Development Diaries

inliquidwonder's picture


I totally just made my first game in Construct for Pirate Kart II! Yes! I am very happy about it! Yay for throwing poop!

I also think Windows Offender is GAME NUMBER 370 of 371! I can't believe I just barely made it in! SO LUCKY!

Also, I want to get KnP working on Windows 7 64-bit. If any folks have solid ways of doing this or need a tester, I am here for you.

Rock out!

some Assemblee entries in KNP format

just put these two in the knp/libraries dir

it's divided in two levels so use the up and down arrows to the right to change between them.

Danni's picture

Pre-Glorious Trainwrecks Trainwrecks


Before I came to Glorious Trainwrecks, I had stumbled upon the 100-in-1 Klik & Play Pirate Kart. Well, it inspired me to make some of my own trainwrecks. Most of those can be seen here now. The games:

Carpet Rider: Like Strong's "Ride an Elephant", except that falling off means death.

Computer Adventure: Experimentation with annoying gameplay gimmicks. If you hit the floor or walls too hard, you have to restart the screen.

Horse Kong: A remake of the arcade game Donkey Kong in Klik & Play using Klipart. It also features some rather ear-piercing sound effects done by my voice!

Minimalistic Game: It's a game!

Minimalistic Game Panther: It's a game! Costs $449.99 to upgrade. Sorry, no special upgrade pricing for older versions!

Super Puzzle Fun: I made this to show that Klik & Play *cannot* be used to make a decent puzzle game. At least not with the built-in movements... or something like that. Glitches abound.

Super Puzzle Fun TURBO: Super Puzzle Fun on crack. For reasons unknown, the game will sometimes think you've flooded over the top when you actually haven't. Sorry, couldn't figure out what caused that glitch.

Robbing Hood: Actually kinda fun. You must stab a bunch of jesters using your mouse-controlled and spazzed-out Robin Hood. The jesters shoot false teeth at you which will cause you to explode. This explosion sequence is probably not meant for older computers, as it's pretty slow even on my system.

Trombonist vs. Cat: Inspired by The Incredible Machine. Did you know that if you hit Curie the Cat twice in quick succession, you can sometimes get her to flip upside-down? Now you know.

Blueberry Soft's picture

Moving Maze.

So, er, whoops. I spent the weekend celebrating a birthday, but half bothered that I was missing the Pirate Kart Festivities. I was able to spend a few hours Sunday night trying to get SOMETHING done to contribute, and one of the ideas got finished: MOVING MAZE.

Then I come here to upload it and find out the fucking thing's this weekend anyway. I have plans for B, and C versions of the game for the Kart.


(Now playable on Internet Archive:

SpindleyQ's picture

KNPUtil v1.0

OK, it's about time I released this stuff!

KNPUtil is a collection of 3 utilities for fiddling with Klik & Play games:

  1. knpextract: a tool for extracting resources from Klik & Play games
  2. knpgen: a tool for generating random "screenshots" from resources extracted from Klik & Play games
  3. knpmangle: a tool for generating new Klik & Play games from old Klik & Play games by messing with their resources

KNPExtract and KNPGen have been released before. This release brings much improved image loading times to both tools, as well as support for 16-bit images. KNPExtract also now can generate animated GIFs from animations, extract sounds and music, and provide meaningful filenames to everything it extracts.

Detailed usage instructions are in the readme. The tools are all designed to do something cool if you drag Klik & Play games onto the EXEs from Windows, but KNPMangle especially rewards a deeper understanding of its commandline options.

If you're getting error messages when you try to run the EXE, you may need to install the Visual C++ 2008 Runtime from Microsoft.


First Game!

My first game with Klik & Play. It is called CHARGE!
its called that because you only have to CHARGE! (you can jump too, but you don't need to do much of that)


qrleon's picture

Apple Jam 2010

a hurried remake of this

An artgame about the horrors of war.


This is an untitled artgame about the horrors of war. There is no way to win. This game also features death, which is a complex moral choice never attempted before by any medium. This is the only alternative you have besides witnessing the horror you have unleashed and all the lives you have taken. Again, please be aware that this game is art.

jan_strach's picture

Le Sunset Salto

Le Sunset Salto - screen.png

Dear everybody, I proudly present my new game. Three months in the making (waay too long for a game this short). Featuring lots of jumping / saltoing / swimming action, underwater creatures, "transparent" sprites and lush MIDI orchestration. I have been playing it over and over to get rid of bugs but probably dozens of them are just waiting to be discovered. Well, I do not care anymore, just wanted to share it at last.

You start by jumping off a cliff, and if you know what to do, soon you embark on an underwater adventure! Watch your oxygen! If you don't know what to do, there are hints and even a step-by-step walkthrough which honestly takes away all the fun, so use it only if you really have no idea what to do. There are two achievements to earn, and for completing each you gain access to a special prize! (of course you can gain it immediately by checking in the .gam file but you are too noble and honest to do that, aren't you).

Let me know what you think, I didn't have any beta-testers available except my wife who said it is pretty but nonsense. If you find any bugs I will be more than happy to fix them and repost a better version.

EDIT: Bugs removed! If you really want to know which bugs, highlight the following:Jumping from the rock to catch the mermaid is now only possible after the mermaid jumps. When caught by the octopus and unable to move, it switches to Game Over after 3 seconds. As for the duplicating chracter - sorry, for now I have no idea how to get rid of that. Chances are if it happens one time it won't the second.Big thanks to sergiocornaga for fishing out (badum tschhh) the bugs.

EDIT 2: For some strange reason there is one bug that does not appear on my computer, but it hapens when I play the same file downloaded from here. IF certain mermaids are causing you problems, that's what the "choose level" option is for. I honestly don't know what I can do about it, I mean it is THE SAME file...

Danni's picture

Dumas Party - In Glorious HD!


Felt like making this, dunno why. About a hundred instances of El Loco Dumas (Yellow Runner) jog across your screen while pulsing up and down to upbeat music and a seizure-inducing background. Requires hardware-accelerated DirectX 8 and a screen resolution over 1280x800. If too many people are on cobweb-collecting antiques can't run the demo, guess I'll upload a less extravagant software-rendered version. Made using MMF2.

P.S. Hold Spacebar for more Dumas (over 500!).

Edit: Holy crap, the image is so wide that it breaks the layout. Oops.

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