main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[r] M.U.D. Titles

          .(          R E F L E C T I O N S         )'':..
      '':.. )               -of the-               ('':..
      '':..(              W  H  E  E  L              )'':..
      '':.. "+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+."'':..

         Note: This MUD is based on Robert Jordans "Wheel
        of Time" series. Names and Places are Copyright (C)
           1994-2005 Robert Jordan and Tor Books Inc.

                       Reflections v2.0b
                 Kam, Kindrana, Arianna, Ashram

                    Based on CircleMUD 3.0,
                    Created by Jeremy Elson

                A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
            created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
           Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known?

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

I draw the curtains as the sky goes black
And set a match to candles sheathed in glass
    Against the keyhole draught, the insistent whine
Of weather through the unsealed aperture.
This is our sole defense against the season;
These are the things that we have learned to do
Who live in troubled regions.
                          "Storm Warning" - Adrienne Rich

    ___________   _____  ______________  ________________________________
   \           \ |     ||              ||                                |
   |            ||     ||              ||                                |
   |     __     ||     ||    |---------  -----     --------\       -----\|  
   |    `--`   _~|     ||    ----------|      |    |        ` \     \
   |    ____    ||     ||    ----------       |    |           `\    `\
   |    |  |    ||     ||    |                |    |       ^-------    `\
   |    |  |    ||     ||    |                |    |      |              |
   |____\  /____\|_____||____|                |____|      \______________|


  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect explorer guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
RIFTs and Palladium are the copyright of Palladium Books, a creation of Kevin

ASCII title art design by Pleiades.  If you want to use it, please ask for
permission first.

NOTE: Many of the themes and content found here may not be considered suitable
for young children under the age of 18.  By connecting to this site you are 
claiming you are over 18, or that you have a parent's permission.

                            |    + RPGMUSH IV +    |
                            |                      |
                            |<><PLANAR  PATHWAYS><>|

     "I don't care what you believe in, just believe in it!" - Shepherd Book
{}=|               ~ Welcome to RPGMUSH IV: Planar Pathways! ~              |={}
   |                                                                        |
   |                 ~ To Login: co <Charname> <Password> ~                 |
   |                                                                        |
   |                    ~ Guest Login: co Guest Guest ~                     |
   |                                                                        |
   |                   ~ Use WHO to see who is online. ~                    |
   |                                                                        |


             ####   ###   ###   ###   ###   ###  #   #
             #   # #   # #   # #   # #   # #   # ##  #
             ####  ##### #     #     #   # #   # # # #
             #  #  #   # #   # #   # #   # #   # #  ##
             #   # #   #  ###   ###   ###   ###  #   #

                      #   # #   #  ###  #  #
                      ## ## #   # #   # # #
                      # # # #   # #     ##
                      #   # #   # #   # # #
                      #   #  ###   ###  #  #

To connect to your character use 'connect <playername> <password>'
To connect as a guest use 'connect guest guest'
If you want a character, please read the MOTD.

|\ ------------------------------------------------------ /|
|/|            ######      #    ###### ######            |\|
|\|             ##  ##   ###  ##     #  ##   #           |/|
|/|             ## ##    ## # ##        ## #             |\|
|\|             #####   ## ## ##    ########             |/|
|/|             ## ##   # ###  #     ## ##               |\|
|\|             ##  ## ##    ###     ## ##   #           |/|
|/|            ####  #####  ##################           |\|
|\|                                                      |/|
|/|                          OF                          |\|
|\|                                                      |/|
|/|   #   # #### #   #  ### ####   #   #   #  ##  ####   |\|
|\|   #   # #    ##  # #    #     # #  ##  # #  # #      |/|
|/|    # #  ###  # # # # ## ###  ##### # # # #    ###    |\|
|\|    # #  #    #  ## #  # #    #   # #  ## #  # #      |/|
|/|     #   #### #   #  ##  #### #   # #   #  ##  ####   |\|
|\|                                                      |/|
|/|       The MUD has reopened for the Sixth Cycle       |\|
|\ ------------------------------------------------------ /|

Enter name ('new' or 'create' for a new name, 'quit' to quit):

                                                     .:::.      +------------+
                                                    ::::::      |            |
     ...                             ..               ::::      | Welcome to |
    :::::                           ::::              ::::      | RanmaMUCK! |
 .::.``'                 ..::.::::::::::::::::.       ::::      |            |
 ::::                  .:::::`::::::::::::::::'       ::::      +------------+
 ::::  ......,       .:::::'  ......::::......         `'
 ::::.;:::::::;,   .::::;'   :::::::::::::::::;  :::::::::::::: +------------+
 :::::::'''':::; .::::::..    ``````::::''''''        ....      |Type "WHO"  |
 `::::'     :: .:::::;:::::.  .::::::::::::.       ,::::::::.   | to see who |
  ...     .; .:::::'  '':::: .::::`'::::`:::;      :::;`'::::.  | is online. |
 `::::...;: :::::'     ::::; :::::..::::  ``'      `''   ;:::'  |            |
   ``:::::: `::'      :::::..``::::::::'               ,::::'   |Type "QUIT" |
                      `:::::::: ``'''' ASCII by      ,::::;'    | in all caps|
                        ``''''         Tim Clapin .::::::'::::. | to logout. |
                                                  `:::::::::::' +------------+
  +----------------------------------------------------------+ Space By
  |Type "connect <charactername> <password>" to login.       | The DataHaven
  |Type "connect guest guest" if you don't have a character. | Project, INC. 

