main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[h] M.U.D. Titles

Welcome to.....
                H H  A  L  ooo MM MMU U  D             
                HHH A A L  o o M M MU UDDD            
                H HA   ALLLooo M   MUUUDDD                                                        
     Tis Combat Evolved: "Only way to learn is to play!"
                      HaLoMUd 2.0:             
             "After the HaLo, The Wars Began"   
Based on CircleMUD 3.1, MAtrixMUD
Created by Jeremy Elson   A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
A derivative of MAtrixMUD created by Rommel & Mirad
All 'Covenant', 'Flood', 'Halo', and all related material, unless
otherwise specified, are trademarks of Microsoft.
All rights reserved.
HaLoMud was redesigned & created on 08/11/07
HaLoMUd2.0 was created by Circa & HaLoMUd Team.

Welcome to the UNSC..Whats gona be on your tags, soldier? 

Timed out... goodbye.

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

   '    '                                                          '   '
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  \#/( # )\^/                                                 \@/( # )\^/
 -------------                                               -------------
 \           /                                               \           /
  \         /    Welcome to Harry Potter: Alere Flammas MUSH  \         /
  "connect Guest guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" provides information specific to this game and setting.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.
Please note that online creation of Feature Characters is not permitted.
If you're interested in playing a Feature Character, please log in and 
review "news char feature".

              ******  ******   __             /#|___
               |##|    |##|   /###\  /#|____ /######\
               |##|    |##|  |#""##\/#######\ |#|  |#|
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            ";|####|=  |##| |#   |##| |#|  /  |#|     \### |#|
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              ******   |##|          *****           \#____\#|
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          |##|   |#|  /##\ |#####/  /#|_  ____  /#\_____
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           \#|        \##/   |#;   \#|   \# ##/  |##|
          \#|                 \##   \##/  \##/  \###|
           \|                        \/           \####

                           Into The Fire

Staff Members: Avada Kedavera, Protego, Episkey, and Riddikulus
Admin email:

If you have been banned or suspended you may email the admin email to appeal
the ban.
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use connect muggle guest to connect to a guest character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.
Yell at your local god to personalize this file!

                                                ___---|          Based on
           @@  @@   @@@   @@@@@   @@@@  @@  @@  '--\__|    DikuMUD GAMMA(0.0)
           @@  @@  @@ @@  @@  @@ @@     @@  @@     __---| original concept by:
           @@@@@@  @@@@@  @@@@@   @@@@  @@@@@@     '-\__|Hans Henrik Staerfeldt
           @@  @@ @@   @@ @@ @@      @@ @@  @@   _______|__    Tom Madson
           @@  @@ @@   @@ @@  @@  @@@@  @@  @@   ]-l--l-l-[    Katja Nyboe
 ___---|                                         \'_ '__/   Michael Seifert
 '--\__|    @@      @@@   @@   @@ @@@@    @@@@    |_  . |   Sebastian Hammer
_______|__  @@     @@ @@  @@@  @@ @@ @@  @@       | []  |
]-|-|-|--[  @@     @@@@@  @@ @@@@ @@  @@  @@@@    |'^^ _| Harshlands:
 \ '_ '_/   @@    @@   @@ @@   @@ @@ @@      @@   |_ .__|   Charles Rand
  | _'[]|   @@@@@ @@   @@ @@   @@ @@@@    @@@@    |   []| Shadows of Isildur:
  |   ^^|                                      ___| __^^|__ C.W. McHenry
  |  .__|                                      |_||__|__|_|
  |..   |                                      \=\===|==/=/
  | []  |                      \|/              |_[] '. -|
  |__ ..|                     --O--             | ^^     |
  | '  '|                      /|\              |''..   '|
  |   _l|                                       |     .' |
__|_____|___                              ____ _|_ __ ___|___
|-|-|-|-|-|-|                              |-|-|-|-|--|-|-|-|-|
|.'__      '| ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___ |__.'       =====  |
|    ''.    |_|-|__|-|__|-|__|-|__|-|__|-|_|   ' []__.. \_/   |
Welcome to the NEW Harshlands using NEW CODE!
Rated: "Teen"
Blood, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence
ESRB Notice:  Game Experience May Change During Online Play
Sources: and
Email Contacts: and
C) Create a new game account. (NOTE: Not your character name)
L) Login to an existing account.
X) Disconnect from the server.

