
ihavefivehat's picture

Fighting Game


An experience for 2 men. Women can play this game if they want to, but they won't be able to fully understand it since it deals with concepts that are elemental to the male psyche such as 'manliness', 'being a man', 'grunting at another man' and 'punching another man'.

Punch the other man's head, torso, upper legs, and lower legs before they punch yours.

Pilot your fist using the arrow keys.

Press your 'charge' button to charge forward with a more powerful punch. You can use this to destroy pieces of the other man's arm as well as his fist.

Press your 'punch' button to explode your fist and teleport back to your body. Use this to defend against the other man.

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everythingstaken's picture

2hrs 1man show


This is what comedy is like.
You are a prop comic with nothing prepared for your 2 hour 1 man show.
Break a leg!

Press different keys to see if things work.

When objects collide sometimes you get extra points.
You can only do specific things so often.

Edit: There's a new version that works and is MMF2. The original 1 hour version is still attached.
The MMF2 version is way too hard, the KnP version is way too easy.

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Yellow Joggler: Ice-Cream Men Quest


You are trapped in Pillow Factory Inc. and you must kill the CEO.
Collect Ice - Cream Men (tm) and avoid Al the Aliens and Normal Guys.

Protagonist: Yellow Joggler
Antagonist: Normal Guy
Location: At a pillow factory
Weapon: Sword
Objective: Gather all the ice-cream men

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Punching Confetti Men


Run around punching red guys who turn into confetti when they explode. See how many you can kill before being killed yourself.

WASD moves, Mouse looks, Left Click to punch

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hugs's picture

stanley melberg: enchanted accountant


a game.

arrow keys, particularly up.

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Made For: 
An event
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