Building connection information....

[SOD 10.55-0149122908] (beta)
Build Number : 1309

    (o)'   `(o)                
 \..'^'../   (o)          __    
 :'     ':   (o):.     .'` /                Welcome to Rauvyon
<  <   >  >   '::::.-'`  ./
':       :'     ':'`  _./`                  The Professional's Choice
 /".. .."\    .'`   ./::.       
    '|'    ."`   ./` '::::.
         .\\  ./`      '::::.
       .:::\\`           '::::.   
    .:::::'                ':::.            telnet://
  :;:::''                   ':;'
Color title screen follows account prompt.
Type HELP for the account name to speak to an immortal for account assistance.
YOUR ACCOUNT. More Questions? Email 

Enter Account Name or Number or enter CREATE for new account :

                                .-----.        .-----.       
                               /       \  ^^  /       \      
 Coder:                       / /       \(..)/       \ \     
 Arbaces                     //////     ` \/ '     \\\\\\    
                            //// / // / (    ) \ \\ \ \\\\   
                           // /   /  / / \../ \ \  \   \ \\  
 Special Thanks:          /             //\/\\             \ 
 Jeremy Elson,            =============VV====VV============= 
 Katja Nyboe,             \            `//||\\'           / 
 Tom Madsen,               \              `'              /  
 Michael Seifert,          {------------------------------}  
 Sebastian Hammer,          |          RavenMud          |   
 and                        | 6060     |  
 Hans Henrik Staerfeldt     |      |  
                            |                            |   
                            |      Running Raven 2.3     |   
                    The Immortals of Raven reserve the right to
                     reject any name that is inappropriate and
                       does not fit with the RavenMud theme.

By what name do you wish to be known?

Validating socket, looking up hostname.  This may take a moment.

  @@@@@@       @@    @@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@      @@@@@@@@@@ @@@   @@  @@@@@@@@     
  @@   @@      @@     @   @@@@  @@     @      @  @@@  @  @@     @  @@     @     
  @@   @@     @@@@   @   @@@    @@     @         @@@@    @@     @  @@     @     
  @@ @@@      @@@@      @@@@    @@@@@@           @@@     @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@       
  @@   @@     @@ @      @@@     @@@ @@           @@@     @@     @  @@@ @@       
  @@    @    @@   @    @@@@     @@@  @           @@@     @@     @  @@   @
  @@    @@   @@   @    @@@    @ @@               @@@     @@     @  @@          
  @@     @@  @@   @   @@@    @  @@    @          @@@     @@     @  @@    @      
  @@     @@ @@    @@  @@@    @  @@    @          @@@@    @@@    @  @@    @      
  @@    @@@@@@@   @@  @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@         @@@@    @@@   @@  @@@@@@@@     
 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@          @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@      
   @@@@@    @@@@@@@   @@@@@@      @@@@        @@@            @@@@@   @@@@@@@@   
   @@@@@      @@@@@@   @@@@        @@@        @@@@           @@@@@      @@@@@   
   @@@@@       @@@@@   @@@@         @@        @@@@           @@@@@       @@@@@  
    @@@@       @@@@@   @@@@         @@       @@@@@@          @@@@@       @@@@@  
   @@@@@       @@@@@   @@@@      @  @        @@@@@@          @@@@@       @@@@@  
   @@@@@       @@@@@   @@@@    @@@  @        @@@@@@@         @@@@@       @@@@@  
    @@@@       @@@@@   @@@@    @@@          @@@@@@@          @@@@@       @@@@@  
   @@@@@       @@@@    @@@@@@@@@@           @@@@@@@@         @@@@@       @@@@   
    @@@@       @@@@    @@@@@@@@@@@         @@@@@@ @@          @@@@       @@@@   
   @@@@@      @@@@     @@@@    @@           @@@   @@@        @@@@@      @@@@    
   @@@@@      @@@@     @@@@     @@         @@@     @@        @@@@@      @@@@    
    @@@@      @@@@     @@@@               @@@@     @@@        @@@@      @@@@    
   @@@@@     @@@@@     @@@@        @      @@@@     @@@       @@@@@     @@@@     
   @@@@@    @@@@       @@@@        @     @@@@       @@       @@@@@    @@@@      
   @@@@@    @@@@       @@@@        @     @@@@       @@       @@@@@    @@@@      
   @@@@@   @@@@        @@@@        @     @@@@       @@@      @@@@@   @@@@       
   @@@@@  @@@@         @@@@        @    @@@@        @@@      @@@@@  @@@@        
    @@@@@@@@           @@@@       @@@   @@@@        @@@      @@@@@@@@@          
   @@@@@@@             @@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@       @@@@     @@@@@@@            
  @@@@@@              @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@              

                    C  O  N  T  A  M  I  N  A  T  I  O  N 5000 (

  Based on LexiMUD,  a creation of Chris Jacobson and the AvP Team,  with code
  created by, or based on code by, George Greer, Eric Green, Stefan Wasilewski
  David Berry, Jushua Mentzer,  Harvey Gilpin, Brian Williams,  Daniel Muller.
  A derivative of CircleMUD 3.0, by Jeremy Elson;  and DikuMUD, by Hans Henrik
  Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
  Original game design by Ben Floerke (

Choose a name for your character or log in to an existing character:

**************************** WELCOME TO REALITY BYTES ****************************

                               HEAD IMMORTALS

                     Fya --
                     Ivor --
                     Cobweb -- Coder

Leave the 'real' world behind and be who, and what you want to be!

SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn,
Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.

 Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  Original DikuMUD code by:
  Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert && Sebastian Hammer

Enter your character's name, or type new:

Connect to port 4001 if you want no color.
Connect to port 4002 if you are visually impaired.

                                 Welcome to the

                                 Realm of Magic

                                   Created by
            Claas "Questor" Buchterkirche, Wolfram "Karl" Schroeder,
                    Stefan "Bhao" Wichmann and Jani Fikouras

                                  Supported by
          Wolfgang "Highlander" Wiese (management) and, alphabetically,
          Claas "Questor" Buchterkirche, Torsten "Murdegern" Luettgert
          Christoph "Criscal" Seifert, Raphael "BelRaph" Vaino (hacking)

Based on CircleMUD 2.2      ..--~~~~~--..                       .         .
with a lot of stuff     .-~~. . . . . . .~~-.         .
added by the         .-~ . . . . . . . . XX. ~-.             .
Implementors .    .-XXXXXXb . . . . . . . XX. . ~-.      -        -     .
                 /dXP  . .XX .XXXXb. XXXX  XX. . . \
     .         .:XX . . .XP .XX .XX . . XX.XX . . . :.
 -       -    .:XXXXXXXXX' .XXXXXX'. XXXXX XX XXXX  X:. .      .
             .:XX . .XX . .XX . . . XX. XX.XX .XXXXXXX:.                  .
            .:XX . . XX. . .XXXXXX . XXXXX XX. XX. X XX:           -
 .          :XX . . . XX. . . . . . . . . .XX . XX. . XX:    -
            :XX. . . . XXX . . . . .XXX. . .XX .XX . .XX:        .       .
       -    : . . . . . . . .XXX. .XX . . . . . . . . . :
   - -      :X . . . XX. . .XX XX.XXXX . . . . . . . . .:            .
            :XXX. . XXX . . .XXX. XX. . . .XX . . . . . :  -
          . `.XXXX XX.XX . . . . XX. . . . . . .XXXX . :
   .         `.XX XX. XX  .XXXXX. . XXXXX .XX  XX . . :'        .      .
              `.XX .X. XX. . . XX. XX. XX. XX.XX . . :'
          -    `.XX . .XX . .XXXXX.XX .XX .XX XX. XX.'
  -              `.XX  .XX .XX  XX .XXXXX. XX. XXX /        If you are a
               .   `.XX .XX .XXXXX. . .XX . XXX ..'    -    newbie, try
     .               `.. . . . . . .XXXX . . ..'            'info' after
                   .    `.. . . . . . . . ..'      -        entering game
 -Fx-       .              ~~~--.....--~~~

What is your character's name?

    @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@  @@@      @@@@@@@@@@        @@@@@@  @@@@@@@@
    @@!  @@@ @@!      @@!  @@@ @@!      @@! @@! @@!      @@!  @@@ @@!     
    @!@!!@!  @!!!:!   @!@!@!@! @!!      @!! !!@ @!@      @!@  !@! @!!!:!  
    !!: :!!  !!:      !!:  !!! !!:      !!:     !!:      !!:  !!! !!:     
     :   : : : :: :::  :   : : : ::.: :  :      :         : :. :   :      
     @@@@@@ @@@  @@@  @@@@@@  @@@@@@@   @@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@@@
    !@@     @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!  @@!  @@! !@@    
     !@@!!  @!@!@!@! @!@!@!@! @!@  !@! @!@  !@! @!!  !!@  @!@  !@@!! 
        !:! !!:  !!! !!:  !!! !!:  !!! !!:  !!!  !:  !!:  !!      !:!
    ::.: :   :   : :  :   : : :: :  :   : :. :    ::.:  :::   ::.: : 
                            -=The Rebirth=-
          Please visit our website at
          Diku MUD was created by Hans Henirk Strfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
             Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
           Realm of Shadows is an extremely modified SMAUG 1.4a MUD.
                   A special thanks to the creators of Merc.

            The most players on for this run so far is 5.

Enter your character's name, or type NEW to make a new player:

  _____________________________________   __________________________________
./|                 .         :      * \./                                  |\.
|||   .:   *  +           +      +      :     %%%%%                         |||
|||.                       .--------+   :     %%T%%HE IMMORTAL COUNCIL      |||
||| : *  .    .  /\  +   :  > GAVUN | . :     %%%%%                         |||
|||    . .      /&&\   .   '--------+   :        WELCOMES YOU TO THE        |||
|||  +      *  /&&&&\  . .    __  __|   :                                   |||
|||      .    /&&&&&&\   /\  [::][::]   :  ___|=======================|___  |||
|||     *    /&&&&&&&&\ /&&\ \-=-=-=/   :  \  |        REALM OF       |  /  |||
|||  .      /&&&&&&&&&&\&&&&\ |::::|    :   > |     UTOPIAN DREAMS    | <   |||
|||      +  |-=-=-=-=-=|    |_| __ |__  :  /__|=======================|__\  |||
|||         |::[]::[]::|   [::][::][::] :                                   |||
|||  __  __ |__::::::::|    \-=-=-=-=/  :                                   |||
||| [::][::][::]:::::::|  ___|:::[]:|   :  <<Give them the reward that they |||
||| |-=-=-=-=-=|:::::::| ////|::::::|   :    have earned.>>  Proverbs 31:31 |||
||| |:[]:[]:[]:|=============|:[]:::|   :                                   |||
||| |::::::::::|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|::::::|   : Thanks to: Nyobe, Madsen          |||
||| |::+----+::|:::::::::::::|::::::|   : Staerfeldt, Seifert, Hammer for   |||
||| |::|\XX/|::|:::::::::::::|::::::|   : Diku; Furey, Hatchet, Khan for    |||
||| |::|XXXX|::|:::::::::::::|::::::|   : Merc; Alandar for ROM2.3; and our |||
||| |::|/XX\|::|____________/._.._.._\  : hosts     |||
|||____________________________________ : __________________________________|||