Your Selection:

                        _   _           ___  ___
                       | | | |          |  \/  |
                       | |_| | aunted   | .  . |
                       |  _  |          | |\/| |
                       | | | |          | |  | | emories
                       \_| |_/          \_|  |_/
                            Vienna By Night

If you have trouble connecting and have been away a while, please log in and
use +name <name-of-character>.  Your character may have been frozen and
renamed due to long periods of idle.  We never delete accounts, so you should
be able to find it. Log in with the new name and +request for assistance.

Use "create <name> <password>"      to create a new character. Case Sensitive.
Use "connect <name> <password>"     to connect to your existing character.
Use "connect guest guest"           to log in as a guest.
Use "QUIT" to logout.               Use "WHO" to see who is connected.

                      (*>      Haven


         All information and ideas on Haven are copyright 1996-2009
          held by Duuk@Haven (Eric S Johnson) All rights reserved.

                    Driver: MudOS v22.2b13 Mudlib: Haven 0.1                   

What name do you wish?

                 |     |                            |      |
                 |\   /|                            |\    /|
                 | | | |  ___   |           |  ___  | |  | |
                 | |_| | / _  \ |\         /| / __\ |  \ \ |
                 |  _  || /_|  || |       | | | __> | | \  |
                / /  |_| \___/\| \ \     / /  \___/ |_|  \ \
               /_/                \ \   / /               \_\
              /                    \ \ / /                   \
   |                                \ v /                               |
   |\_______             _         Of  The                             /|
   |_   ____\          <   >          V                               / |
     | |     |        | | |     _______   _____     ____    ____      | |
     | |__   |\__  __/| | |____ \   __ \ /____ \   / __ \  / __ \     | |
    <   __/  |  _\/_  |<   ___ \ | |  \||/____\ \ | /  \/ | /__\/    /  |
     | |     | | \/ | | | \   \ \| |   | /    \|| | >     |  __>    //| |
     | |____ | |    | | | /___/ /| |    | <-->  \ | \__/\ | \__/\  //_| \
    /_______/| |    | |/_______/ | |     \____/| | \____/  \____/ /______\
   /         | |    | |          |/             \|                        \
              V      V

                    Created by Ugha (
   Massive code overhauls by Sengir (
              ROM 2.4 beta, copyright 1993 - 1994 Russ Taylor
 Original DikuMUD created by Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt,
                   Sebastian Hammer, and Michael Seifert.
              Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
                   This world is Pueblo 1.10 enhanced.

By what name do you wish to be known?

This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.

   .' |  '.        
  J   |    '.        
  L  .+.     '.      
 J .'   '.     '+                ##    ##    ##    ##    ## ######## ##    ##
 +' .'|'. '+.    \               ##    ##   ####   ##    ## ##       ###   ##
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   F  |   J     '. \             ########  ######   ##  ##  ######   ## ## ##
   F  |    L  .+. ';+            ##    ## ##    ##  ##  ##  ##       ##  ####
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  |   |     |    L  L
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  F   |      L    L  L           
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 J    |      J     L   L         
 |    |       L--.,;,--'         
 +._  |    _,.+                  
    '-|,.-'      hs              

See +help titlecredits in game for credits.


Web Page:

WARNING:  This is a general adult game.  Users under the age of 18 are not

Use   'connect guest guest'          to sign in as a guest.
Use   'create  <name> <password>'    to create an account.
Use   'connect <name> <password>'    to connect to your existing character.
Use   'QUIT'                         to logout.

Welcome to TinyMUX
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  If you want a character, e-mail your request to user@machine.domain.
  Include in your request the character name and password you want.
  New characters are normally created within 24 hours.

            _____________________ Welcome To _____________________
           /       _   _           _   _   _   _                  \
          |   /_/ /_  /_/| / \/   /   /_  /_/ /_/   /| /|  / / |/  |
          |  / / /_  / / |/  /   /_/ /_  / / / \   / |/ | /_/ /|   |
               Online with special permission from Dream Pod 9

  To connect, type:            connect <name> <password>
  To log in as a guest, type:  connect guest guest
  To create a character:       create <name> <password>

  If you only want to look around, please log in as a guest.

for more information and help:
see you in hell

 h e l l

 "This is hell, this is hell, I'm...sorry to tell,
   It never gets better or worse;
    But you get used to it...after a spell,
     'Cause Heaven is hell in reverse..."

            -- Elvis Costello

You must be at least 18 years old to play HellMOO.

All orphans, corpses, inflatable sheeps, cinderblocks and wild dogs depicted in this game are 18 years of age or older.

