuck"!
   STORY: Any reader who is now left thunderstruck at these turns of events will have no difficulty in catching up: included in this package is the zeroth entry in the series, at no 'added' cost!!!
    STORY: And so, our heros continue on....

Q: How much of this is STOLEN?

A: Very little... I used many of the 'libraries' provided by clickteam, various freely-distributed packs of samples, as well as some sprites from Fist of the North Carp!

Q: How much of this is YOURS?

A: Very little... The guitar playing in the "Dig" AKA "Wow Another Item..." Zone, past the noisy intro section, is all by me, Ruffty M¢buck$! The music on "And/OrAdventure" is also by me, an edit of the first take of a song idea by me. Look forward to the smash hit "Music From The Bride Of The Gator" coming soon!!



Q: This format for jokes is getting old and tiresome.

A: Says YOU!

Q: Stereo?

A: Did you know: You can HOLD DOWN some of the buttons on the stereo? Well, you can do that. Try it now. C'mon. It's cool. Seriously. Not all of the buttons though. Just some of them. Ok well like half of them really. A lot of the buttons just reverse the 'direction' so if you only look at the actual features, it's probably exactly half.

Q: Where can I send in my mail-in rebate for Dolphin Watch Deluxe Edition?

A: Sorry, our mail service no longer exists, so you can not.

Q: Who is Macmillian? And were they the real culprit?

A: Have you tried, oh I don't know, holding down a combination of two non-contradictory arrow keys like the INSTRUCTIONS tell you to?


A: Sorry, I don't have any 'lemonade' with me so I can not read this invisible text!

Q: Why does this game have such deep moral ponderings and questions?

A: Our writers are well paid as well as fed!

Q: UGH! This "action" (if you can say it has that!) "puzzler" (if you can say it is puzzling!) has me confounded!

A: The first two parts are simple enough... After that, just listen to the music :)

Q: HELP! Bald Space Marine keeps getting stuck in the freeze lasers and refusing to leave them :(

A: They are not a person, they are a thing: a large pack of samples gifted to me by one "shengly!" Also, no they can not be a culprit because; see first part of this answer.

That should be all... keep "TUNED" here for some feedback on just what IS the real bride of the gator...

Made For: 
An event

Random Palette Generator


A random palette generator (i'd say work in progress but not sure if i'll ever improve it because so far it fit my needs)

It generates .pcx files usable in knp/tgf/mmf ( so far tested only in mmf2 though)
and .act files usable in photoshop

Also contains source code (VC 6) if anyone wants to tinker around with it

I made it because i got tired of using the knp and tgf palette for spriting and i'm way too lazy to manually put together a palette

Made For: 
atuun's picture

Dinosaur Comic Simulator!


Have you ever wondered what it's like to make Dinosaur Comics? Wonder no more!, wonder product lets you add text to a blank Dinosaur Comic! NO WARRANTEES.

Left click to choose text position. Enter text, press enter to set. Use UP ARROW in edit mode to add a newline to the front of your string. Hold down the middle mouse button/wheel to draw lines, and the right mouse button to erase any element.

(Apologies to Ryan North. And you, should you choose to use this horrible application.)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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