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K&P Raycaster

Screenshot 2021-09-20 at 23.05.42.png

Hi all, or whoever is still around on here. I used to be a member about 10 years ago but drifted away and hadn't touched Klik & Play since. I recently saw a post elsewhere online about creating a raycasting engine, which must have triggered some repressed memory because after getting this stupid idea, I couldn’t get it out of my head. I knew I had to somehow make it happen.

I see there was some discussion a long time ago about creating a raycaster in this fine bit of development software but as far as I can see, nobody ever got it going; or at least if they did, nobody ever shared it. So today, I’m ambivalent to unveil the world’s worst raycaster.

It’s slow, glitchy, and almost indecipherably low resolution, but it does just about work. Arrow keys move the player around.

Tested working in a WinXP virtual machine under Parallels on Mac OS. No idea if it works in WINE etc.


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Radix's picture

YeargH 3D!


Hello this is a klik raycasting FPS with one level.

I was gonna add exploding barrels and grenades and a cowboy enemy type but I ran out of time what with all the bugfixing to be done.

It's capped at 15fps. Deal with it (my laptop barely can).

Controls are WASD, shift to sprint, 1/2/3 to switch weapons, leftklik to fire, esc to quit, E to open doors and secret walls. Find the magical door thing to exit the level.

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