To request a character:
  request <player_name> for <email_address>
To connect with an existing player: 
  connect <player> <password>

(server v1.10.1 (Hell variant) up 4:02:43:45, 94 players and 32 admins connected)

                                  Welcome to

                              H E R C U L E S  V

                            Based on CircleMUD 3.0,
                            Created by Jeremy Elson

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

Webpage:                                          /===-                         `//"\\   """"`---.___.-""
             ______-==|                         | |  \\           _-"`
       __--"""  ,-/-==\\                        | |   `\        ,'
    _-"       /'    |  \\            ___         / /      \      /
  .'        /       |   \\         /"   "\    /' /        \   /'
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/-'"    """""---__  |     "-/"    R     U     /'        _--"`
                  \_|      /   E    __--_  L ),   __--""
Honorary Imps:      '""--_/  H   _-"_>--<_\ E '-" \   Coders:
Morgan, Ryanne     {\__--_/}    / \\__>--<__\ S    \  Pilar & Slim
                   /'   (_/  _-"  | |__>--<__|      |
                  |   _/) )-"     | |__>--<__|  M   | Implementors:
                  / /" ,_/       / /__>---<__/  U   | Dusty, Mitey, Pilar,
                 o-o _//        /-"_>---<__-"   D  /  Rum, and Slim
                 (^("          /"_>---<__-      _-"
                ,/|           /__>--<__/     _-"
             ,//('(          |__>--<__|     /   Builders:      .----_
            ( ( '))          |__>--<__|    | Dusty, Mitey,  /'   _---_"\
         `-)) )) (           |__>--<__|    |  Rum, Achmed, /'  /      \`\
        ,/,'//( (             \__>--<__\    \  and Trev  /'  //        ||
      ,( ( ((, ))              "-__>--<_"-_  "--____---"' _/'/         /'
    `"/  )` ) ,/|                 "-_">--<_/- _       __-" _/
  ._-"//( )/ )) `                    ""-'_/_/ /"""""""__--"
   ;'( ')/ ,)(                              """"""""""
  ' ') '( (/
    '   '  `
Webpage creation help at:

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

         _      _   ________  _______     ______    ________   ________ 
        | |    | | | ______/ |  ____ \   / ____ \  | ______/  / ______/ 
        | |____| | | |_____  | |___/ /  | |    | | | |_____  / /_____   
        |  ____  | |  ____/  |  ___  \  | |    | | |  ____/  \______ \ 
        | |    | | | |______ | |   \  \ | |____| | | |______  ______\ \ 
        | |    |_| |_______/ | |    |__| \______/  |_______/ /________/ 
        |/                   |/

     <----------------  R    E    B    I    R    T    H ---------------->

        ______     _______    ________   ______    _      _    ________ 
       |  ___ \   |  ____ \  | ______/  / ____ \  | \    / |  / ______/ 
       | |   \ \  | |___/ /  | |_____  | /    \ | |  \  /  | / /_____   
       | |    \ \ |  ___  \  |  ____/  | |____| | | \ \/ / | \______ \ 
       | |____/ / | |   \  \ | |______ |  ____  | | |\  /| |  ______\ \ 
       |_______/  | |    |__||_______/ | |    |_| | | \/ |_| /________/ 
                  |/                   |/         |/
                     "connect Guest guest" to come in and visit!             
       Dreams        "connect <name> <password>" to log in.                
       May           "create  <name> <password>" to create a new character. 
       Come...       "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

                        Heroes MUSH
               "The future is in your hands."
/                                                           \
|  connect guest guest :: Connect to the MUSH as a guest.   |
|connect name password :: Connect to an existing character. |
| create name password :: Create a character for the MUSH.  |
|                  WHO :: See who is currently logged in.   |
|                 QUIT :: Disconnect from the MUSH.         |
|                                                           |
| When creating a character, please do not use any existing |
|              character names from the show.               |
|      You must be 18 or older to play on Heroes MUSH.      |
|  Due to the nature of the game, spoilers for Season 3 of  |
|               Heroes are likely to occur.                 |

@@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@@@   @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@
@@!  @@@  @@!:!:  !:!  :!:Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn  DikuMUD Code by:
    Hans Staerfeldt,Katja Nyboe,Tom Madsen,Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer

Enter your character's name, or type new:

                             ..      ..      ..          <<<\
                      '''x   .xXx,  ./xXx.   .Xx'x..\      <*)     
                         '''   '//'     :X/x'      ; |     <*)
                                '\..      '\..           <<</

