
Magnificent Planet


You are having a good time reading this website when suddenly the urge overcomes you to venture towards a MAGNIFICENT PLANET. The urge cannot be quelled, you hear a voice deep inside your brain... "move with the arrows"... where does it come from? Who knows, however it is clear that you have been waiting for it your entire life unit. By vigourous manipulation of the computer you are able to crunch the link and start the process. Beads of sweat roll down your face as you have done this. "Well, there's no going back now," you think, grimly, as you watch the download counter fill up, "I've made my decisions, I did what was right, and now, god help me, I find myself sucked in, towards the vortex of a... MAGNIFICENT PLANET!"

Compatible with Windows. 24 hour game.

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Vampire's Sprint


You're a vampire in the future, being subjected to a cross between exile... and execution. Keep out of the sunlight of this micro-moon, and watch out for those poor saps who get frazzled!

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An event

Make Me A Moon


A lonely planet wants a moon.

Click and drag it to use its gravity to lure deadly asteroids into its orbit. The longer you can keep the planet happy by surrounding it with deadly asteroids, the more points you receive.

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Made For: 
An event

Solar Rain


"I lost ten minutes to this damn 'game'. Not even an achievement for making it look like a letter S."

This is a simple simulation inspired by this article, the browser game World of Sand, and several of my previous games, especially Super Calamity Annie Galaxy. Click and drag the two planets to alter the path of the stream of water emanating from a distant sun.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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