KNP:More than Two Fire Buttons

Klik & Play provides a control system to complement its built-in movement systems, which includes a control setup menu for reconfiguring keyboard controls or switching to a joystick. However, these controls are somewhat limited: you get four directions, and just two fire buttons.

For most purposes, this limitation is fine, but for some games you may need more than that.

If you are on a keyboard, the easiest way to get more fire buttons is to simply dodge the built-in control system and use Keyboard events ("Upon pressing a key" instead of "Read joystick state"). The problem with this is that you lose configurability, and anyone moving to a joystick will still have to use the keyboard for those fire buttons. If you are not using all four directions, you may consider stealing one or two for more fire buttons by changing the default keyboard controls. Obviously, this will result in wonky controls for joystick users.

If you are on a joystick, enter the Step-Thru Editor. Now press button 3 or 4. Amazingly, Klik & Play will detect these as valid events and allow you to assign actions for these buttons. The events will have no text, but rest assured that they do work. As it would seem, the developers actually provided software support for four-button joysticks, but never made this an "official" feature. The drawback to this is that you won't be able to test for whether buttons 3 and 4 are being held down, due to the nature of the Step-Thru Editor.