  [__#__][__I_]__I__#]         Hosted By MultiUser RolePlay Entertainment
  [_I_#_I__#[__]__#__]             Website --
     [I_|/     \|#]       ___________________________________________________
     [_I||     ||_]         _______        _______   _________    _______
     [__]|/\_/\||#]        (  ____ )      (  ___  )  \__   __/   (       )
     [_I__I#___]__]        | (    )|      | (   ) |     ) (      | () () |
     [__I_#_I___#_]        | (____)|      | |   | |     | |      | || || |
     [#__I____]__I]        |     __)      | |   | |     | |      | |(_)| |
     [__I_#__I__[_]        | (\ (         | |   | |     | |      | |   | |
     [_#_[__#_]__#]        | ) \ \__      | (___) |     | |      | )   ( |
     [__#_I__[#_I_]        |/   \__/ealm  (_______)f    )_(he    |/     \|agi
     [_I__]__#_I__]       ____________________________________________________
     [_I__]__#_I__]           A Dark & Magical Fantasy Role-Playing Game
     [_I#__I___I_#]    .:.    ****************************************** 
     [#__I__]_#___]   -=o=-     Running LDmud 3.2.9 + RotM Mudlib V2.0
     [_I__I#__]___]    /:\    
     [_I__I#__]___]     :  -*> Visiting? Use 'GUEST' to just look around <*-
   \\[__]#___][__#]//, \|/
  There are currently 0 players online.

What is your character name?

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

                           Welcome to Realms of Corl
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" provides information about theme.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.
  "+help" gives you help on commands specifically designed for this game.
           You can reach staff members at:

    (  )(  )(  )                                            (  )(  )(  )
 /===(  )(  )(  )============================================(  )(  )(  )===\
||    \/  \/  \/        Alas ... you have entered the         \/  \/  \/    ||
||                  R E A L M S    O F    D E S P A I R !                   ||
||                      Endless Medieval Enjoyment                          ||
||                                                                          ||
||                Written, maintained and modified by Thoric                ||
||                  Connection provided by                  ||
||                Gameplay governed by the Council of Elders                ||
||                 (email all concerns to                ||
||                                                                          ||
||       Home of SMAUG based on Merc2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, Kahn        ||
||       in turn based on DikuMUD code (Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe        ||
||            Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer)             ||
||                                                                          ||
||  Realms:               Code by Thoric            ||
||  Smaug:                   (Derek Snider, ||
||  Forum:  with Altrag/Blodkai/Haus/Narn/  ||
||  FTP: (port 21)           Scryn/Swordbearer/Tricops/Gorog/||
||                                          Rennard/Grishnakh/Fireblade/    ||
||  Version: SMAUG 2.1                      Nivek/Edmond/Conran             ||
||  Dies lunae MMVIII                                                       || 

By what name are you known (or "new" to create a new character):

The Realms of Hell (RoH beta v2.43c)
Based on Mordor by Brett Vickers, Brooke Paul.
Programmed by: Jason Mitchell, Randi Mitchell and Tim Callahan.
Contributions by: Jonathan Hseu.
                                                      ,  ,
                                                     / \/ \
                                                     (/ //_ \_
  .-._                                                \||  .  \
  \  '-._                                      _,:__.-"/---\_ \
 ____/___  '.    .------------------------------'~-'--.)__( , )\ \
'-___  _\  /     |       Welcome To                   ,'    \)|\ \|
   /_.-' _\ \ _:,_  ________       The   ._                 |
 .'__ _.' \'-/,-~   \____   \ ___ _____  | |   _____   _____ |
     '. ___.> /=,|   |     _// _ \\__  \ | |  /     \ / ___/ |
      / .-'/_ )  |   |  |   \  __/ / __ \| |_|  . .  \\__ \  |
      )'  ( /(/  |   |__|_  /\__  >____  /___/__|_|  /___  > |
           \\ "  |        \/    \/     \/  of Hell \/    \/  |
            '==' \__________________________________________/

Choose - [A]nsi color, [M]irc color, [X] MXP + Ansi, or [N]o color

                 ||                                           ||
                 ||         ||
                 ||                                           ||
                                     |V 1.0|
                                     |     |
             |Warning: This game is adult entertainment. Noone under|
             |the age of 18 should login without parental consent.  |
             |This game contains massive amounts of violence, sexual|
             |overtones, and pretty much anything goes.             |
             |                                                      |
             |                 You have been warned!!               |
             |                                                      |
             |If you cannot accept this, please log off now.        |
             |Based on tbaMUD 3.55 which is based on CircleMUD 3.1, |
             |Created by Jeremy Elson. A derivative of DikuMUD GAMMA|
             |created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom   |
             |Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.        |

What name do you go by?

