main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[w] M.U.D. Titles

     ###   ###  #########  ###   ###      #########  ######## ########  ######
     ####  ###  ###        ####  ####     ###       #########    ##    ########
    ##### ###  ######     ##### #####    ######     ####        ##      ####
   ### #####  ######     ### ##### ##   ######        ####     ##         ####
  ###  ####  ###        ###  #### ###  ###       ########     ##     #########
 ###   ###  #########  ###   ###  ### ######### #######   ######## ########|||
SMAUG by Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn, Scryn, Swordbearer,     |||||
Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.               |||||
MERC by Hatchet, Furey and Kahn.                                        |||
DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert     ||
and Sebastian Hammer.                                                  ||||
Revision 4 by Ntanel StormBlade.                                        |||
The Worlds of Nemesis is Implemented by Christopher Lengel and help.    |||
Any comments, questions, or concerns can be sent to:                   ||                                                    ||||
Enter your character's name, or type new:                             |||

                              ROM Version 2.4 beta
                 Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
                 Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
                 Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.
                 ROM 2.4 copyright (c)1993-1998 Russ Taylor
          MMJ  WMM
        NWJ      MM.          ,EIL,
      ,MJ         MM        ,8"   "L
      EJ          MN        I      "L
      M,  OL      MJ        I ON,   I
      "L,  J      N         L,  J   I      MIL
       "DMJ      NJ     ,ML  LEJ    I     m  I
               .NJ     ,I "I       ,J     I  J  ,mL
              .ND      DW  I      ,J      I J  J" O
             .NNJ     ,N  WJ      mMEEM   IJ   J
             DNJ      ND IJ      mW   W   DJ  J      mML
            .DJ       DI I       H  .NL  ,NTmJ     mM  "L
            DJ        Dw D       WEEJ NLJNE"      mM    I
           ID         DNJ      ,M       "N"LL     M   ,J
          .MJ         D       ,J        N"   L,  WW ,J
          MO        MNND     ,J        N"     LEI"LW  ,J
          M.      NJJ  NL, ,EJ                     "LJJ
          "ML   JNJ    "LIIIJ

Enter your name:

Welcome to Walraven running SIMud v0.9.6.

 _________                                     _____,
|_____                                        |
|_________                                    /_____,
 __                W A L R A V E N             /\  \
|  \  \                                       |  |  |
|__/__/             Home of SIMud             `\_|_/
|________'                                    ______
,_____,                                             \
     \                                        ______/
 __  /                                         _____
|  \  \                                       /  /  |
|__/__/                                       \  \__|
 ______               A MUD by                 /
/                                             ,\____,
\______                                     ________
  ____             Acius * Venger          ,        |
 / |  \         Allaryin * Malap               _____
|  |  |       and others, whose names         /  /  |
 \  \/'          will get added one           \  \__|
,_____,            of these days.          _________
     |                                         _____|
,____/                                     _________|

Your name (or 'who'):

           _--_--_        /|                       |\          
   *      /  {_}  \      |  \   *   ______  `,`   /  |  *       /\ 
        /,-,-{_}-,-,\    |  .`-----/      \---.--'   |         /  \       *
        \`-`-{_}-'-'/     `\_____/.--,  ,--.\__%___/'   .-----'----`-----,  *
  ____       {_}                 |_ OO  OO _|        *   `\  /'    `\  /'  
 /.   \      {_}   *     *      / \__I_I__/ \              `/\      /\'  
|..    |     {_}           _---/  | ||||| |  \------__     /  `\__/'  \    *  
 \____/     {_}         _-   /  /`\~~~~~/'\  \       -_  |  /'    `\  |   
            /-----,    _-     |/'-_/`---'\_-`\|         \ |/'        `\|  
           | =====|~\--   ,/   \ / __[ ]__ \ /            \__/------\      *
   *       | =====| |    /   / . \// [ ] \\ /  .  \    /\/\/\/\~~~~\ |  
      *    | =====+_|       /  *  \ /[ ]\ /    *   \  | | | | |  __  \___    *
           I`-----'       _/ .***.  \[ ]/    .***.  \  \_\_\_\__/  \____|_\
   *        \{_}        _/     *      \/       *     \            /
               \________/       .       I       .      \________/        
           *       ||      W A R    O F    G O D S         ||     
                   ||  A roleplaying/playerkilling MUD...  ||     
                            There is nobody logged on                         
                Using War of Gods Mudlib running on 3.2.9 Driver.