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                             | ._. |         | ._. |
        ._____. ._____.  .___|_|_| |_________|_|_| |___.  ._____. ._____.
        | ._. | | ._. |  | ._____| |_____________| |_. |  | ._. | | ._. |
        | !_| |_|_|_! |  | !_! | | |         | | ! !_! |  | !_|_|_| |_! |
        !___| |_______!  !_____! | |  C | U  | | !_____!  !_______| |___!
        .___|_|_| |___.  ._____. | | --<*>-- | | ._____.  .___| |_|_|___.
        | ._____| |_. |  | ._. | | |  B | E  | | | ._  |  |  _| |_____. |
        | !_! | | !_! |  | !_| |_|_|_________| |_|_|_! |  | !_! | | !_! |
        !_____! !_____!  !___| |_____________| |_______!  !_____! !_____!
                             | |_| |         | |_| |
                             !_____!         !_____!

                     />>>          ,.      ,.      ,.
                    (*>       /,,x'xX.   ,xXx\.   ,xXx.   x'''
                    (*>     | '      'x\X:     '\\'     '''
                     \>>>           ../'     ..:/' 

              _   _           _     _       _  _   _   _           _   _
             |_|_|_|     |_| |_ \/ |_| |_| |_ | \ |_\ | | |\ |    |_|_|_|
               |_|       | | |_ /\ | | | | |_ |_/ | \ |_| | \|      |_|

               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor

               Implementors:  Epoic   -
                              Sypher  -

By what name do you wish to be known?

       __    __     __     _____         _____       _______     __    __ 
      |  |\ |  |\  |  |\  |     \\     /|     \    /|       |  /|  \ /|  |
      |  | \|  | \ |  | | |   _  \\   | |   _  \  | |   ____| / |   \ |  |
      |  |_ |  |  ||  | | |  | |  |\  | |  | |  | | |  |__ / |  |    \|  |
      |  ____  |  ||  | | |  | |  | | | |  | |  | | |   __|  |  |        |
      |  |  |  |  ||  | | |  |_|  |/  | |  |_|  | | |  |___\_|  |  |\    |
      |  | /|  | / |  | | |      //   | |      /  | |       | \ |  |\\   |
      |__|/ |__|/  |__|/  |_____//     \|_____/    \|_______|  \|__| \\__|
       ........     .......      ---*---               
        :MM'         :MT           /|\            jF           jF
        jMT         jMT                          :y          :y
       ,MM     j   ,MM      ,j'";g   -gg'.j+#,  jg      ./'";jg   ,j'";
       dMD   ,MT  dMD     ,+'   |M   .MT/      ,MT    ,+P   ,MT   \M.  
      jMP   ,gM  jMp     jM'   .MT   jM/      ,gM    ,MT   ,gM     'i\
      +M'  ;:M`. mT      MM   ,+T   ,MT       :M| .  +M    :M|   +  ,+T
       T|/'  Mxr/'       qMxxxr'    dP        |Mr/   'M#xxrRc.    T|T/

 Diku Mud was originally created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
          Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

  Special credit goes to Hatchet, Furey and Kahn, for Merc code,
               without whom it wouldn't be possible.

By what name do you wish to be known?

Welcome to HideawayMUSH! 

Please note. This is an ADULT-ONLY MUSH. That means you MUST be at least
18 years of age to play here. If you are below 18, and access this MUSH,
we are not responsible for anything you see. Most of the Admin here have
enough money troubles to deal with without having a lawsuit on our hands
because of someone's hypersensitive parents catching them on here and
blaming us. In short: "If we find out you're under 18... say goodbye.
Simple as that. No matter what."

We're currently running on PennMUSH version 1.7.7 patchlevel 34

If there are any questions or problems, contact our goddess at; if it's issues connecting to the server, 
send them to

Use 'create <name> <password>' to create a character.
Use 'connect <name> <password>' to connect to your existing character.
Use 'connect Guest' to connect to a Guest character.
Use 'WHO' to see who's currently online.
Use 'QUIT' to logout.

                   _ _
    _   _  _      _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  ___
   | \ / || |    |  ___||  __ ||  __ || ___ ||  __ ||   |
    \ ~ / | |___ | |__  |  ___|| ____/|  _  ||  ___|| | |
    / ~ \ |  __ || |___ | |    |  __ \| | | || |  ,-'___'-.
   |_/ \_||_____||_____||_|    |_____||_| |_||_|  |_|   |_|

