
wil's picture




An open-world deckbuilder roguelite for ZZT. ZOZ was created between July 10 and November 10 of 2022 using Weave 2 ( Created as part of Open World Jam 2022: - ZZT was created in 1991 by Tim Sweeney. Weave 2 makes use of the reconstruction-of-zzt codebase found here: and is by extension licensed under the MIT license. The game contents itself are livensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license. For more details on this, see the bottom of this page.

Full Release

The full release of this game is playable in its entirety online, via download here at Glorious Trainwrecks or online at It is built to run on DOS machines, but an emulator is provided with the downloadable version of the game.

Hit us up in the Discord of ZZT and let WiL know if there are major issues.

Mean Girls Games

This is a Mean Girls Games release. Go check out our other stuff at!


Music, Art, Gameplay, Etc. by WiL

The Green Herring - beatscribe

MGG President:

  • DarkMatt
  • endgame
  • H1
  • Zephyr
  • KKairos
  • lovelovekitty
  • VRose
  • bokonon_lives
  • Noser
  • Zinfandel
  • JWWells
  • rbts
  • Lancer-X
  • Bluey
  • ThDPro
  • Mariken
  • Alice!

CC-BY-SA 4.0

This game is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
wibi's picture

Small adventure for the Master Climber


Ok so to play this game, what you are going to want to do is copy the text below:

#%              %#
#%              %#
##              ##
##              ##
##              ##
##              ##
#P               #
####          ####
#  #          #  #
#  #          ####
####   !  !   #  #
#  #          ####
#  #          #  #
#  #   !  !   #  #
#  #          ####
####          #  #
#  #   !  !   ####
#  #   #  #   #  #

P = Player
# = Brick
% = Box
! = Spring
. = JumpingSpring

// List syntax
ThingsThatFall = [ Player JumpingSpring ]

Sproingy = [ Spring JumpingSpring ]

// Accelerate down, like gravity. On everything in the list
{ ThingsThatFall } -> { DOWN ThingsThatFall }

// Move sideways with <LEFT> and <RIGHT> arrow keys
{ <HORIZONTAL> Player } -> { HORIZONTAL Player }

// Move up while pressing against a wall
HORIZONTAL { Player | Wall } -> { UP Player | Wall }

// Springs are Sproingy
DOWN { DOWN ThingsThatFall | Sproingy } -> { JUMP ThingsThatFall | JUMP JumpingSpring }
DOWN { DOWN JumpingSpring | Wall } -> { JUMP JumpingSpring | Wall }

// Win if touch box
{ Player | Box } -> { WIN Player | Box }

And paste it into here:

And then click the "play" button on the top-right.

micro gg is the work of @WaynePetzler. Here's the tweet that made me find out about it.

Made For: 
An event

Delegation Hybrid Layer$


Game file is 545k, Spent a good chunk of time on it. Some drawing with a mouse, some drawing with a tablet. Here's a more relevant image to the game, an alt if you will as well as the original if you must:

Do check out the Delegathls Official Accompaniment Guide if you feel a little lost or just want more extras. My imaginary crowdfunding reached the appropriate goal and these are the awards for early adopters. Also included is an official OST. I could link to those too individually but you can scroll down if you want jams and tunes made by buffoons which may or may not be appropriate with the included adventure. It is your choice how to enjoy it.

Enough with the introductions and start checking out the doors if you wish. You don't have to. Glance at the Delegathls Official Accompaniment Guide though if you've got time. I spent longer on it than the game. The glasses and vases and cat aren't me though. That's from the clipart gallery of ascii in the program jave5.

Drawn using engine thing.

Yeah you, you groovy outlet you!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
GT Saturday Specials: Knytt Stories



Hats are a feature!

Thanks for checking this out, this is my latest visual novel masterpiece Dratmask. It is a beast in size and without enough oomph even on my powerful netbook i've seen it do weird things like characters disappear and the like, so ....

This is dratmask, the plot is ... spoiler, it's a vn. Uhh, it's sort of like 2nd place as it's the sequel, and the song that gets played after 2nd place, so it's naturally a longer song so the game is longer. A lot more work went into this one.

Also if the game crashes after the second song is done playing, that's normal. That's the end of the game. I don't know how to make that not normal, but this is okay. I may make some noise on the forums and ask real nicely and provide them with the sauce and whatnot.

Major thanks go to:
Erik for supplying the engine
Mr. T for supplying some voices
Mikan of for supplying "Wendy" and in the first vn "Peter"
scribb0 for the character grog this time around
gen8's Anime Face Maker 2
xdanond's Anime Character Maker 2

disclaimer: opening the sauce 7z file is spoiler and was meant to do after the game, but i might have been to vague on hinting the password, so yeah, change order there at your own discretion.

VIP thanks:
TTTPPP, Madtom, Scribbit, Goldenhog, Newt, and Bagofmagicfood.

Spindleyq, linhat, cclemon, effbee, pirate_sephiroth, erokky, true, mrsparkle, ray, mojofltr, noyb, orion, oswald, surlent, mizzq, spyroboy, tonyb486, uhh my brother hat, and paul/davr0s

BC_, Scribblewise
Made For: 
An event
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