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gisbrecht's picture

homer hell one

Game File: 

homer hell one is probably my first unity game
bart simpson...is in hell

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stradano_Inferno_Map_Lower.jpg giovanni stradano
homer simpson from simpson's hit n run
bart the general theme song

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Chaos Theory

I've been fiddling with the text adventure creation system Inform 7 and I decided to make a game for this site. I hope this counts as a trainwreck by your standards, or is at least sufficiently strange or interesting. You can run it with Frotz, downloadable here and also here.

Edit: It should be noted that this was semi-loosely based upon a now-concluded running joke in the comic strip Tom the Dancing Bug (information here, see 'Chaos Butterfly').

Relevant commands:

look (or l)
north (or n)
south (or s)
east (or e)
west (or w)
examine (or x)
take (or get)

Chaos Theory.zip59.91 KB
Scroungin_4_Catsup's picture

Catsup's Collectible Creature Card Combat


A collection of 20 cards for a trading card game that can't actually be played, except in your mind. Inspired by cards like "Imakuni?'s Doduo" from Pokemon TCG and "Shahrazad" from Magic: The Gathering and "Matching Outfits" from Yu-Gi-Oh.

All of the cards were drawn in Microsoft Paint with minor touch ups on a few done with GraphicsGale (mainly the bricks in "Fortify!", because I would still be trying to straighten them perfectly if I was solely using Paint).

Card 8 (Sephalophora) contains a reference to death and card 12 (I Had the Gazing Ball Nightmare Again) has a depiction of torture, be warned if those aren't your thing!

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An event


Game File: 

Try to stay alive for as long as possible. Use the arrow keys. Avoid the spikes and the mines.

Marco Jonkers
Made For: 
An event

Twine: preloading images

Update: embedded images in Twine 1.4 do not need to be preloaded, so this is not necessary if you are using those.

If you use a lot of images in your Twine game, it would be very good of you if you preloaded them at the start of the game - having to wait for images to load during a story, even momentarily, can be distracting.

Now you could bother to convert them all to inline Base64, but there's other, less intrusive ways. You could, rather, put every image in your story in invisible img tags in the Start passage:

<img src="  [url of an image ] " style="display:none;" >

...but of course, that requires you to manually list every image yourself. Here is my recommendation: use this JavaScript that will do it automatically, when the story starts. Just put this in a passage tagged with "script".

(function(){var r="";var s=Wikifier.formatters;for(var j=0;j<s.length;j++){if(s[j].name=="image"){r=s[j].lookahead;
break;}}var div=document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild.nextSibling;while(div){if(r){k(new RegExp(r,"mg"),4);
}var b=String.fromCharCode(92);var u=b+"s*['"+'"]?([^"'+"']+(jpe?g|a?png|gif|bmp))['"+'"]?'+b+"s*";
k(new RegExp("url"+b+"("+u+b+")","mig"),1);k(new RegExp("src"+b+"s*="+u,"mig"),1);
div=div.nextSibling;}function k(c,e){do{var d=c.exec(div.innerHTML);if(d){var i=new Image();

That's all.

Update 17/2/13: This now works with images in HTML <img> tags as well.

Update 12/2/13: This will now also preload images used in CSS url( ... ) values. It will search for such values in every passage, include the stylesheet passages, script passages, and inline JavaScript.

Version history:

  1. 17/2/13 - Now works for image files specified in HTML src="..." attributes.
  2. 13/2/13 - CSS preloading now only loads JPEG, JPG, PNG, APNG, GIF and BMP files (that is to say, not font files).
  3. 12/2/13 - Now preloads images specified by CSS URL values too.
  4. 19/1/13 - Initial.

david_is_neato's picture

rolling on the floor

Game File: 

roll around on the floor

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bpseudopod's picture


Game File (Linux): 
Game File: 

A tolerate-em-up about life in the desert. Can YOU withstand the fly onslaught without losing your mind?

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An event
Capt_hastings-Chrissy's picture

Donkey Kong's Revenge for danyburton Klikmas game


Merry Klikmas Danny Burton!
This is a visual novel where you play as Donkey Kong and try and plan a murder and get away with it.

***Sound is pretty important for many of the endings of this game****

***I tried to finish by the deadline and there are a million combos here so I couldn't play test them all, so if you find something is wrong or leads to the wrong place or you didn't say something it says you said or someone doesn't leave the screen or your jump doesn't happen (you get the idea) let me know and I will fix it!

Warnings: murder, violence, somewhat graphic images. Also references to: miscarriage, alcoholism, misogyny, and family death.

chrissy aka capt_haistings aka cmonster
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2sman's picture

Super Desert Golfio Bros

Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 12.29.58 PM.png

An homage to desert golfing.

A 2-player bizarro twins remake combining Desert Golfing with Super Mario sludge.

LEFT PLAYER/MARIO: WASD. W and S to increase/decrease power of your stroke. A and D to hit left or right.

RIGHT PLAYER/LUIGIZ Arrow Keys. Up and Down to increase/decrease power of your stroke. Left and Right to hit it those directions.

Space and Enter don't do anything. First to hit the yellow hole and trigger it to yell "winner" is the winner.

That's it. Glitttchhhh. Play over n over.

Made For: 
An event


A developer of many games of the indie persuasion, including multiple award-non-winner Eversion. Was elected Time's Person of the Year in 2006. His website is at http://zarat.us/.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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