The time is right... for making videogames! The Timezone Lottery Klik Jam happens on the first Saturday of every month, at a time chosen randomly by our top-of-the-line numerical hour-choosing machines. This month, it takes place at 5:30 am UTC. Whenever that time rolls around for you, you have two hours to make a game!
How can I possibly make a game in that short a timespan, you gasp? There are many game-making tools available, but the most ludicrous and welcoming of all is Klik & Play. If you want to give K&P a shot, we have a Learning KNP FAQ available, as well as some advice on making it work on modern machines.
Making games is its own reward, but it can be much, much more rewarding when you're doing it with friends. To get the most out of this worldwide internet game jam, come talk with everyone on IRC. It's a great way to share this awesome experience, and get quick help when things aren't going right. Our server is, and our channel is #glorioustrainwrecks.
After you've made your game, upload it here!
For more information, check out the N00B FAQ.
Sign up below to get a reminder email the day before the jam!
Name | Created | By | Screenshot | Comments |
Troll Surf | 04/02/2011 - 01:09 | Rynen10K | 0 | |
thurs day | 04/02/2011 - 00:56 | sergiocornaga | 6 | |
Blue Spinners in the moon. | 04/01/2011 - 23:45 | FirecatFG | 2 |
Awesome idea. I may or may
Awesome idea. I may or may not be able to make this one.
For those who might be
For those who might be asleep when the timezone roulette ball drops, the wakeup call service might prove extremely useful!
Especially if I bother to
Especially if I bother to turn it on!
Yay, you actually did
Yay, you actually did this!
But 10:30 on a friday? Hmm. I guess we'll see how exciting my social life is that week.
Yeah, I'm kind of thinking
Yeah, I'm kind of thinking that I might shift the window twelve hours ahead next month.
In fact it turns out I'll
In fact it turns out I'll probably be at a birthday party. Damn.
(No subject)
i'd normally be up at the
i'd normally be up at the hour this would be happening at anyway, so i will hopefully be doing this
Finally! An event I can
Finally! An event I can make! 9.30PM on a Friday for me :-)
Sweet! I may actually be able to make it this time :D
i don't think i'm going to
i don't think i'm going to be able to make this after all because i have to get up early in the morning