


This is a short game I made on 30.04.2019, but didn't upload it because I felt it was stupid. Well, it is, but who cares?
I'm fairly sure I was in a bad mood while making it.
I'm not sure if the trash eater was supposed to be me.
I kind of am a trash eater though.

Made For: 
An event
Scroungin_4_Catsup's picture

Flashbulb Litter Survey


This game... oh boy. It took me way longer than I thought it would. It's such a simple idea, but making a bunch of little pictures, no matter how ridiculous they were, and then hacking them apart and turning them "invisible" is so unbelievably time consuming. I feel TIRED after making this game. I feel RELIEVED that I am finished making this game.

However, I do feel that the main mechanic is pretty interesting and I'd like to see somebody far more talented than I put it to use in a different genre.

Basically, you crawl around on the ground until you see a pile of litter. You crawl over the litter so your head is directly above it, and hit space bar. This takes a "photo" - really dumps a screenshot to your clipboard. From there you open your favorite graphics program and paste the "photo", then "develop" it by using the fill tool, free select, rotate tools etc. until it is visible and all pieced back together. Is it even worth your time? Who knows?????

I tried to make the atmosphere a little strange, and I guess part of the reason I put so much time in it is that "go around a screen until you find something and see what it looks like" is a little too thematically similar to my other game Bileview and I wanted to make it a bit more mechanically different than that.

Scroungin' 4 Catsup
Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

Matthew's Dungeons of the Unforgotten


A tribute to Moraff's Dungeons of the Unforgiven made during Global Game Jam 2018.

You can listen to the soundtrack here!

Matthew Gatland, Sergio Cornaga & Chimeratio
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
rosden's picture

Beauty within its flaws


A game I made to commemorate Mosh Boys accomplishment of completing their 1000 game makers twitter thread:

Beauty within its flaws is a game about being ugly, weird and bizarre with its visuals, controls, abilities and its possibilities.

And sometimes it decides it doesn't want to be any of those things and to just be itself and do what it wants to do.

Made For: 
An event

Bogey's Report


well, sometimes things just don't come out as you'd like. i'm sorry ma. i'm sorry da. i'm sorry sam. i'm sorry bogey. sorry. sorry. sorry.

Made For: 

Dead Man's Curve


failed day game. Voted "a shame" by Leather And Drugs Magazine.

Music: "Black Leather Rock" by the Electric Eels.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Trash Dog


Trash Dog has been entrusted to eat all the garbage. Throw out your food for Trash Dog to eat. Nothing is too trashy for Trash Dog to devour.

Z: Jump
X: Vac-Bark (for eating trash)

Made For: 
An event
hugs's picture

you have to find the wallet

Temp2 2012-02-25 18-54-59-23.png

POST-GDC BUGFIX: due to a slight oversight, the wallet wasn't actually placed in the play area and as such the game was unwinnable. this should now be fixed.

and uh, make sure you've cleared a little space around it.

Made For: 
An event
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