
kirkjerk's picture



Another Paint Toy. Do a little scribble with the mouse. The worm "learns" it and does it over and over again.

I think there might be a 2 player game idea lurking in here, but I'm sad because doing my advent calendar has apparently tapped out my game making mojo.

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kirkjerk's picture



Bleh, my gaming mojo left so I made two drawing toys. This is the first. Paint with the mouse... You can kind of throw a paint worm around, and then it orbits the middle of the screen. Space bar clears.

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kirkjerk's picture

Pretty Colour Invader Rally 3D


3D sequel to Pretty Colour Crackdown - but minus the shooting

As the 90s taught us, most hasty 3D sequels are not very good. But still I am not entirely displeased...

move the mouse to bring the Invaders to your 3D space cursor where they will rally about how much they love pretty colours

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An event
kirkjerk's picture



my idea for a game just wasn't happening in the hour I had so for the last 20 minutes I made a doodle art toy. Doodle with the mouse, space resets.

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An event
squidlarkin's picture

Super Extreme Bird Frightener


A demonstration of the boid flocking algorithm. And also an excuse to scare birds.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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