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   |  |    |              |    |   |   |     |.b_|     | ``
   |  |    |     XXX      | X  |   |   |  _  |   ''+-..|_
   |XX|    |     XXX      | X  |   | X | |X' |   | | | | |'.+
   |XX|    |     XXX      |    |   | X | |X| | X | | | | |_||_____
   |XX|    |              | X  |   |   | |-| | X | | | | |       |``.
   |  |    |     XXX      | X  |   | X | | | |   | | | | |  XX   |  |
   |  |    |     XXX      |    |   | X | | | | X | | | | |  XX   |  |
   |  |    |      X       | X  |   |   | | | | X | | | | |  XX   |  |
 ..|_ |    |              |____|___|   | | | |   ..|_|_| |........._|
     `'`--.:ii=====.....__|        `>........,-------- `''

                            Based on CircleMUD 3.1,
                            Created by Jeremy Elson

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

                      Welcome to the world of Nick Perumov!
                     Our site is:
1. KOI8-R [Unix/Linux users] 
2. Win with capital russian 'YA' [JMC, MMC, zMUD, Win9x Telnet]
3. Alt [Win2k/XP Telnet]  
4. Win [JMC, MMC, Win9x Telnet] 
5. Translit input, Win output
6. Translit input, KOI8-R output
7. Translit input, translit output

Please, select your encoding [ENTER = 4]:

Do you want Ansi color (Yn)?

           /    \
          {  <>  }
  -=THE=-  (____)
        _ /      \ _
  -==::(*)|  <>  |(*)::==- 
          \ _  _ / 
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  |xxxxxxx||%||%||xx|_____|xxxxxxx||xx||xx|_|xx||xx|\xxx||x| |x||xxxxxx\
  |xxxxxxx||*||*||xx||xxx||xxxxxxx||xx||xxxxxxx||xx| |xx||x| |x| \xxxxxx|
  |XX| |XX||#||#||XX|_\XX||XX| |XX||XX|_____XXX||XX| |XX||X| /X||\____XX|
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  |X/  |X/ |*||*||X/      |X/  |X/ |X/ |X/  |X/ |X/  |X/ |X/    |X/
  |/   |/  |@||@||/       |/   |/  |/  |/   |/  |/   |/  |/     |/
  :    :   |$||$|:        :    :   :   :    :   :    :   :      :
  :    :   |%||%|:        :    :   :   :    :   :    :   :      :
  .    .   |*||*|.        .    .   .   .    .   .    .   .      .
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           |$||$|                     II       II       II
           \ || /                     II       II       II
            \\//                      II       II       II
             \/                     IIIIII   IIIIII   IIIIII

                           THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

                            Based on CircleMUD 3.1,
                            Created by Jeremy Elson

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

Welcome to Hogwarts: 2027!                       Running on PennMUSH 1.8.3p9

                                    _----|         _ _ _ _ _
                                     ----|_----|   ]-I-I-I-[
                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _----|      | ----|   \ `  ' /
                 ]-I-I-I-I-[  ----|      |     |    |. ` |
                  \ `   '_/       |     / \    |    | /^\|
                   []  `__|       ^    / ^ \   ^    | |*||
                   |__   ,|      / \  / ^ ^`\ / \   | ===|
                ___| ___ ,|__   / ^  /=_=_=_=\ ^ \  |, `_|
                I_I__I_I__I_I  (====(_________)_^___|____|____
                \-\--|-|--/-/  |     I  [ ]__I I_I__|____I_I_|
                 |[] `    '|_  |_   _|`__  ._[  _-\--|-|--/-/
                / \  [] ` .| |-| |-| |_| |_| |_| | []   [] |
               <===>      .|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|        / \
               ] []|` ` [] | .   _________   .   |-      <===>
               <===>  `  ' ||||  |       |  |||  |  []   <===>
                \_/     -- ||||  |       |  |||  | .  '   \_/
               ./|' . . . .|||||/|_______|\|||| /|. . . . .|\_
 _   _  _____  ___  _    _    __    ____  ____  ___    ___   ___  ___   ___ 
( )_( )(  _  )/ __)( \/\/ )  /__\  (  _ \(_  _)/ __)0 (__ \ / _ \(__ \ (__ )
 ) _ (  )(_)(( (_-. )    (  /(__)\  )   /  )(  \__ \   / _/( (_) )/ _/  / / 
(_) (_)(_____)\___/(__/\__)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) (___/0 (____)\___/(____)(_/  

Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use connect guest guest to connect to a guest character.
Use create <name> <password> to create a new character.
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

