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Created on: July 8, 1997
How do I create a simple program registration system?

How do I create s simple program registration system?

Chris M Perry

I've included the source code for you to download which should help with your understanding. (6 KB): Download Click & Create source code for Registration System.

This program has four parts. The first part, registration test, does exactly that it test to see if the program has been registered. It does this by looking into the cncreg.ini file. If the file doesn't exist the program creates one with default settings I have choosen. If the program has been registered it immediately jumps to the fourth frame of the application which is the registered version of the application. If the program has not been registered then the program will go to the third frame which is where the demo version of the application is. The user can register the program by selecting the register menu item. This program also includes the code for a limited time trial use program. That way you can allow the user to use the program for say 30 days and then disable the program entirely except for the registration part of the program. For some reason I haven't gotten the trial use code to work properly yet so be careful to test any program you use this with thoroughly before you distribute it.

This page and all of its contents are Copyright 1997-98 by Christopher Jay Craft.