A random selection of games made for Klik of the Month Klub #57

Laser Plane03/17/2012 - 18:29giliustitle.jpg1
Dr. Sbaitso Dating Sim03/17/2012 - 16:29SpindleyQdrsbaitsodatingsim.png13
TOASTYLAND-Land of toast. (WITH "SDK!")03/10/2012 - 07:53Smedis2Toastyscreenshotland.PNG0
Reflecting Paddle03/17/2012 - 09:13Lreflectingpaddle.png1
One-Button GIRP03/17/2012 - 14:15SpindleyQone-button-girp.png1
Inspector Bones ALPHA03/04/2012 - 02:29BoingFlipScreen Shot 2012-03-04 at 5.13.52 PM.png2
New York Smash03/04/2012 - 06:08BoingFlipScreen Shot 2012-03-04 at 9.02.41 PM.png1
Bad Bike Ride03/17/2012 - 21:12ExciteMikebadbikeride.png0
stanley melberg: accursed accountant03/17/2012 - 21:06sergiocornagahellboundaccountant.jpg2