Timed out... goodbye.

               W  E  L  C  O  M  E      T  O      T  H  E
                                           _   __,----'~~~~~~~~~`-----.__
                                    .  .    `//====-_             ___,-' `
                    -.            \_|// .   /||\\  `~~~~`---.___./
              ______-==.       _-~o~  \/    |||  \\           _,'`
        __,--'   ,=='||\=_    /_--~/_-'|-   |`\   \\        ,'
     _-'      ,='    |  \\`.   '-'~7  /-   /  ||   `\.     /
   .'       ,'       |   \\ \_    /  /-   /   ||      \   /
  / _____  /         |     \\.`-_/  /|- _/   ,||       \ /
 ,-'     `-|--'~~`--_ \     `==-/  `| \'--===-'       _/`
           '         `-|      /|    )-'\~'      _,--~'
                       '-~~\_/ |    |   `\_   ,~             /\
                            /  \     \__   \/~               `\__
                        _,-' _/'\ ,-'~____-'`-/                 ``===\
                       ((->/'    \|||' `.     ~`-/ ,                _||
                                  \_     ~\      `^---|__i__i__\--~'_/
                                 __-^-_    `)  \-.______________,-~'
                                //,-'~~`__--^-  |-------~~~~~'
                R E A L M S   O F    T H E     D R A G O N

  -= Gods =-       -= Demi-Gods =-              -= People To Thank =-
   Leonidad          Skullslayer          Asmodean Aurora Ahumado Artriedes
                       Sabreur              Darsis Draven Grimm Kelaronus
                                            Michuri Lancer Moredhel Oneth
           The Realms are generously sponsored by Asmodean
              Copyright 1992-2007.  All rights reserved.
                 For the latest news and information:
Enter your name (or 'help'):

                            W E L C O M E   T O
               |                                                /  |  
               |\    \   /     |\   /|    |\     |\     |      /   |\
               | \    \ /      | \ / |    | \    | \    |     /    | \
               |       X       |  X  |    | /    |\     |     \    |  \
             \ |      / \      | / \ |    |\     | \    |      \   |
              \|     /   \     |/   \|    | \    |      |     /    |
               |                Horse of the Hanged          /     |



    Please Hurry with your selections on new characters as there is a time
    limit for security reasons.  If you aren't happy with the character you
    end up with, we can likely fix you up pretty easily.  Thanks!


Please wait.e or type 'NEW' to create a new player:

      Welcome to........           
 #####& ######&   ##&   ##     ###  ### ,#####      ###  ###! ##&  ## ###### 
 ##"###  #&   "  ####,  ##     ######## '## "#      ########  "#   ## $##"##&
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                   ,,                     ,,#######,##/"  ,#/   #"  #" ####& 
,          +##&    ###                ,/$#"""     """#, ,#"     ,   " ###"##"
#&,        ####     ###               # #"  ,,,   '#,,##"  ,& &,###  ##*   ##
 ##         #####* ,###!             ####   .&##    "  '#& $#, ,##" ##"    ##
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  ####   ,####### &####!         ,#"""#&, \?##*         #######",##""     ###
   ""##&#########    ##,       ,#"%&,   "        ,       ##"",###"       ,#""
       """ ######,   !"      ,## ,,,#*        ,,,'#,     $#&###"         #"  
           $######,         ## , ###",,, , &#####* "     ###""          ##   
            ###"###,        '# "" ,---"",###""        ,####/           ####  
          ,,###  ###         #,,,,,,,,##"" ,     ,,&##+"""           ,#####&,
        ,#####' ###'         "#######" ,,#&,####+"""              ,######""""
        ###*   "###*           #/"#####+""""         (Ronnie)    #######,,,,,

DISCLAIMER:  The administrators of this MUD reserve the right to monitor and/or
log any activity that takes place on it.  They further reserve the right to
restrict access to anyone for any reason, without notice.

Realmsmud is running on LDMud 3.2.11-dev.667

Type 'guest' as your login name if you just want to look around.

There are 2 wizards and 0 mortals online.

Please enter your login name:

Do you want ANSI? (Y/n)

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Welcome to RebirthMUSH

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

Welcome to Red Tide MUX
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest" connects you to a guest account if one is prepared.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.

  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".

  Staff email may be directed to

For all those who have sinned, there lies... 

EMPTIONREDEMPTIO       @@@    @@@@@@   @@@       EDEMPTIONREDEMP
TIONREDEMPTIONR         @@@@   @@@@  @@@@         MPTIONREDEMPTI
ONREDMEPTIONREDE  ^      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   ^     MTIONREDEMPTION
NTIONREDEMTIONRE    ^^     @@@@@@@@@@@@ ^  ^^ ^  MPTIONREDEMPTIO

Your IMPs: Starcrossed & Avacar  Our provider: NetReach Trenton
Based on Rom 2.4 beta 3, copyright (c) 1993-96 Russ Taylor
Original DikuMUD credits found in the credits command.
E-Mail: /

By what name do you wish to be known?

Welcome to Nameless Muck Server.
To connect to your existing character, enter "connect name password"
To create a new character, enter "create name password"
IMPORTANT! Use the news command to get up-to-date news on program changes.

You can disconnect using the QUIT command, which must be capitalized as shown.

Abusing or harrassing other players will result in expellation.
Use the WHO command to find out who is currently active.

This mud contains potentially offensive material.  
If you're not mature enough for that, don't log in.  Otherwise, welcome!