.  .                   ,        ._-_.
|__| _  _ .    , _.._.-+- __    |_-_(
|  |(_)(_] \/\/ (_][   | _)     I
       ._|                     /_\ ___
                       ._-_.   |,|/   \
    School of          |_-_(   | /_____\       ._-_.
      Withcraft and    I        \| u  -| _     |_-_(
             Wizardry / \    -_-_-_-_--|/ \    I
                     /___\   \._._._./-|___\  / \
                     |_u |    |_   _| -| u_| /___\
                     |_-_-_-_-_-  U_| -|  _| | u_|
                     |_\._._._./   _|-_-_-_-_-_-_|
                      \_|-   -|    _|    ..   -|_|
                       \|-   U|    _| U  ++  U-|/
                        |U   -|  U _|   ____  -|
                        |- _ -|    _|  /|-|-\ -|
                        |-/#\-|    _|  |-|-|| -|
                 ._/ /                 \____/      \,
                /  \ \                  \```\        \,
               (__   _\                 |'''|         L_,
               /   ./ /                  \```\       /  _\
              |   /  /                   |'''|       \,   |
              /  (                       \```\       /  _/ \
             /_                           |'''|           _,|
                              Based on CircleMUD,
                            Created by Jeremy Elson

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
To connect as a guest, Username: Guest, Password: New.

By what name do you wish to be known?

                            _  _ _  _
           *                |;| |;| |;|                         *
     +         _  _ _  _    \\.    .  /    _  _ _  _      +
 *            |;|_|;|_|;|    \\: +   /    |;|_|;|_|;|
              \\..      /    ||:+++. |    \\.    .  /          *
      +        \\.  ,  /     ||:+++  |     \\:  .  /
                ||:+  |_   _ ||_ . _ | _   _||:+  |      *
          *     ||+++.|||_|;|_|;|_|;|_|;|_|;||+++ |         +
                ||+++ ||.    .     .      . ||+++.|  *
+   *           ||: . ||:.     . .   .  ,   ||:   |              *
         *      ||:   ||:  ,     +       .  ||: , |     +
  *             ||:   ||:.     +++++      . ||:   |        *
     +          ||:   ||.     +++++++  .    ||: . |   +
                ||: . ||: ,   +++++++ .  .  ||:   |       *
         _    _ ||: . ||: ,   +++++++ .  .  ||:   | _
        | |__| |  ___   __ _  _      _  __ _  _ __ | |_  ____
        |  __  | / _ \ / _` || \ /\ / |/ _` || '__|| __|/ ___|
        | |  | || (_) | (_| | \ V  V /| (_| || |   | |_ \___ \
        |_|  |_| \___/ \__, |  \_/\_/  \__,_||_|    \__||____/
 __  __  ____   ____    __/ |                     
|  \/  |/ __ \ / __ \ /|___/===========================================\
| \  / | |  | | |  | || Welcome to HogwartsMOO! If you are new, please |
| |\/| | |__| | |__| || CONNECT GUEST. Else CONNECT <name> <password>. |
|_|  |_|\____/ \____/ \================================================/

 ###   ###               ###   ###                                  (__) 
 ###   ###               ###   ###                                   ()  
 ###   ###    #######    ###   ###    #######   ###  ##  ####        ()  
 #########   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###  ##  ##      ___()___ 
 ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###    ###  ## #      (/\/\/\/\)
 ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###     ###  ##          |~~| 
 ###   ###    #######    ###   ###    #######       ##  ##          | :| 
                                                                    | :| 
 ##  ##  ###  ##                          ###        ###     _|_    | :| 
 ###  ##  #  ##                           ###        ###    * |     | :| 
  ###  ##  # #     #######     ### ###    ###        ###       *    | :| 
   ###  ##  #     ###   ###    ########   ###    ### ###   *        | :| 
    ###  ## #     ###   ###    ###  ##    ###   #### ###   _|_      | :| 
     ### ###      ###   ###    ###        ###   #### ###    |    *  | /  
      ##  ##       #######     ###        ###    ### ###            |/   
                     A nice place to play since 1997                     
                \=/,         _-===-_-=======-_-===-_-=============-_-====-_
                |  @___oo   (    Based on Circle mud 3.0 derivative of     _)
      /\  /\   / (___,,,}_--=            DikuMUD (Gama 0.0)                )
     ) /^\) ^\/ _)        =__  DikuMUD created by Hans Henrik Staerfeld,    )
     )   /^\/   _)          (_ Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seiferd and )
     )   _ /  / _)            (_ Sebastian Hammer. Thanks to Jeremy Elson!  )
 /\  )/\/ ||  | )_)            (_-----------------Founders----------------)
<  >      |(,,) )__)               (_    Centauro -  Godac - Wolvehf       )
 ||      /    \)___)\            _(_ ---------Contributions----------- _)
 | \____(      )___) )___        (_   Hrimhari - Threepwood - Aldones    _)
  \______(_______;;; __;;; ___________-==-_____-========-___-=====-__-===____


