
wendywildshape's picture

VVORLAAK (for patrickgh3)


a little world to explore
built using woof.js
following the wishlist of patrickgh3
for spring sekret santa 2020

- wishlist -

tiny and confined areas

- controls -

arrows - movement
z - interact/confirm
x - run/cancel

special thanks to my friend skye for their help with the music
and to my partner alice for ideas, support, and love

Wendy Wildshape
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
spiral's picture

Secret of the Wumpus



Can you discover the Secret of the Wumpus?

Made for the Wumpus Jam on


Move around with the WASD or Arrow Keys. When prompted to, you can advance text by pressing spacebar. Secret of the Wumpus takes about 5-10 minutes to play through. It has multiple endings depending on your choices. Every ending will take you to the main menu to let you explore other options.

Downloadable Version

If the browser embed on doesn't work for you, or you'd rather save it to play later, you can download the desktop version of Secret of the Wumpus. Although it comes in Windows exe format, it should also be fully compatible with Linux and Mac operating systems using WINE!


Programs used: Clickteam Fusion 2.5, MS Paint, GIMP, Audacity
Fonts: Fixedsys, Rubik
birds, bugs: Clickteam, packaged with TGF1
wind, howling: recorded by me
fire: Cryostasis
cave ambience: LittleRobotSoundFactory on Modified and used under Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0

Made For: 
An event
netgrind's picture

Tripcross (for Rylie James Thomas)


Merry belated holidays!
Sorry this is so late! My December ended up being much busier than I expected and I ended up completely scrapping my first attempt (I am so out of touch with unity :P)

Regardless! I hope you enjoy this little puzzle bite.

Made For: 
An event
spiral's picture

Ansi Amateur voice acting Mdickie Fun Secret Xtreme Programmer art Ansi Fun Ansi Serious Mdickie Amateur voice acting Fun Steve


Ansi Amateur voice acting Mdickie Fun Secret Xtreme Programmer art Ansi Fun Ansi Serious Mdickie Amateur voice acting Fun
Steve moraff Attitude Fun Serious Ansi Programmer art Attitude Ansi Attitude Ansi Programmer art Ansi Programmer art Serious Fun Mdickie

is a secret santa game for HUGS you can read what he wanted in his game here

If you want to know more about the game you should just start playing it.

It was made in TGF1, so all you KNP'ers who wanna break it open: just a heads up!

Made For: 
An event

Tower of Mankind


The tower is being destroyed, climb to the top to save your life!
This is more or less a "sequel" to my game Fate of Mankind, which was also included on the IGF Pirate Kart. If you haven't played it yet, try it out first!

Arrow keys to move and jump.

Leonardo Millan
Made For: 
An event
JonathanWhiting's picture

Secret Snake


Snake is secretive. Change direction for glipses of its position.

Jonathan Whiting
Made For: 
An event
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