coast (for astralCastoff)

pikachu's picture
Game File (Linux): 
Game File: 

ummm here is my "video game"

secret info: f4 to fullscreen, game autosaves, delete the ini file it creates to restart your progress

A combination/clash of two themes/aesthetics that aren't typically seen together
A gimmick or mechanic that leaves no corner of the game unscathed ("really? did it really have to also affect this?")
Homemade ambient track
A parable that teaches the player a lesson quite different from any parable they have heard before
A fun or interesting character controller, or one with two different modes

wasn't able to hit the second and fourth marks BUT i have achieved combining the aesthetics of 'pixel art' and 'vector flash gradients' as well as 'cute character' in 'uncute environment.'
made a couple homemade ambient flavored tracks and movement is platformer but can also propel yourself by shooting

sound effects were made with jsfxr
i did not make the song that plays in the bonus level
the world 2 song uses a sample that's just a clip of another song, and it is not a song that i made. i don't know what song it is i found it in a silly video and i wasn't able to successfully find the source of the audio but i do know that i did not make it

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event


Thank you!!!

This is really fun. You do an amazing job explaining mechanics through level design. I really like the art, especially little details like the character portrait by the health and the way it flashes when firing.
The fact that the lateral movement without the guns is much faster than with, and the quick switching back and forth between the direction you're moving and the direction your bullets should fire took some getting used to, I wouldn't count it against the game though.

Spikeyball my behated. I'm not sure how much of a chase scene that area is meant to be, but I ended up just kiting the spikeyball on the first bit of solid ground after the bouncyblocks. The 2nd spikeyball really made me wish there was a UI bar indicating my bullets so I could still keep track of them while my character is offscreen.

I just beat world 1 and I'm taking a break, WOW that first screen is tricky!

pikachu's picture


i am glad you enjoy it! i hope the second world isn't too difficult, i have a really bad habit of making things very difficult and i tried to exercise restraint but kind of forgot to do that for the second half of the game!
