Revisions for Awesome Space Fighter

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02/28/2010 - 08:30 by xdonthave1xx
current revision
02/28/2010 - 08:27 by xdonthave1xx

Figured I'd add the cncs32 dll just in case someone doesn't have it or is too lazy to get their own.

02/27/2010 - 13:08 by xdonthave1xx

Was reading the FAQ for Klik & Play games, read the part of needing the "Note that while it does make a traditional .exe file, at least its .img and .gam file need to be in the same directory for it to run.", went to check one of my game's .exe alone and when it didn't work, realized I also needed the .gam file too. Updating this with the .gam

02/27/2010 - 09:19 by xdonthave1xx