         War of Gods now uses system of accounts to organize characters.
         Please type 'help' for help or enter account or character name.

What is your name:

*    / / /\ \ \__ _ _ __| |__   __ _ _ __ ___  _ __ ___   ___ _ __          *
*    \ \/  \/ / _` | '__| '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '__|         *
*     \  /\  / (_| | |  | | | | (_| | | | | | | | | | | |  __/ |            *
*      \/  \/ \__,_|_|  |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_|            *
*                 | || |  / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \                           *
*                 | || |_| | | | | | | | | | | | |                          *
*                 |__   _| |_| | |_| | |_| | |_| |                          *
*                    |_|  \___( )___/ \___/ \___/                           *
*                     Cerberus|/ Campaign                                   *
*                                                                           *
*  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.       *
*  "connect guest" connects you to a guest account if one is prepared.      *
*                                                                           *
*   If you are a new player, please first connect as a guest.               *
*                                                                           *
*  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).           *
*  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.                          *
*                                                                           *
*  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and   *
*  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".       *

                            Warlock wita!

      Witaj przybyszu ze swiata techniki i wszechobecnej informacji. 
  Znalazles sie u wrot fantastycznego swiata pelnego dziwnych stworzen i
 nieznanej magii. Zapraszamy. Usiadz wygodnie w swoim fotelu i pograz sie
w tej atmosferze przygody i niespotykanej zabawy. Postaramy sie dostarczyc
  ci niezapomnianych wrazen i doswiadczen. Baw sie z nami, lecz pamietaj,
     ze swiat ktory pozostawiasz za soba napewno sie o Ciebie upomni. 
  Pamietaj, ze to wszystko jest tylko zabawa, i nie nalezy jej poswiecac
   wiecej czasu, niz jest wymagane do tego, by zabawa pozostala zabawa.

   Swiat jest wciaz rozwijany i testowany, dlatego zechciej wybaczyc nam 
   pewne niedociagniecia i usterki ktore moga sie pojawic podczas twojego
   w nim pobytu. Bedziemy bardzo wdzieczni, jesli zechcesz poinformowac
 nas o zauwazonych bledach. Na pewno jak najszybciej postaramy sie je usunac.

  System polskiej odmiany wyrazow, ktorego uzywamy, zawdzieczamy tworcom
                   pierwszego polskiego LPmuda - Arkadii.
  Kontakt z administracja:,

  Zapraszamy wszystkich na oficjalna strone WWW, oraz forum dyskusyjne
  dotyczace naszego swiata dostepne pod adresem:

Wersja gamedrivera:  CD.04.07+MySQLWersja mudliba:  CDpl 01.00.02

Powiedz mi swe imie:

            ;::::;                             Original DIKUMUD by Hans
           ;::::; :;                         Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom
         ;:::::'   :;                        Madsen, Michael Seirfert and
        ;:::::;     ;.                       Sebastiand Hammer. (c) 1991
       ,:::::'       ;           OOO\
       ::::::;       ;          OOOOO\         MERC 2.1 Code by Hatchet,
       ;:::::;       ;         OOOOOOOO      Furey and Kahn. (c) 1993
      ,;::::::;     ;'         / OOOOOOO
    ;:::::::::`. ,,,;.        /  / DOOOOOO     RoM 2.4 Code by Russ Taylor.
  .';:::::::::::::::::;,     /  /    DOOOO   (c) 1996
 ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;,   /  /       DOOO
;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/  /        DOOO    RoT 1.4 Code by Russ Welsh.
:`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::#  /          DOOO (c) 1997
::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# /            DOO
`:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/             DOO   WDM 2.0 Code by Waterdeep
 :::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::##              OO MUD Entertainmant. (c) 2007
 ::::`:::::::`;::::::::;:::#              OO
 `:::::`::::::::::::;'`:;::#              O  Owned & Operated by Nisstyre
  `:::::`::::::::;' /  / `:#                 E-Mail:  WDMUD@WaterdeepMUD.Com
   ::::::`:::::;'  /  /   `#
           ##    ##  ####  ###### ######  ####  ######  ###### ###### #####
           ##    ## ##  ##   ##   ##     ##  ##  ##  ## ##     ##     ##  ##
           ## ## ## ######   ##   ####   ##  ##  ##  ## ####   ####   #####
           ## ## ## ##  ##   ##   ##     #####   ##  ## ##     ##     ##
            ##  ##  ##  ##   ##   ###### ##  ## ######  ###### ###### ##
                          C I T Y  O F  S P L E N D O R S
                                   [ Est 1997 ]

