story's picture

minibox worldsploring

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you are a beetle bug. use cursor to puppet beetle bug. walk around and answer questions, or just look. it ends up being like mad libs but don't ruin the surprise for yourself.

I made this 3 years ago but no one played it. Saw this game event and figured maybe I could revive it and graft it onto my newer website to see if I get any responses this time around <(O)v(O)> thank u for .......your attention

geyser noobly
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TheCakeFlavor's picture


a conversation over a meal
a conversation over a game

in a book, the reader sets the pace
in a film, the author sets the pace
in a game, who sets the pace?

I'll crosspost this to various knytt boards l8r

thanks to sergiocornaga for testing and compiling, and for various assistances over the year.

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Hazel-Rah's picture

Backyard Skulls


This game is best played in full-screen.

Written for Gothic Novel Jam 2018

Charles Blackwood happens upon a deed for the cliff-side manor known as Gethen Manor, a manor owned by a former mistress of his, Katherine Thorndale.

Attached to the deed is a letter from Miss Thorndale, expressing how she wishes they'd not drifted apart, and inviting him to live in the manor.

Suspicious, he ventures off to find the manor in a neglected state, the once well-tended garden now an overgrown mess of dead, dried up grass, long wilted trees and odious plant remains.

As he explores the manor, he uncovers the manor's secrets. Secrets that, for him, would be better off forgotten.

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2sman's picture


Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 3.43.11 AM.png

A diaristic cyberpunk branching-narrative game/poetic experience. A game-within-a-game-within-a-...

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CharlieVermin's picture



Before playing, imagine that you found that game on some abandoned memory stick.

This game includes violence profanity
and possibly implicit muchworse.

majority of content was obviously
created on 31.12.2014/01.01.2015.


To learn about game basics, start game
go down & press on the [?] tile. It
will provide you with background story
for every item.

The lieutants are all your relatives
and so they will always provide you
with advice too. (basics only)


There is 7 endings 1 sidequest. Ending
is when you return to start menu or
to Windows or when you are stuck for


* Uneq erfrg raqvat:
cerff RFP nalgvzr.

* Gur zber V qvr raqvat:
gbhpu trarengbe va rcvfbqr 1.

* Tb erory raqvat:
nethr jvgu yvrhgnag nyy gur gvzr. nsgre gvzr cnffrf, gnyx gb yvrhgnag ntnva.

* Ureb raqvat: jura navznyf nggnpx qba'g trg nssrpgrq gbb zhpu ol gurz. Gnyx gb Yvrhgnag gb trg urnyrq. cerff nyy ohggbaf hagvy yvrhgnag qvfnccrnef naq gbhpu oyvaxvat trarengbe.

* Terng Rfpncr fvqrdhrfg:
jura va sberfg gnyx gb obggbz yrsg navzny be whfg yrnir qrrc vagb sberfg lbhefrys. nsgre na rkgen punyyratr lbh pna tb onpx gb gur sberfg.

* Vg'f tbaan oevat lbh qbja raqvat:
gbhpu trarengbe va terng rfpncr fvqrdhrfg be yngre.

* Cvmmn raqvat: va gur sberfg, erghea gb snpgbel naq gura tb onpx ntnva.

* Svany raqvat: va gur sberfg, erghea gb snpgbel naq gnxr oynpx qbbe naq fbyir punyyratrf hagvy lbh trg raqvat.

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Whoever Fears the Store

A short Twine game about finding courage in a strange world.

Sam Beckbessinger
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AmmarAlsharekh's picture

Evil Path


RPG game with 4 ending story depend in your selection in game.

Ammar Alsharekh
Made For: 
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This game was made for the QUILTBAG game jam on April 7th 2013. It deals with identity in gender, sexuality, and life in general - and coming to grips with it.

This is meant to be a first-person autobiographical interactive story, and it is my first crack at this Twine thing. Please let me know if you have any feedback, comments, or advice - technical or personal. I'm @tremblingEyes on twitter.

Made For: 
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Smedis2's picture

Story Time With Smedis: The Man Who Was Hit By A Car


A Series that probably will go nowhere.


Made For: 
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