                       X_x                    Original DikuMUD: Hans Staerfeldt
                      / \\\                   Tom Madsen, Katja Nyboe, Michael
                      |n| |                   Seifert, Sebastian Hammer.
                    )(|_|-'X                  MERC: Hatchet, Furey, Kahn
                   /  \\Y// \
                   |A | | |A|
                   |  | | |_|
            )(__X,,|__|MEB;;;-, ,                      
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           |A | |            | U  |                  Rehobaom's Legacy  
         )_|  | |____)-----( |    |                  Rom 4.1 / Athen 1.2 
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Alander-emeritus (                      \, \, \, \, \ \
Jequel (                             \, \, \, \ \
Banton (                            \, \, \ \
                                                              \, \ \
Antoinette (                             \ \
By what name do you wish to be known?

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  _-_-_-|______|-----------|_____||     ||_____|-----------|______|-_-_
       /________\         /______||     ||______\         /________\
    EMail:    /_-_-_\
    RENEGADEOUTPOST.COM  9999    /_-_-_-_\ 9999

                           Original Contributors:
         Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (
         Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (
         Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (
         Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (
         Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (
                       RENEGADE OUTPOST Coding Wizard:
         John Schaule                    [Wyzr]  

By what name do you wish to be known?

            ~~~~:               /=
          ~~~~.:::.            //~~~~~~
        ~~   | === |          // ~~~~~~~~      
             |  |  |         /= Welcome ~~~~~
             |__|__|        // ~~~    ~~   ~~~~  
          -+-_/|_|\_-+-    //    ~~~~~   to   ~~
         /    \___/    \  //          ~~   ~~    ~~~
       :. |   .:      | \//           ~~  RETROMUD~~~~~~~~
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       :       :            \
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                      / \  )  )
                      \  \___/

    (W)ho is currently in the game                   (Q)uit
    (C)reate a new character                         (G)ame status
    (E)vents running

                There are currently 24 out of 200 users playing.

          Originally based on TMI-2, with some additions from LIMA and
                    great amounts of custom design and code
                 Visit our web page at

Enter selection, or name:

                               Welcome to
                          RETURN OF THE SHADOW
                        or  ARDA: The Fourth Age

                         Based on CircleMud 
                       Original concept and code by:
                  Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
           Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
       Currently maintained by Ingolemo, Vakaur, Azriya, and others


By what name do you wish to be known?

                                       .: : 
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===========( connect guest guest )===( create <player> <password> )============

     *///}==============-     Rigged Wars:    -=============={///*

         +++   +++  +++++++++  +++++++++  +++++++++  **  ********
        +++   +++  +++++++++  +++++++++  +++   +++  **  ***   ***
       +++   +++     ++++    +++   +++  +++++++++  **  **********
      +++++++++     ++++    +++++++++  +++        **  ***     ***
     +++++++++     ++++    +++++++++  +++        **  ***      ***

                     ------- \   / -----   /---\
                        |     \ /  |   /  / --
                        |      |   |--/    \
                        |      |   |        \--
              port 6666
        Don't forget to vote for us daily @
     *///}========================- -========================{///*
     =DIKUMUD was created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,=
     =    Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert and Sebastion Hammer.      =
     =     MERC 2.1 was created by Furey, Hatchet and Kahn.      =
     =                 GODWARS was created by KaVir.             =
     =          UTOPIA was created by The Fearless Crew.         =
     =           RIGGED WARS was created by Quezacotl.           =
     *///}========================- -========================{///*

Who is ready for the fight of their lives?

RoP Code V2.4.1/OK on Perlmud 3.0.
      ______ _                      __  ______
      | ___ (_)                    / _| | ___ \
      | |_/ /_ _ __   __ _    ___ | |_  | |_/ /____      _____ _ __
      |    /| | '_ \ / _` |  / _ \|  _| |  __/ _ \ \ /\ / / _ \ '__|
      | |\ \| | | | | (_| | | (_) | |   | | | (_) \ V  V /  __/ |
      \_| \_|_|_| |_|\__, |  \___/|_|   \_|  \___/ \_/\_/ \___|_|
                      __/ |

  @>--->---------------                               ---------------<---<@

  Some little words for the ones who want to come to this place:

  We can only accept adults, because this is a place with lots of sex and
  bdsm context. For us it means that you should better be some years older
  then what is actually needed at your country. To get an account you only
  have to look at our website, follow the link JOIN. The address is

  Please... for chatting there is icq, messenger and lots of other stuff,
  we are not at all against talking, but roleplay is mandatory in here.

  @>--->---------------                              ---------------<---<@

         You were sick of the world around you and only said
         "I wish I was someone else, somewhere else"...

         ... You wake up in a weird world, in here you can be and
         do what you always dreamed of, but will you be pleased
         or forced to please?

