
Coding with Sinny: The Making of the Maltyped Falcon: The Game


You are hard-boiled programmer Sinny. A broad walks into your office.
"Make a game, Sinny", she says, all leg and no morals.
"Damn, Jimmy, I dunno," Sinny says, "I thought the Invigilator job was gonna be my last."
"But Sinny," Jimmy says, carressing the door, "this'll be a film-noir typing tutor."
Damn, you think, fingers drumming on the laptop. Just one more job.
Just one more.
The game was on.

Made for the Sekrit Forum Game Jam; based on

Gap Gen
Made For: 
An event

Dinner for Peter


In 2012 there is dating but there is also SHOOTING. SHOOT your way into the heart of fictitious game designer who would probably not be well served by suing anyone, while avoiding cute little cookies that may look cute but will GROW YOUR BUTT and make you LESS ATTRACTIVE to fictitious game designer's eyes. Will you win at dating, or will you lose at dating? You must win. Or you will lose.

Inspired by genre/setting combinations from Mojam that they totally should have made instead. Made for the Sekrit Forum Game Jam.

Gap Gen
Made For: 
An event

Peter for Dinner


In 2012 there is only dating. You enter the warm, squishy mind of someone on a date with a fictitious game designer who does not exist and is not real and please do not sue me or call the police. Will it be a Fable (for) Two, or are things not as Black and White as they seem? Play Peter for Dinner, and enter the mind of someone who's already blown an hour of a two-hour time limit, and is kinda drunk and tired and panicking. Made for the Sekrit Forum Game Jam.

Concept art image by Inflammable Jim who sees all with his many 'i's.

Gap Gen
Made For: 
An event
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