    "Fantasy remains a human right; we make in our measure and in our"
           derivative mode... -- JRR Tolkien

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

     oo        Welcome   oo   to     oo                         oo
    oooo    oo          oooo        oooo     oo                oooo
   oooooo  oooo        oooooo      oooooo   oooo              oooooo
   oo ooo   ooo        oo ooo      oo ooooooooo               oo ooo
    o ooo   ooo         o ooo       o ooo o ooo                o ooo  oo
      ooooooooo     oooo  ooo   oooo  ooo   ooo     o  o   oooo  ooo oooo
      ooo   ooo o  oooooo ooo  oooooo ooo   ooo o  oo  oo oooooo oooooo
      ooo   ooo oo oo  oo ooo  oo  oo ooo   ooo oo oo  oo oo     ooo ooo
      oooo  oooooo oooooo oooo oooooo oooo  oooooo oooooo oooooo oooo ooo
     oooo    oooo   oooo oooo   oooo oooo    oooo   oooo   oooo oooo   ooo
      oo                  oo          oo                         oo
      o                   o           o                          o
  -----=<     WHO = show all the users who are currently online     >=----- 
  -----=<  QUIT = disconnect from the server without going online   >=-----
  -----=<  connect <player> <password> = connect to your character  >=-----
  -----=<   connect guest guest = connect to the guest character    >=-----
  -----=<        Mail for a character         >=-----
  -----=<              or see               >=-----

  -----=>   If you see this screen but your input is ignored, try   <=-----
  -----=>              using port 7575 instead of 5757.             <=-----

                             Welcome to HoloTrek!

          HoloTrek is a virtual recreation of the Star Trek universe,
                           run by "The Q Continuum"

DISCLAIMER:  Star Trek, Star Trek:TNG, Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek
             Voyager are all trademarks of Paramount (A subsidiary of
             Viacom, Inc.)  HoloTrek is non-profit and is not
             affiliated with Paramount or Viacom.  Any questions can
             be directed to the administrators at

Connection HELP

Connecting as a guest:    'connect-guest <name> <email>'
              Example:    'connect-guest John'

Connecting as a user:     'connect <name> <password>'
             Example:     'connect John mypassword'

Quitting (this screen):   '@quit'   or   'quit'

Connected Users Listing:  '@who'    or   'who'

                         .                                 .        
           +                           .                            
                                 .              +            .      
          .                  .                           .          
                  .                         .                       
           .                    .               .                   
                   .                                    .           
    .                      .            .                           
               .                 .                           .      
                      .                                .            
  .                                             .                   
                                                       .       +    
 .          .             H o L o  M U D                            
      .          .                                                 .
                          .                        .                
                                   .                  .          .  
    .  +                   .            .                           
   .                              .                      .          

            Originally Written by Aramina and Exile                
      Based on HoloMUD 3.0, Circle 2.1, SillyMud, and Diku          

By what name do you wish to be known?

Lars says: Let's get a body for your character ...
,--- , --------------- /\ ------ Welcome to ------------- __ ------- __ ----.
|   "|"               #### ####                         ///\\\     ///\\\   |
|   /\               /`##\`## ,####. ####  ##.  ,##  ////\\\\(~)////\\\\  |
|  //\\\     /\     /  ####### /##  ##/ ##    `####  ////' `/~' `~\' `\\\\ |
| ///\\\\   /  \_ /  _ ##   ##/ ##\ ##  ##\    `##  /// '  `\\_|_/\'  ` \\\|
| | /\ ||  /   | \  / |### #### `####  ##### #### ///   /\  |~|/  \    ` \\
| | || ||______||\\//||   ()  /~~~\  /~~~\  ()  /~~\' |~\/ || | |    \   `  |
| | ~~ |//////////\/ ||   ,.  \ \~~' \ \~~' ,. | /\ | ||\\ ||\|/      \  /\ |
|////////////////  \ ||   ||  __\`\  __\`\  || | \/ | || \\|| \        \/  \|
||  /\  /\  /\  |()|/__\  \/  \___/' \___/' \/  \__/  ||  \_|  \       /    \
||  ||  ||  ||  |__|======= remains from the past ===========         /     |
||  ~~  ~~  ~~  ||||                                                 /      |
||______________||||                   Sic transit gloria mundi...  /       |

                  **** HOLY MISSION OPEN FOR TESTING READ NEWS ****

       HM logon-menu, welcome guest!
       0) Exit from Holy Mission.    a) Admins of Holy Mission.
       1) Enter our world as guest.  n) Read News (Mar 29 2009).
       2) Create a character.

