
Lynx's picture



A small Zzt platformer demo I made while I was feeling nostalgic one night.
To run the font: At the dos prompt and in the directory you have the font stored type
zman /i. This will install the font and allow you to play ZMAN the way it was intended.
After installing the font (do not exit the dos prompt or dosbox windiw or the font will un-install) run Zzt normally.

Title screen and name are all just filler until I decide to actually put effort into them.
Thanks for playing!


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Danni's picture

Jesus: The Second Coming: Hamburger Flipper


Idea created using that trainwreck idea generator I made earlier:

"You are tasked with making a platform game starring Jesus as the protagonist, whose goal is to collect every Hamburger. Your trainwreck must utilize Win32 API abuse as a gimmick."

This game involves you, as Jesus, coming back down to earth in order to set up a hamburger stand. However, you need hamburgers to begin with, so you set out on a search across the mountains for burgers to sell at your burger stand. And then stuff happens.

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An event
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