Diff for coast (for astralCastoff)

Fri, 01/24/2025 - 13:37 by pikachuFri, 01/24/2025 - 13:38 by pikachu

System report: Everything is fine. Nothing is ruined.

flagrant system error

Changes to Body
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wasn't able to hit the second and fourth marks BUT i have achieved combining the aesthetics of 'pixel art' and 'vector flash gradients' as well as 'cute character' in 'uncute environment.' wasn't able to hit the second and fourth marks BUT i have achieved combining the aesthetics of 'pixel art' and 'vector flash gradients' as well as 'cute character' in 'uncute environment.'
 +made a couple homemade ambient flavored tracks and movement is platformer but can also propel yourself by shooting
credits: credits:

Current revision:
pikachu's picture

coast (for astralCastoff)

Game File (Linux): 
Game File: 

ummm here is my "video game"

secret info: f4 to fullscreen, game autosaves, delete the ini file it creates to restart your progress

A combination/clash of two themes/aesthetics that aren't typically seen together
A gimmick or mechanic that leaves no corner of the game unscathed ("really? did it really have to also affect this?")
Homemade ambient track
A parable that teaches the player a lesson quite different from any parable they have heard before
A fun or interesting character controller, or one with two different modes

wasn't able to hit the second and fourth marks BUT i have achieved combining the aesthetics of 'pixel art' and 'vector flash gradients' as well as 'cute character' in 'uncute environment.'
made a couple homemade ambient flavored tracks and movement is platformer but can also propel yourself by shooting

sound effects were made with jsfxr
i did not make the song that plays in the bonus level
the world 2 song uses a sample that's just a clip of another song, and it is not a song that i made. i don't know what song it is i found it in a silly video and i wasn't able to successfully find the source of the audio but i do know that i did not make it

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event