platformin' norman and the curse of no variable jumping

hugs's picture
Game File: 

a game for thesycophant.
it's a single-screen platformer! it's not very lemmingsy, but it is vaguely lode runnery. and vaguely frustrating.

use the arrow keys!

uses vrld's hump and hardoncollider, and kadoba's advanced tiled loader for LÖVE
music is "surfing on a sinewave" by fearofdark (stephen hemstritch-johnston) (creative commons by-sa-nc)

see attached .love archive if you want to run the thing in osx or linux (must have LÖVE installed) or if you want to poke around in the source.

Made For: 
An event
AttachmentSize MB


thesycophant's picture

Oh my god, hugs, this is

Oh my god, hugs, this is great. Like seriously, great. The visuals and the music are just awesome, too. I love this. Thank you so much.

hugs's picture

thanks! i'm glad you liked it

thanks! i'm glad you liked it

spiral's picture

cute game! v fun to play, I

cute game! v fun to play, I dig the music pretty good

quasiotter's picture


yeah i really liked this!! hard to get used to but worth the effort