Why have you come....go away or choose a name:

                                                     .--.      .
       .                                            :    :
                 .-._   .-'''''-.        *           '--'                .
                  \  '-'_        `.            .
   *         ______/___  '.        :                       .          *
         .  `'--.___  _\  /         :              /\
               /___.-'  \ \ _:._    :             /  \
               .'__ _.'\ '-/,`-~`  :   *         /\/\/\    /\  *
       *           \  ___.> /=,   '           /\/      \  /\/\    /\  .
  .                / _.-'/_,)"..-'         . /  \       \/    \/\/~~\
           .       /` ~~( / ` ~\_   .    /\ /    \   . ./ .   /  \   \
               __/~ -'/  \\._ `\_\__    /  \__    \-'  []  '.--.   .-~~~,
             /~    /-'`  `'=='\  \-.\  /  ,-  :--.  `-. ..-'   .--.

      _       __               - Welcome To -               __     ________
     | |     / /__  __  ___________ ___  ____  __  ______  / /_   /  _/  _/
     | | /| / / _ \/ / / / ___/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ / / / __ \/ __/   / / / /
     | |/ |/ /  __/ /_/ / /  / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_   _/ /_/ /
     |__/|__/\___/\__, /_/  /_/ /_/ /_/\____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/  /___/___/
        LambdaMOO 1.8.1 / High Wired enCore 1.1 / FUP 1.8 / ANSI 2.1
 If you already have a character here, type  connect <player> <password>
 If you don't, type                          connect guest will ask you what you wish to be known as.  Enjoy, and welcome!

RIP Darkswordsman, wizard of the Weyrmount, 1982-2007.

                          The Wheel Of Time MUD
                                  Mark IV

                        Updated and Maintained by
                     Flash, Ingtar, Mournblade, & Zun

                   Based on the novels by Robert Jordan
                        and published by Tor Books

                        Running since Summer 1993
                        Original Code - CircleMUD
                       [DikuMUD I Original Source]

                Original game idea, concept, and design:
             Katja Nyboa, Tom Madsen, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt
                  Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known?

______________________________]     @@        @@
          ][           ][           @@        @@
    _=T== Winds Of Change ==T=_     @@        @@
    |*|                     |*|     @@  @@@@  @@
    |*| Based on the novels |*|     @@   @@   @@
    |*|  of  Robert Jordan  |*|     @@   @@   @OOO
    |*|                     |*|      @@@@@@@@@O   O
    |*|         The         |*|        @@  @@*O***O
    |*|    Wheel of Time    |*|            ***O******
     \_____________________/ /           ***  OOO **
     |"As the Pattern weaves"|            **
      -----------------------             **
                                          ***      **

  +-                                                           -+
   | You float in the abyss between existance and non-existance, |
     overseeing the Pattern as a whole, its threads weaving
     towards a future foretold. A single thread springs into
     life, disects from the main pattern and starts weaving
     around you, creating a small world on its own.
     Slowly meaning begins to form in the small world, and you
   | understand... the thread weaves >---*                       |
   +-                                    |                      -+
*-> By what name do you wish to be known?

