Eat The Poison 77.5: interlude

Son of a dolphin's picture
Game File: 

heavy-handed and dumb but whatever, partly a test of my dialogue box thing that was reinventing the wheel

Made For: 
An event


ihavefivehat's picture

I don't think that came

I don't think that came across as too heavy handed. I definitely got something out of it.

This makes me think about the medium of 'games' or whatever you want to call it as a delivery method for text. The classic response to something like this is 'why didn't you just write an essay'. But it's pretty clear to me that the text this game presents would come across 100% differently if it was simply typed on a web page. It's an interesting thought experiment, because it gets at what makes games different & interesting.

For one thing, you are forced here to read each line of text at a slower pace, and to think about it momentarily before it moves along. I think that's pretty suitable for the style of writing you're presenting. In normal circumstances, the act of reading feels active and consumptive. There is a body of text, and you, as the reader, consume it line-by-line at a pace that you dictate. You're free to skip a line, skim a page, or stop and savor a passage at your own leisure. Here, the text is delivered to you slowly and piece-by-piece. It feels like somebody is talking to you. Of course, that's helped by the fact that there is an actual image of a thing talking to you. That's a small difference, but it's very significant. Something feels different about it... maybe it's easier to feel empathetic towards the person writing the words... maybe it's more difficult to toss them aside and leave them unconsidered. Even the smallest illusion of a speaker makes me react differently to the text. I think this is an important thing to think about. Thanks for making the game.

Son of a dolphin's picture

thanks for the interesting

thanks for the interesting response, i don't think about these things much