          Enter your name or make your choice:

In entering Organelle, you partake of
the ancient lineage of boundary-crossers;
the great heroes and villians, healers
and generals, sages and shamans have all
tread this path. The shamanic practice of
crossing over the boundary between the real
and the imaginary has a rich and vivid history,
and still survives today.

Though many current societies devalue
the imagination, some few still survive
who value the imaginary as more real
than that which can be touched.

Welcome to Nova Island. This game is under development, please check back soon.
Server Version: GammaMOO 1.8.2g5pre uptime: 28 days, 8 hours, 42 minutes, and 45 seconds.

Account name:

        ___   ___
       / //  / //
      / //  / //
     / //__/ // __    __   ______    ______  _____
    / ____  // | ||  / // / ___ \\  / ___// / __ \\
   / //  / //  | || / // / // / // / //__  / /_/ //
  / //  / //   | ||/ // / // / // / ___// / __  //
 /_//  /_//    | |/ // / //_/ // / //__  / //| ||
               |   // /  ____// /____// /_// |_||
               /  // /  //  __      __   _     _  __    __
              /  // /  //  |  \    /  | | |   | | \ \  / /
             /__// /__//   | \ \  / / | | |   | |  \ \/ /
                           | |\ \/ /| | | |___| |  / /\ \
                           |_| \__/ |_| |_______| /_/  \_\
  "connect name password" connects you to an existing character.
  "create name password" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

 [_]  [_]  [_]  [_]  [_]     %%%%%%%%%                      _/^\_      
   ][][][][][][][][][][     %%%%%%%%%%%         ___       _/     \_  
   [][|/\|]|/\|[|/\|][]    %%%%%%%%%%%%       /(_@_)\    /_________\
   ][]|  |[|  |]|  |[][      %%%%%%%%%       /+/   \+\   |+++++++++|
   [][]\/[]|\/|[|\/|][]       %%| |%%       (@)     (@)  |++|---|++|
   ][][][][][][][][][][         |0|         |+|     |+|  |++|___|++|   
   [][_/-----------------\_     | |         |+|     |+|  |+++++++++|
#####/*     You are       *\################|+|     |+|################
#####|*                   *|################|+|     |+|################    
,,,,_|*   Now  Entering   *|_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'       ''''''''''''''''''
,,,/                         \,,,,,,,,,,,,,'          '''''''''''''''''  
,,,| ~ H Y P E R B O R E A ~ |,,,,,,,,,,,,'           '''''''''''''''''
,,,\_  ===================  _/,,,,,,,,,,,'            '''''''''''''''''
,,,,,|*                   *|,,,,,,,,,,,               '''''''''''''''''     
,,,,,|*     an LP MUD     *|,,,,,,,,,'               '''''''''''''''''' 
,,,,,\*     ~~~~~~~~~     */,,,,,,,,                 ''''''''''''''''''
,,,,,,-\_________________/-,,,,,,,'                 '''''''''''''''''''
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|  |,,,,,,,,,      '                  '''''''''''''''''''
              There are no Hyperboreans connected right now

What is your name:

      .-.__,___,_.-=-. )\`  a`\_
 .-.__\__,__,__.-=-. `/  \     `\
 {~,-~-,-~.-~,-,;;;;\ |   '--;`)/
  \-,~_-~_-,~-,(_(_(;\/   ,;/  _-_-                     ,  
   ",-.~_,-~,-~,)_)_)'.  ;;(     /,                    ||               '   _
      `~-,_-~,-~(_(_(_(_\  `;\   || __    \\/\\  _-_, =||=  _-_  ,._-_ \\  < \,
,          `"~~--,)_)_)_)\_   \ ~||-  -   || ;' ||_.   ||  || \\  ||   ||  /-||
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 '--.\    .'          /_/    | |      `  (
     ))  /       \      |   /.'           -_-                |`-._/\_.-`|
    //  /,        | __.'|  ||                                |    ||    |
   //   ||        /`    (  ||                                |___o()o___|
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  ||    ||    .'_         \ \\                               \   o\/o   /
   \\   //   / _ `\        \ \\__                             \   ||   /
    \'-'/(   _  `\,;        \ '--:,                            \  ||  /
     `"`  `"` `-,,;   jgs   `"`",,;                             '.||.'

By what name shall I call you? 

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Mon Aug 10 01:27:17 GMT 2009 So_o2 1