
tininsteelian's picture

Halloween Bounce House


You may want to lower your volume before playing this game, as many sound effects will play simultaneously. Move your ghost around with the left and right arrow keys, avoiding the reproducing vampires until there are enough of them to cause a massive chain reaction of bounciness and chaos. Can you max out the score?

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Johny L.'s picture



Here it is, the (kinda) halloween special of Mr. Cat which was used to be made for the october month on the 2013 year, but it was scrapped until now, i had to finish working on this game.

mistur. kat waz clbratng hlowen hlida, but drak kat had tu sotp oevr him and h scrz him, and h gav him a bik tsak tu do: h hez tu cloetc 4 gmez fer him and tak diz tu a tmobsotn. mr. kat hez tu tak fer him hiz offr, but how h wil win hiz dael? fnid out on diz hlowen spcal!
Mr. Cat was celebrating halloween holiday, but Dark Cat had to stop over him and he scares him, and he gave him a big task to do: he has to collect 4 gems for him and take these to a tombstone. Mr. Cat has to take for him his offer, but how he will win his deal? Find out on this halloween special!

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Healy's picture

You are a Blob! (a SoftSoft Twine game)

This year I decided to enter Ectocomp, a yearly Halloween competition hosted by someone in the IF community (yes, I know this overlaps with the IF Comp, I dunno either). You can read more about it here. I downloaded Twine and everything just for it too.

You are a Blob actually wasn't my first game idea (a choice-based adaption of "Jacked Up Jack-o-Lantern" from the Regular Show Trilogy of Terror 3), but an eight-year-old was getting cold feet about entering, so I vowed to make a game so crappy it would make everyone else's game shine like gold! Which turned out to be no small feat, because everyone and their mother entered a game (or two) this year, for a grand total of 24 entries. But I think I gave it a good run.

If you like this game, please consider downloading (and judging!) the whole set. You can play most of these games through an interpreter like Gargoyle.

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elektron's picture

Jeremy Explores Halloween Land


Can you help Jeremy find the Great Pumpkin and bring peace to Halloween Land?

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sergiocornaga's picture



This Knytt Stories level will attempt to scare you.

If you want to turn on ultra-spooky mode (not recommended for first-time players), walk all the way to the left in the first room before entering the house.

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GT Saturday Specials: Knytt Stories
sergiocornaga's picture

You Have To Put The Stake In The Dracula


A spooooky Halloween game! Also included: You Have To Put The Steak In The Dracula.

Title inspired by Healy, music stolen from Castlevania, other things stolen from other places.

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Healy's picture

Race to the Pumpkin Patch


Well, I decided to finish up a Knytt Stories level that I abandoned a few weeks back for Klik of the Month. It's got a (pretty inappropriate now!) Halloween theme, and it's inspired pretty heavily by Monocromatica Grotto. Anyway I hope you enjoy it! It's the first level I ever made that's even a little bit hard.

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markp0rter's picture

Killing of the Great Pumpkin


Killing Of the Great Pumpkin

A game by Mark Porter with music by Duncan Fenn.

Thanks to Philip Linde.

Yesterday I joined glorioustrainwrecks and made my first game in years- well 5 years to be exact. I have to admit it was quite a lot of fun so I felt like doing something else well just today - with the remaining motivation and spirit. I have to admit this game took longer than 2 hours because my computer would fuck up and a lot of other problems. The graphics just took me like 25 minutes so the rest got wasted in coding.

I still hope you enjoy this title even though it took longer than 2 hours. Sorry but I didn't want to submit a buggy piece of junk.




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kirkjerk's picture



It's Halloween! And once again, whoops, I forgot to make a game. So this is more like a toy / graphics-design exercise.

Move your monster ball around. Click to add a random monster head, or hit the first letter for a [v]ampire,[w]itch,[g]host, or [f]rankstein monster. Space resets.

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Multicultural zombie invasion evasion eviction


Evade monsters for as long as possible by moving your gorilla across the bottom of the screen

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