Tetris Parking

Super-Dot's picture
Tetris Parking.7.png

I started this for the October Klik of the Month, but couldn't get it working at the time, even for the Ladies' Auxiliary. The plan was to add K&P-style car controls and some kind of clearing (4x4 blocks?), eventually.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Tetris Parking for Mac.zip6.08 MB


increpare's picture

I can't play this game,

I can't play this game, being on a mac, but if it is what I think it is then I think it's something wonderful.

Danni's picture

Use Wine


Super-Dot's picture

For some reason, I suddenly

For some reason, I suddenly can't run .apps generated by Game Maker, so I have no idea if the newly-attached Mac version will run. If not, I included the source, so you might have better luck compiling on your machine.

Danni's picture

I played this a lot like

I played this a lot like traditional Tetris, actually. Unfortunately, I was trying to squeeze a line piece through a three-block-wide clearing, and it merged into one of the parked blocks while rotating. Boo. :(

I'll have to see what the game feels like when I try playing it differently. For example, I could build up from the left going to the right rather than top going to bottom. Or I could build up from the center going outward.