A random selection of games made for Klik of the Month Klub #36

Fruit Bomb Future Counter06/19/2010 - 17:57PurpleChairpregball.PNG3
Spike avoider06/19/2010 - 16:26Devlinspav.JPG3
Ball Sort: Robot Sim06/19/2010 - 18:53MechanicalPenBallSim.png0
the haunted mouse06/19/2010 - 16:55dessgeegahauntedmouse.png0
CrappyBoarder06/19/2010 - 17:34SophieHcrappyb.JPG1
Dudes and Swords06/19/2010 - 18:00Pizza Timetitle.gif1
World Shmup 201006/20/2010 - 14:38thesycophantscreenshot103.png1
AMAZONS06/19/2010 - 18:00dessgeegaamazons.png1
Me and Rectangles06/19/2010 - 20:58Super-DotMe and Rectangles.png0
Catatoniac06/19/2010 - 11:48Lcatatonia.png2
Steamboat Willie06/19/2010 - 17:27Zecksstmboat.PNG3
Spinzy06/19/2010 - 18:00PerrinSpinzySS.png1
Going Forward06/19/2010 - 18:09Terrygoingforward.png0
resaworld06/19/2010 - 18:17sylvieresaworld.png3
SHUMP06/19/2010 - 17:20Strongshump.PNG5
Tutankhamen's Pancake Breakfast06/19/2010 - 18:36h_doubletut_screenshot.jpg3
pnok06/19/2010 - 18:25kirkjerkpnok.png0
You Have A Jetpack06/19/2010 - 20:30SpindleyQ3
Jogger Collector a Computer Video Game for Two Players06/19/2010 - 17:50ExciteMikescreen.png1
Police Police Police Police06/19/2010 - 17:52jspowellpolice.PNG4
The darkness that lurks06/19/2010 - 18:10squidlarkindarkness.png1