  _________________________________________________________________________  _
 /         _________________________________________________THE_DISCLAIMER_||_)
|         /
|        | STAR TREK(R) and all related trademarks and copyrights used by this
|        | game are the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation.  This game
|        | is intended for non - profit and entertainment purposes only and is
|        | in  no  way  assuming intellectual property for any previously reg-
|        | istered trademarks and copyrights.  The administration of this game
|        | displays  this  disclaimer pursuant to US Copyright Law (Chapter 1,
|        | Section  107 and  Chapter 1, Section 117).  Thank you for not suing
|        | us! :)
|        |   
|         \________________________________________________________________  _

|         \________________________________________________________________  _
  _________________________________________________________________________  _
 /         ________________________________________________wnohgb.org_1701_||_)
|         /
|        |                            
|        |           Welcome to Where No One Has Gone Before (WNOHGB)
|        | 
|        |          Based upon STAR TREK (created by Gene Roddenberry)
|        |                              ______     
|        |                           _-' .   .`-_
|        |                       |/ /  .. . '   .\ \|    
|        |                      |/ /            ..\ \|
|        |                    \|/ |: .   ._|_ .. . | \|/ 
|        |                     \/ |   _|_ .| . .:  | \/ 
|        |                    \ / |.   |  .  .    .| \ /
|        |                     \||| .  . .  _|_   .|||/  
|        |                    \__| \  . :.  .|.  ./ |__/ 
|        |                      __| \_  .    .. _/ |__   
|        |                       __|  `-______-'  |__    
|        |                          -,____  ____,-
|        |                            ---'  `---
|        | Commands:
|        |
|        | connect guest             : Log in as a guest
|        | connect <name> <password> : Log in as a player
|        | @who                      : Shows a listing of who is online.
|        | @quit                     : Disconnects
|        | help                      : Shows a list of other commands.
|         \________________________________________________________________  _

We hate lag; there are 35 connected.

_  __,_ _ _,__,__,__, _,   _,__,  ___ __, ___,_,  _,  _, _,___ 
|  ||_| |(_ |_)|_ |_)(_   / \|_    |  ||\/||_(_   |  / \(_  |
|/\|| | |, )|  |  | \, )  \ /|     |  ||  || , )  | ,\ /, ) | 
                          !_                           /   \ 
                          |*`~-.,                     /,    \ 
                          |.-~^`                     /#      \ 
                          |                        _/##_   _  \_ 
                     _   _|  _   _   _            [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ] 
                    [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]            |_=_-=_ - =_| 
                  !_ |_=_ =-_-_  = =_|           !_ |=_= -    | 
                  |*`--,_- _        |            |*`~-.,= []  | 
                  |.-'|=     []     |   !_       |_.- `_-     | 
                  |   |_=- -        |   |*`~-.,  |  |=_-      | 
                 /^\  |=_= -        |   |_,-~`  /^\ |_ - =[]  | 
             _  /   \_|_=- _   _   _|  _|  _   /   \|=_-      | 
            [ ]/,    \[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_/,    \[ ]=-    | 
             |/#      \_=-___=__=__- =-_ -=_ /#      \| _ []  | 
            _/##_   _  \_-_ =  _____       _/##_   _  \_ -    |\ 
           [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]=_0~{_ _ _}~0   [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]=-   | \ 
           |_=__-_=-_  =_|-=_ |  ,  |     |_=-___-_ =-__|_    |  \ 
            | _- =-     |-_   | ((* |      |= _=       | -    |___\ 
            |= -_=      |=  _ |  `  |      |_-=_       |=_    |/+\| 
            | =_  -     |_ = _ `-.-`       | =_ = =    |=_-   ||+|| 
            |-_=- _     |=_   =            |=_= -_     |  =   ||+|| 
            |=_- /+\    | -=               |_=- /+\    |=_    |^^^| 
            |=_ |+|+|   |= -  -_,--,_      |_= |+|+|   |  -_  |=  | 
            |  -|+|+|   |-_=  / |  | \     |=_ |+|+|   |-=_   |_-/ 
            |=_=|+|+|   | =_= | |  | |     |_- |+|+|   |_ =   |=/ 
            | _ ^^^^^   |= -  | |  <&>     |=_=^^^^^   |_=-   |/ 
            |=_ =       | =_-_| |  | |     |   =_      | -_   | 
            |_=-_       |=_=  | |  | |     |=_=        |=-    | 
     Based on DIKU by Hans, Katya, Tom, Michael, and Sebastion, MERC 2.1
     by Hatchet, Furey and Kahn.  ROM 2.4 (c) 1993-96 by Russ Taylor and
     OBLIVION 1.2 alpha copyright 1996 by Wes Wagner. Dawn of Time 1.70 (c)
     1997-2001 Michael Garratt. Legends of Tulgard (c) 2006 by Brad Wilson.
Welcome, please enter your account name:

