FURTHING: a.k.a Guy
    He is the creator of this cheapy not really pixel site and he has made all the games in this site.  He currently resides in the San Francisco, California. This 16 year old newbie started off in klik back in 1999.  He has finished a veriety of projects most which are not posted on this site.  Electric Moo started off about 2 years ago where the site design was as crappy as the games on it.  While  two members have appeared on the site (vianu and em2k2) they both quit from not having anything to with this site.  He has currently is working on Katana Master Hiroshi 2 and will hopefully finished that... NOTE:  Most of the source for KMH 2 and Ballzania 2 have been lost.  I might quit as well.
Current Memeber