  @>--->---------------                              ---------------<---<@

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

    dMMMMb  dMP .dMMMb  dMP dMMMMb  .aMMMMP        .dMMMb  dMP dMP dMMMMb 
   dMP.dMP amr dMP" VP amr dMP dMP dMP"           dMP" VP dMP dMP dMP dMP 
  dMMMMK" dMP  VMMMb  dMP dMP dMP dMP MMP"        VMMMb  dMP dMP dMP dMP  
 dMP"AMF dMP dP .dMP dMP dMP dMP dMP.dMP        dP .dMP dMP.aMP dMP dMP   
dMP dMP dMP  VMMMP" dMP dMP dMP  VMMMP"         VMMMP"  VMMMP" dMP dMP    
                        dMMMMMMMMb  dMP dMP .dMMMb  dMP dMP 
                       dMP"dMP"dMP dMP dMP dMP" VP dMP dMP  
                      dMP dMP dMP dMP dMP  VMMMb  dMMMMMP   
                     dMP dMP dMP dMP.aMP dP .dMP dMP dMP    
                    dMP dMP dMP  VMMMP"  VMMMP" dMP dMP     
                      ######       ######       ######                     
                      ######        ####        ######                     
           ***\      <<|##|>>        ##        <<|##|>>     /***           
                       |##|        .,            |##|                      
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                 /###\'|##| /###\         '/###\ |##| /###\                
       ,''',.   ,'|#|  =##=  |#|            |#|',=##=  |#|   _            ,
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^  ^^^^/\^^^^^/\/ =#=  =##=  =#=^^^^^/\^^^  =#=  =##=^^=#=/\^^^^  /\^^^^/\ 
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   /\/\/\/\/\     ################  /\/\/\  ################/\/\   /\/\/\/\
\/\/\    /\/\/\/\/|#|  |##|  |#|/\/\  /\/\/\|#|  |##|  |#|  /\/\/\/\/\/\   

Welcome to Rising Sun Mush!!!
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "+help" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

        ______      Welcome to   __    ______   ___ ____ ___  ____
         ||   \  @                |\  /||  ||    | ((   ' |    ||
         ||___/ __ __  __  ___    | \/ ||  ||    |  \\    |____||
         ||\\    |  \  /  '___|   |    ||  ||    | ,  \\  |    ||
        _||  \\ _|_  \/   (___|, _|_  _||_  \\__/  \___))_|_  _||_
                           << 7777 >>                          
                           << 7777  >>                          
***********                        The Staff                      **********
+++   Jarin       : Site Admin, MUSH Owner                               +++
+++   Sith        : Administration Department: Director (head admin)     +++
+++   X'ania      : Administration Department: Deputy                    +++
   connect <name> <password> to connect to an existing character
   connect guest guest to connect to the guest character
   create <name> <password> to create a new character
   WHO for currently connected                   
   QUIT to disconnect

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

-__ /\                |\       ,           -   -_,          ,,                
  || \,          _     \\     ||          (  ~/||           ||                
 /|| /    /'\\  < \,  / \\   =||=  /'\\   (  / ||  \\/\\/\\ ||/|,  _-_  ,._-_ 
 \||/-   || ||  /-|| || ||    ||  || ||    \/==||  || || || || || || \\  ||   
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_---_-|, \\,/   \/\\  \\/     \\, \\,/    (  - \\, \\ \\ \\ \\/   \\,/   \\,

The Road to Amber: Shadows Fall      A TinyMUSH based on Roger Zelazny's Amber
    To learn about our game, see our wiki at
    "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
    "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
    "QUIT" exits the game.
    If you don't have a character, "connect guest" will connect you to the
    guest character. You can request a character in-game.

             @@         @@
            @@          @@
           @@          @@
          @@. @@@@@@@@@      @@@@@@@@@@     @@      @@    @@    @@      @@
         @@    @            @@      @@     @@@@    @@    @@    @@@@    @@
        @@      @@         @@      @@     @@  @@  @@    @@    @@  @@  @@
       @@        @@       @@      @@     @@    @@@@    @@    @@    @@@@
      @@          @@     @@@@@@@@@@     @@      @@    @@    @@      @@

       || Based on DikuMUD I (GAMMA 2.5) by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, ||
       || Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian   ||
       ||                        Hammer.                            ||

If you have trouble creating a character when using a client, please try
using straight telnet before giving up.

By what name do you wish to be known?

 ,                                                               ,
 \'.                                                           .'/
  ),\                                                         /,( 
 /__\'.                                                     .'/__\
 \  `'.'-.__                                           __.-'.'`  /

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          /  '-.__     ``'-;    / \    ;-'``     __.-'  \
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         \     '-.       /   |/--|--\|   \       .-'     /
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                 jgs  /`     |       |     `\
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                /_____/|  / \._\   /_./ \  |\_____\
               (/      (/'     \) (/     `\)      \)
Welcome to The Round Table III!    (LPMud v3.5)
Enter the name of your avatar in this world.
Use the name 'guest' if you just want to look around.

         Play here.. your friends do, and if they dont.. they're losers.        
            #######.%%.@ @.@@@@@  @@@@@@.%%%%%%%%.##.%%%%..#######
            ##########..%%%%%%%%%%..########| RubbeRoom |#########

Please use 'guest' for temporary or test logins.
Enter your name:

         /     _      _            _      _    _____
        /      |\    /|     /\     |      |   /     \     ***************
       /       | \  / |    /  \    |      |  |            *   \\._.//   *
      /        |  \/  |   /    \   |      |  |            *   (0...0)   *
     /_______  |      |  |______|  |      |  |            *    ).:.(    *
            /  |      |  |      |  |      |  |            *    {o o}    *
           /   |      |  |      |  |      |  |     __     *   / ' ' \   *
          /    |      |  |      |  |      |  |       |    *-'^.VxvxV.^'-*
         /     |      |  |      |   \____/    \_____/     ***************

SmaugFUSS 1.9 changes by Samson. Other bugfixes and changes provided by
various members of the SMAUG community. Their contributions are greatly
SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn,
Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.
Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer

