
FirecatFG's picture

Snowhill Skater RUSH

Snowhill Rush.png

I decided, for the anniversary of one of my own games, to port it away from old KNP. As well as improving it "a little". This time you need to do as many stunts as possible in 3 minutes.

Made For: 
An event
FirecatFG's picture

Snowhill Skater


A snow themed little something. Hold right to move, left to brake, and down to slide down hills, there's no objective other than to go across the endless snow hills and have fun.

Made For: 
An event
Smedis2's picture

The Adventure of Skatre Dued


Lol I maded this in klik and play enstaed of Gaem
Makerer cause its what everyone else lieks to use for dis gaem kart and cause its easyer to use .

(Seriously,though,Klick and Play and The Games Factory 2 are surprisingly easier to use than Game Maker!)
(Inspired by Thunder Dragon's Waligie Games.)

Made For: 
An event
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