Revision of Grid Grind 2021 from Sun, 07/04/2021 - 04:58

Sat, Jul 03 2021 10:12 AM
07/03/2021 - 12:12
09/12/2021 - 23:59

It's that time again, folks! Grid Grind 2021 is upon us!

Six persons... Six places... Six things... How many games can we make?

There are two phases to the Grid Grind.

Phase One (happening now!): Populate the Grid. We have a week! Instructions below.
Phase Two (not yet!): Grind out the games...!

Leave a comment below and suggest one or more of the following:

  • A Person. A "someone" that will be a major-player (though perhaps not -the- player). Joey Deacon... a plumber... Hecate: leader of the witches' coven in "Macbeth"...
  • A Place. A location somehow involved in the game's whereabouts and/or happenings. Kvinnland... The planet of Dune... 716 Beechwood Lane.
  • A Thing. Some sort of physical object that will be featured in this event's submissions. A can of whipped cream... a snail shell... a cowboy hat.

We're looking for at least six entries FROM YOU in each category. You can submit one entry, one entry for each category, or a whole bunch of entries. Just please identify the category, then clearly list the category the entry will be in so I'm not confused.

After about a week I'll post the grids, which will feature combinations of Persons, Places, and Things in a novel spreadsheet-o-lostical format. Anything not in the grids will be placed in the Spice Cabinet for you to liberally add to your submissions.

Also, the fine folks over at Clark Stanley's Snake Oil Liniment will contribute to this year's Themes. So, if you're stuck on what to make, you can refer to those and see if they spark your grid iteration ignition.

That's enough for now...! Thanks for reading, and GO FORTH AND GRID!!!

Games made for Grid Grind 2021