Dread Quixadhal welcomes you back to        3000
  __      __.__.__                  _____   ____ ___________    .___.___.___ 
 /  \    /  \__|  |   ____ ___.__. /     \ |    |   \______ \   |   |   |   |
 \   \/\/   /  |  | _/ __ <   |  |/  \ /  \|    |   /|    |  \  |   |   |   |
  \        /|  |  |_\  ___/\___  /    Y    \    |  / |    `   \ |   |   |   |
   \__/\  / |__|____/\___  > ____\____|__  /______/ /_______  / |___|___|___|
        \/               \/\/            \/                 \/               

      Raised from the depths of archival-hell, to lag the net once again!

  Based on good-old DikuMUD Gamma, created by:
    Sebastian Hammer, Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt
  Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe

By what name do you wish to be known?

WINDY CITY MUX: From Darkness to Light

    A game inspired by the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter novels by Laurell 
K. Hamilton and set in Chicago, Illinois.
  port 1138  <aka: 1138>

                   Port 8311 also works

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest guest" to log in as a guest.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

    Welcome to                             ,   ,
              ___ __  __  , __             $,  $,     ,
   |  | | | |  |  |_  |_)  (__'            "ss.$ss. .s'
   |/\| | |\|  |  |_  | \   __)    ,     .ss$$$$$$$$$$s,
          __ __  ___  __           $. s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$`$$Ss
          |_ | ' | _' |_           "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o$$$       ,
          |_ |_| (__) |_          s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s,  ,s
                                s$$$$$$$$$$'         `"""ss"$"$s""
                                s$$$$$$$$$$,              `""""$  .s$$s
 connect <name> <password>      s$$$$$$$$$$$s,...               `s$$'  `
 create  <name> <password>  `ssss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$####s.     .$$"$.   , s-
       connect guest         `""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#####$$$$$$"     $.$'
                                   "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$####s""     .$$$|
                                    "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$##s    .$$" $
 'WHO' lists who is connected.       $$""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"   `
 'QUIT' exits the game.             $$"  "$"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s""""'
                             ,     ,"     '  $$$$*@@$$$$$$$$####s
  HTTP:// $.          .s$$$*@@@@@@@@@@$$$$####"
                   ,         "**.   ..ssS$***@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$####"   * $         **@**$$S$$$$*$$*@@@@**&@@@@@@@@@**###"   *  
                    Ss   .**@@*$**$$$$$$$$$$$$****$@@@@&&&@@@@@@****@*
         *          "$$s**@@*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*********@@&&&&&@@@@@**@@@*
         *   ,  @  *s$*@@@@@****$$$$$$$$$$************&&&&&&&*@@@@@@@@***
       **    $ @@@&&@**@@@@@@@@**$$$$$$*******&&&&&&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@&&****
       ***   @@@@$@@@***&@@@@@@@@@*****&&&&&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@&&&&*******

DNS resloved to:
           a#####::::::::,                   |
       a######P";:::::::::::,        .     --*--
    a########:::::::::::::::::,              |        .
   ########P::::::::::::*:::::::    .                         .
 ########P:::::::::::::::::::::::;.               *
##########:::::::::::::::::::.:::::;   Winter Moon, a Rom 2.4 Mud.
##########:::::::::::::::::*:::.:::;    \ /            .        .
 #########::::::::::::::::::::::::;     / \     .
   ########;::::::::::::::::::::;      .               .
    ########a::::::::::::::::::'            .         .      *         .
      ########.:::::::::*;:::'             .                        . .
       `d######a.::::::::::'                                    .  .
          `-9#####.::::''           .               .            .
       /  |  /        /                   /|/|
      (   |      ___ (___  ___  ___      ( / | ___  ___  ___
      | / ) |   |   )|    |___)|   )     |   )|   )|   )|   )
      |/|/  |   |  / |__  |__  |         |  / |__/ |__/ |  /
       Original DikuMUD By Hans Staerfeldt, Tom Madsen   
       Michel Seifert & Sebastian Hammer. Based on MERC 2.1
       code by Hatchet, Furey & Kahn (C). ROM 2.4 1993-1998 Russ Taylor.

