
gisbrecht's picture

Spiders and Guns Funpak (For mutantleg)


A Public Domain Asset Pak for Sekret Santa


Pose your spiders in funny situations and imagine interesting scenarios.

Contains twelve spiders, ten guns, and six backgrounds.

Share them in the comments below.


Mariken Muis.
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everythingstaken's picture

New Jersey Transit


here is a game about trains
inspired by these other train games
games in this train simulation meme

i started working on it some time in october after jake's came out but it has been inspired by all of these

also sorta inspired by airplane mode

this is a game you are supposed to enact for others. like, i would show this to people and play the instruments and tell a story, i mean, you can do whatever you want with this i'm not going to stop you or i could stop you i could swat you but, that's not my style, my style is different than that style okay okay, thank you for playing the game or at least reading this okay thanks sincerely, the train

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everythingstaken's picture

Cactus Killer

Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 3.24.35 PM.png

sequel to other cactus killer gams,
it's a remake of one of the games on this.
this is also a thing
based on a song from a spinoff of that band the blood brothers
sorta sequel to all these games

the third remake, thanks for playing

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An event
ihavefivehat's picture

roach box


hello, I made this game for the Global Game Jam but I didn't submit it in time, yes, I'm a failure.

This game basically works but is literally broken (in a cool way though, you'll see if you pl ay it long enough) and lacks the scoring structure to make it an interesting action game (which is one of the things i wanted it to be)

who knows if I'll ever have time to make the final version though? i'll post this version here in the meantime. I'm tired so I'm going to eat popcorn,, drink, and watch video game streamers until i pass out

content warning: photorealistic bugs

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An event
ihavefivehat's picture

Mr. Gun


You Cn Press a space Bar to praly the game by r;egleka;f ajs just read what its says in the game

Mr. Gun
Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

gun knife sword wife

Screen Shot 2016-05-01 at 5.52.05 PM.png

rated M for real being real edgy

the grim reaper himself
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An event

White Guys on Strobe


The story of a man who just can't get close to anybody

MUSIC BY: Viacom Duckman!

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An event
Johny L.'s picture



The cat
who asylumed
the mouse
company has
the power of
the mouses,
but only
one mouse
survivor is
the only one
mouse named
Destroy him
and bring the
mouse company

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
XenosNS's picture



A little bit of Pac-man, Dig Dug, Zelda, and Pet Cemetery.

Undo what you've done before time runs out.

Use arrow keys to move. Point and hold to reverse what you've done. Hit enter to pause. Hit F12 to toggle music off/on.

Made For: 
An event
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