My Diary
November the 13'th?
Rating of boredness :

??The next time i do this :
Hopefuly i will stay at home next time! :P
Today i got up from bed at around 7pm ( LATE!!), i did not get to sleep until around 10am. I then took a shower and got out and was dressed, then i was ready to go to bristol airport which is about 75 miles away from here, so me and my dad left in the car at 8:55pm and i got some food from the chippies up the road (chip shop if any americans are reading) and we were off.Trust the luck though as we had the worst storms of the year pretty much all over wales and england coming in from the irish sea, all the way was strong winds and rain until we got into england it wasnt as bad and it started to clear up a little bit. Finally after thinking we got lost and a bit of a laugh seeing the names of some of the pubs ( one of which was "The waggons and horses" ) we managed to get to the airport in time, we picked up my nan and grampa and left again for home. I thought it was one tiresome trip because it all took 3 hours there and back (150 miles) about another half the distance travel again to get to london, i didnt get out of the car once!.Wont be doing that again for a while, lol! well i didnt do much after that except got home and played some soldier of fortune and went to bed.
i woke up at 2pm and had a shower, cooked some food and then
watched tv for a couple of hours. Then i went out with my dad
and mate to the club just up the road, came home at bout 12:30am
and then i watched "The wedding singer" for the 3-4th time lol or something
not a bad day
November the 12th