clyde's picture
Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

A tool for making a four-page zine. You don't get to write or draw though. Hypothetically you could take the images from the screenshot-folder and add that content if you are especially motivated. Enjoy!

Made for Ragzouken who asked for:
* tools
* zines
* paradise
* patterns

//WARNING: Don't resize the window after you pick your resolution. The game locks up when the scene changes and your zine does't get saved in the screenshots folder. I'm not sure how to solve it yet.

Made For: 
An event


candle's picture

thank you so much, this is

thank you so much, this is amazing!!

clyde's picture

You are welcome! I enjoyed

You are welcome! I enjoyed making it.

hugs's picture

this is really cute and

this is really cute and really frantic. i love it.

clyde's picture

That makes me feel good.

That makes me feel good.

sergiocornaga's picture

Neat stuff!

clyde's picture

It's neat to see one someone

It's neat to see one someone else made.

ihavefivehat's picture


that was fun. If I had made this I wouldn't have thought of wrapping it in a narrative, that was a nice touch. I might steal your idea of clipping things out of magazines and scanning them sometime :P

clyde's picture

There is a lot of potential

There is a lot of potential there.

everythingstaken's picture

lol I love the guitar rift

lol I love the guitar rift music.

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clyde's picture

I ripped the drum-loop out

I ripped the drum-loop out of a punk-drums tutorial on Youtube. The guitar rift is from Nanostudio

Also, you seem particularly good at this.

spiral's picture

Ahh this is fantastic! This

Ahh this is fantastic! This is an exciting tool/game :) I liked the lil cutscenes around it too. It goes well with the fun of it all! I wasn't super happy with any of my individual pages so I made a giant collage out of them, focusing on the words/images:

clyde's picture

Taking it to the next level

Taking it to the next level mno.

spiral's picture

Thanks! I try :)

Thanks! I try :)

My entry might be late

hey yall, I couldn't really think I could make it in time. I've been working on my personal ZINE and stuff, so like sorry if my entry gets late.. This is me from the past ya?

I don't know man, you can sort through the pages though?

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clyde's picture

I don't know what you

I don't know what you thought you might be late for, but this entry came at the right time for me. Now that I've had some distance between me and the game, it's easier to appreciate the subtilities of the results.
