hugs's picture
Temp2 2012-02-26 13-49-33-38.png
Game File: 

this is a special birthday game for hennell, as suggested by hennell's friend. hennell is some years old.

music is poet and peasant overture by eddie peabody (thanks to project gutenberg)

plz to enjoy.

Made For: 
An event


Draknek's picture

This is amazing, thank you

This is amazing, thank you so much! :)

Awesome game!

This is truly fantastic! Best birthday game ever! (Ok so I partly mean that to spite Drakneks games - but also because this game was entertaining fun.)

I like you. I will be honoured to be your supreme leader. Thank you kindly sir / m'am (?)

Awesome game!

This is truly fantastic! Best birthday game ever! (Ok so I partly mean that to spite Drakneks games - but also because this game was entertaining fun.)

I like you. I will be honoured to be your supreme leader. Thank you kindly sir / m'am (?)