owned and operatated currently by Wardy
Please state your name:

  - - /, /,            ,                    ,,           |\         
    )/ )/ )  '        ||                    ||      _     \\        
    )__)__) \\ \\/\\ =||=  _-_  ,._-_  _-_, ||/\\  < \,  / \\  _-_  
   ~)__)__) || || ||  ||  || \\  ||   ||_.  || ||  /-|| || || || \\ 
    )  )  ) || || ||  ||  ||/    ||    ~ || || || (( || || || ||/   
   /-_/-_/  \\ \\ \\  \\, \\,/   \\,  ,-_-  \\ |/  \/\\  \\/  \\,/  
          _____   __    __         .__                              
         /  _  \_/  |__/  |_  ____ |__| ____   ____   ____          
        /  /_\  \   __\   __\/ __ \|  |/    \_/ __ \ /    \         
       /    |    \  |  |  | \  ___/|  |   |  \  ___/|   |  \        
       \____|__  /__|  |__|  \___  >__|___|  /\___  >___|  /        
               \/                \/        \/     \/     \/         
                               Welcome to Wintershade/Atteinen MUCK!
       To connect as your character, type: connect <name> <password>
                    To connect as a guest, type: connect guest guest
                        To see who is currently connected, type: WHO

                               Slipped Disk Presents ... 
                                 WISNEY WORLD II
     Created by Josh Rantane
      In memory of Floyd 
   (who's gone onto bigger and better things)

                            Based on CircleMUD 3.0,
                       which was Created by Jeremy Elson

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)
                                  Created by
                     Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known?

----=====[ Welcome to Witchaven ]=====----
DNS:     telnet
IRC: #witchaven
By What Name Do You Wish To Be Called?

  .^.:.                                                               .:.^.  *
 <.*.'::.  *     .*        Witchcraft and Wizardry:       *.    *   .::'.*.>
   |  .:''    .:'             Age of Grindelwald            `:.    '':.  |
   |  '::.  .:'       THE J.K. ROWLING WORLD circa 1940's     `:.  .::'  |  *
   |    ':::'    *             TINYMUX           *     `:::'    |
 * |     `*'__________-----____               ____-----__________`*'     |
             \//////// / / / / \   _------_   /  \ \ \ \\\\\\\\/
              \////-/-/----/_/_| /___   ___\ |_\_\----\-\-\\\\/
                --//// /  /  //| |(O)\ /(O)| |\\  \  \ \\\\--
                     ---_/ // /| \_  /V\  _/ |\ \\ \_---
                         -/  / /\_ ------- _/\ \ \-     "connect guest"
                           \_/_//\---------/\_\_/    Allows you to visit as
                               ---\   |   /---      a guest and look around
   "connect <name> <password>"     | -|- |      
     Connects an existing PC.     /   |   \    "create <name> <password>"
                                  ---- \___|    Creates a new PC to play. 

  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".
       This game is not for minors. Please 'QUIT' if you are under 18.

