For sergiocornaga: It's Christmastime!

SpindleyQ's picture

It's Christmastime! Merry Christmas, Sergio!

Use the mouse or touchscreen to play.

Music is by Patrick Alexander.

Jeremy Penner
Made For: 
An event


Noyb's picture

Weirded OUT!

Weirded OUT!

Smedis2's picture



spiral's picture

this is horrifying

this is horrifying

Healy's picture

What on Earth did I just

What on Earth did I just play?

sergiocornaga's picture

I was really surprised.

I was really surprised. Thank you so much!

P.S. 2829...?

P.P.S. I tried this on my Android tablet as well and I'm afraid it was a bit broken.

SpindleyQ's picture


The number shown at the end of the game is the total number of... those things... unleashed onto the unsuspecting Christmas-loving populace.

If you'd prefer your Christmas to have fewer of them, then a lower score is better; if, however, you're a sociopath, you could technically go for a high score.

If you're curious, here is the list I made of things that I thought you might like in a game, to help guide the design:
- surprises
- eyeballs
- weem
- scratchy art
- surrealism
- inscrutable cultural artifacts
- glitch music

I came up with the image of an eyeball bouncing around inside an opened Christmas present and whatever the hell this is somehow kind of evolved naturally from there.

sergiocornaga's picture

That list is... startlingly

That list is... startlingly accurate. Hopefully I didn't make things too difficult by not including a list of my own like most others did. For some reason I feel like Secret Santas should go hand in hand with relentless cyberstalking rather than specific requests, but maybe that's old-fashioned of me.

avery's picture



I think you surprised us all.

Even I am confused here. . and you can ask that madtop, it takes a lot sometimes lol.

I don't know, I think what i was playing might hve worked better on a faster machine or a tablet. It kinda looped for me. And I felt like I was in another dimension. The only thing it could have done elsewhere that would have bugged me completely out would be is after the level they just simply walked off.

But yeah this is a good presentation and I have to say you know your black magic html5 better than I do. Take care. slam dunk. bc_