#!/usr/bin/python import random import time firstPart = ["Slick","pnkx","urDaMan","hawt","cokeFan","w00t"] secondPart = ["_MaStAh","xXxxX","_darkness","B00bies","_off"] thirdPart = ["tehleet","95","carcs"] stuff = [" lol"," fail"," epic"," rtard"," HAHAHA LOL"," ^^"," >.>"," lmao"," rotflmao"," rofl", " thats ironic"] action = [" sexx"," go fishing"," eat dogs", " play MW2 you fag", " punch fags like you", " fsck your mom"] if random.randint(0,1) == 0: nickName = random.choice(firstPart) + random.choice(secondPart) else: nickName = random.choice(firstPart) + random.choice(secondPart) + random.choice(thirdPart) nickName = nickName + ": " exiting = False crab = False userName = raw_input('Enter your name: ') if userName.lower() == "deceasedcrab": crab = True print "" print nickName[:-2] + "has connected." while not exiting: chatline = raw_input(userName + ": ").strip() time.sleep(0.4 + random.uniform(-0.2,0.2)) if crab and random.randint(0,5) == 3: print nickName + "you should make an LP of IWBTG" continue if chatline == "exit" or chatline == "quit": print "You have disconnected." break if chatline.lower().find("are you ") is 0: print nickName + "no u r " + chatline[8:] + random.choice(stuff) continue elif chatline.lower().find("what is ") is 0: print nickName + "wat? you dont know what " + chatline[8:] + " is?"+random.choice(stuff)+random.choice(stuff) continue elif chatline.lower().find("let's ") is 0 or chatline.lower().find("lets ") is 0 or chatline.lower().find("can we") is 0: print nickName + random.choice(stuff)+" no i want to" + random.choice(action) + " dick" continue elif chatline.lower().find("fuck you") is 0 or chatline.lower().find("fuck u") is 0 or chatline.lower().find("fu") is 0: print nickName + "yeah well fcuk you 2 fagot bye" print nickName[:-2] + " has disconnected." break elif chatline.lower().find("who are you") is 0 or chatline.lower().find("who r u") is 0: print nickName + "i am the mothrfcking master f teh univrs bitach!" print nickName + "biatch*" else: print nickName + random.choice(stuff) continue