(/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\)
(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  ) 
                  `. `.\              
                /  .'  `.               
               |.'      /                
              /    _.--.|      Harsh red, a dawn's    ,@@@@        
             /.    '-._' \    knife bursts in me  _   ),\\(\   _,::`
            /. `.   `.    `.                      )\  \  (((\,::::;`     
           /\ / |     \     `.   Tempering me to   \\_/  ))))):::;`
           |.  / \     ' .   |   withstand the      \_   (((:::;:;`
           /  '|.'    /  '._ /       day              \   (.:::;;`.
          | |' '.  _.'      \                          )  _::::::::,
          / ' \')\       _.-' A searing white hot     /   ))  `::.,.`
         / | ||  |     .'_.-'   light cracks my       |  //     `.. 
         |  ' \  /    ' '-._          eyes            | //        
         |.'\ |' `.    `-._.'                         \ \\          
        / |  / \.'|       |     Forcing me to          `.\\
        | \   / `.        \     see clearly             \((
        |  |.' `. `._      |                              ``
        |  \     `-._`-..._.'    The beauty of
        |   |        `-._           The Realm 
        /  /             `-._          of
(/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\) (/\)
(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )_(  )

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest" connects you to a guest account.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.

   ###  ## ##  ###   ###    ####     ###   ###   ######   ####
    ##   ###   ##  ##   ##   ##       ##   ##    ##      ##
     ## ## ## ##   ##   ##   ##        ## ##     ####     ####
      ###   ###    ##   ##   ##   #     ###      ##     ##
       #     #       ###    #######      #       ######   ####

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  ##  ##  ##   ##  ##  ####   ##
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        ;X  t+=+=;;i;=iItt+V     ###    ##    ###   ##    ###    ##   ###   ##
        :t  =ii+.=.;:=+ii++iIY  #####    ##    ######      #######   ####   ###
        :R   i=ti+=+;i+i=t=++:+Ii+==                                            
        :R  .+iii==;;itt=++i=i::=YRBBBMRRVY+;                    
         ;+    +i+;+;+itiiitii+i+i .=iYVIi+iitI=;=                    
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I;:. .  :+:YI;R..=;;=i+titIVItIYVYYYXVX=+:.....;;+t=+::=      

  This is DikuMUD       H.Staerfeldt, K.Nyboe,           
    created by:          M.Seifert, T.Madsen, S.Hammer

Admin: OR
By what name do you wish to be known?


 ******************  Welcome to World of Naruto!   ************************
 **          Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
 **          Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
 **          Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
 **          ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor
 **        World of Naruto copyright (c) 2008-2009 Ichike
 **   Welcome to the world of Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto, where every 
 **   character, every skill, every area, every concept and just plain every
 **   thing imagined in the series will exist.  Welcome to a world where you
 **   are the star.  Welcome to the World of Naruto.
 **               Remember rule number 1: Have fun!
 **                          Believe it!
 **             Visit our web page at

        Welcome Shinobi! By what name do you wish to be known?

Welcome to the.......                                                 
                      WORLD OF THE                                    
     ___          ___    ___                                                
    /\  \        /\__\  /\  \       ___          ___        ___             
   /::\  \      /:/  / /::\  \     |\__\        /\  \      /\  \            
  /:/\:\  \    /:/  / /:/\:\  \    |:|  |      /::\  \    /::\  \           
 _\:\~\:\  \  /:/  / /::\~\:\  \   |:|  |     /:/\:\  \  /:/\:\  \          
/\ \:\ \:\__\/:/__/ /:/\:\ \:\__\  |:|__|_   /::\~\:\  \/::\~\:\  \         
\:\ \:\ \/__/\:\  \ \/__\:\/:/  /  /::::\__\/:/\:\ \:\__\/\:\ \:\__\        
 \:\ \:\__\   \:\  \     \::/  /  /:/~~/~   \:\~\:\ \/__/_|::\/:/  /        
  \:\/:/  /    \:\  \    /:/  /  /:/  /      \:\ \:\__\   |:|::/  /          
   \::/  /      \:\__\  /:/  /  /:/  /        \:\ \/__/   |:|\/__/          
    \/__/        \/__/  \/__/   \/__/          \:\__\     |:|  |            
                                                \/__/      \|__|     
 "Connect <T1,T2,T3,T4 or T5> guest" to CONNECT AS A GUEST     
  "WHO" TO SEE WHO'S ON     
<><><><><> World of the Slayer! <><><><><>                   

 Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and     
 special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".         