Enter your character's name, or type new:

Rupert is currently at, which     ___________    ..    :
is a privately owned and operated site.   *   .    \__    ___/     . . . 
Visit for     .  __________  |    |   .. . . *   
more information about this site.        \______   \ |    |..    .       
                                  *   .   |       _/ |____| . : .  .  . .
If for some reason, your   .  ___________ |    |   \  .  . .  .          
password does not work,       \_   _____/ |____|_  / . . *:. . .         
use the @newpass command . .   |    __)_      . .\/  . .. .       .      
upon connecting as a .  .      |        \   . .  . ...    .    .         
guest.   *      .   __________/_______  /. .    . .  . .                 
   .                \______   \       \/   .     . ...   ..   .     .    
            ____ ___ |     ___/       *.   . .                           
           |    |   \|    |    . .   :.  .       . Welcome to Rupert,    
 .         |    |   /|____|       .    .    . a MOO based on the universe
__________ |       /      .  .  .    ./|\     as described by Douglas    
\______   \|______/      .  .. :.    . |      Adams.  Enjoy your stay.   
 |       _/       .   ... .            |           -The Wizard Staff     
 |    |   \        :.  . .   *.        |     .              .            
 |____|_  /     .  *.             You are here.                          
        \/      .    .           Tiny isn't it?       *.                 

 . connect <player> <password> - to get online
   connect Guest               - to connect as a guest
The lag is low; there are 2 connected.

  ===== H    H H   Z  S===== H    H H      H
  H   H  S  Z  H  Z  H        S  Z  H      H
  H   H   SZ   H Z    Z        SZ   H      H
  ====    HH   HK      ===     HH   H      H
  H H     HH   H S        S    HH   H      H
  H  H    HH   H  S        H   HH   H      H
  H   H   HH   H   S =====Z    HH   HHHHHH HHHHHH

  N       %   HHH     HHH
  HS     ZH  H   H   H   H
  H S   Z H H     H H     H
  H  S Z  H H     H H     H
  H   V   H H     H H     H
  H       H  H   H   H   H
  H       H   HHH     HHH

Type Connect <playername> <password> to connect
Type Connect Guest to connect as a guest
Type @who to see who is online
Type @quit to log out

To get a character, please go to and fill out the form.  You will be sent a message by email confirming the request, and then the guides on Ryksyll will approve you.  This process will take a few hours depending on how fast your email system accepts mail.

Mycle, Ryksyll and all code created specifically for Ryksyll MOO are copyright Peter Wright 1998-2000, no unathourized copy, modification or duplications are allowed, without explicit written permission.  Descriptions of rooms are copyright of their creators.  No copy, modifications, or duplications are allowed without explicit written permission of their creators.

.Derived from SMAUG mud written by Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus,
 Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog, Grishnakh, Fireblade
 and Nivek.  Original MERC code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  Original
 DikuMUD code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
 Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. Many great thanks to Rustry!!!!!
                \  \_\,``,   ` , ,  /  |         )         _,/
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                    \/`  `,   `   ,`  | /__,.-`    _,   `\
                -,-..\  _  \  `  /  ,  / `._) _,-\`       \
   - Lazerous -  \_,,.) /\    ` /  / ) (-,, ``    ,        |
 Demonic Entity ,` )  | \_\       '-`  |  `(               \
               /  /```(   , --, ,' \   |`<`    ,            |
              /  /_,--`\   <\  V /> ,` )<_/)  | \      _____)
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       (-, \           ) \ ('_.-._)/ /,`    /
       | /  `          `/ \\ V   V, /`     /
    ,--\(        ,     <_/`\\     ||      / (The Age of the Kingdom Lords)
   (   ,``-     \/|         \-A.A-`|     /
  ,>,_ )_,..(    )\          -,,_-`  _--`
 (_ \|`   _,/_  /  \_            ,--`     
   \( `   <.,../`     `-.._   _,-`        
A Huge demon with a long flaming sword strapped to his side, stands here.
"Well then, what is your name? Bloody mortals.." snarls the demon as he looks
over his parchment. "Well what are you new or something? Then say new!"
Please enter your character's name:

[ 2323] :::::::::::: A 24-hour multi-user chat program ::::::::::::
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::',##F.::::',### ::::::::::' x#####x,'::::: # The admins are: Fox, Oolon.
: x#F.:::::',####x '::::::' ,#########x,'''' # Based on EW-Too by S. Marsh...

  The Resort is intended for mature users. Parental discretion is advised.

Please enter your name:

        . . .
       .        .  .     ..    .
    .                 .         .  .                           Welcome to
   .                .               .                        THE RETALIATION
   .               .                ..
   .          .            .              .
   .            '.,        .               .
   .              'b      *                 .         (based on Godwars Deluxe)
    .              '$    %.                ..
   .    .           $:   %:               .
 ..      .  ..      *%  8):        .   . .
              .     :8,8):   ,.**:'   .              Written and Owned by Kitiara
  .      .,         :88*: ..**'      .   .
           '$o.    .:(8'.8*"'  .        .
   .  .       'bq,..:,88*'   ,*      .  .
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       .     '  . '88Pp88*'    .  .
        .  . ..    Y7'.'     .  .                 By what name shall the Amazons of
                  :8):.                                 Retalation call thee?

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Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Mon Aug 10 01:36:58 GMT 2009 So_o2 1