Raphael's Summer


Another misleading thumbnail and another Flickgame, this one is in the eyes of your favorite Raphael as he goes through summer doing whatnot. A kinetic novel with no branches but tons of action, this one is sure to entertain. It's a little quiet though so I'll add some BGM attachments if needed/wanted. Nothing too serious, but pure fun for all. Enjoy.

Made For: 
An event
raphael1.mid21.74 KB
raphael2.mid24.43 KB
raphael3.mid21.51 KB
raphael4.mid8.52 KB
raphael5.mid20.71 KB
raphael6.mid87.65 KB
raphael7.mid26.59 KB
raphael8.mid6.71 KB



Raphael5 is my jam, and Raphael7 brings it all home. Good choices. It adds a suitable soundtrack to the "7th-grader-on-summer-vacation-snack-eating-fest" that came to mind while having a go at this one.