Please be patient while reverse DNS is obtained.
(This can sometimes take several seconds)

  Diku v.1 remnants by K.Nyboe, S.Hammer, H.Staerfeldt, T.Madsen, M.Sierfert
                 _._   _      .,                ,.             _.._.
         .-~._      -~~ \_  ,;       T h e        ;,  __~~-~_.~   _  _.~~-..
              \.._  _._   \.;     W O R L D S      ;./   __     _/ ~~
   -~._  _        ~~   ~-,;           o f           ;._~~  -~..-      _.._
       ~~ \_             .^\     C A R N A G E     /^.  _     __    _/    ~._~
            ~~_.---~_.~~-~. ;  _____.     ._____  ; .~~- ~._.~  ~.--
                      .---.`/^"     "'\./'"     "^\'.,--~._._
   `._             __/ _.-     ,-~~^~,   ,~^~~-,     ~.._    \_~._
      -~__~~.__.~~~   /   \ ~ |   _   \ /   _   | ~ /    \_       ~..~--.._,~
                    _/     |  !  {*} /   \ {*}  !  |       ~_
                 .~~       +  (_  --" .^. "--  _)  +         `~~_
        _     __/          (    --'' / | \ `'--    )             \_._    _
   ~-..~ -.~~~              \_.    ' \/^\/   .  ._/                  -~.~ 
                              ',   -   '   -   ,'
            Recent Code        [:~\__!_ _!__/~:]        Created
               a n d            |';_|_|_|_|_;'|           b y
          Hosting Provided     ;\,\ | | | | /,/;     Robbie Rogers
                b y            :  `\~^~^~^~/   :           &
              Blobule           \   .  ,  .   /        Aaron Buhr
                                  \    "   ./

What shall your name be (help for ideas)?

 T H E    .         *   .              .          *           .          .   
      .           .            .                    .      *                 * 
 .  ee   ee  ee eeeeeee. eeeeee.  eeeeeeeee. ee   ee eeeeeee. ee     eeeeee
    88   88  88 88   888 88   88  88  88  88 88   88 88   888 88     88      .
  * 88   88  88 88    88 88   88  88  88  88 88   88 88    88 88     88
    88e  88  88 88    88 88eee88e 88e 88  88 88eee88 88    88 88e    88eeee
    888  88  88 88    88 888   88 888 88  88 888  88 88    88 888    888
 *. 888  88  88 88    88 888   88 888 88  88 888  88 88    88 888    888
    888ee88ee88 88eeee88 888   88 888 88  88 888  88 88eeee88 888eee 888eee

       .      .    This MUD is under constant development               *   
  *                    .   by Martin Coleman et al            .     .        
                             .                                          .    
   .        .           Based on DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)    *                    
                *                Created by                     *   .      *  
  .   *             Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,                       
             Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer     .          
    .          *     .            .          *         .               *     
           Special credits to Jeremy Elson for CircleMud2.2 code             
  *       .                .         *      .        .            .      *   

By what name do you wish to be known?

Alma Mater Lipsiensis, Leipzig, Germany.
Local time: Thu Aug 13 23:12:26 2009 MET

 ___________________________      ____---------____
(___________________________)  _--                 -- ---__
 |                         |  |                      -_ -  -
 |  Elli sagt: Willkommen  | |      _---___         .       |
 |           im            |  |    |   /.- "--____/          |
 |   W U N D E R L A N D   |   \__  -_|/       \. |          |
 |                         |      --__|            |         |
 |   Wenn Du nur einmal    |           | -.  .-.    |/       |
 | reinschnueffeln willst, |           ||O|  |O_|  |/_|       |_
 |  so nenne Dich "Gast".  |          |    /         |          \__
 |                         |          |   `         /              \___
 |   Wenn Du Fragen hast,  |   __----- \ `=='      |                   \__
 |  dann besuche doch mal  | -           \.__      |                      |
 |    unsere Homepage:     |                 |     |                       |
 |    |         _---___|      |---__                   |
 |_________________________|        -                    \                   |

       Es ist im Wunderland STRENG VERBOTEN andere Spieler anzugreifen.
 Bitte beachte die Spielregeln. Du kannst sie mit 'hilfe spielregeln' lesen.

Wie heisst Du denn ('h' fuer eine Hilfe)? 

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Thu Aug 13 22:07:36 GMT 2009 So_o2 1