
thesycophant's picture

Wizard Forest


It's a game about emotions. And wizards.

(As proposed by some beautiful cruncher on the GAME IDEAS spreadsheet.)

Arrows - move
X - Jump
Z - Use item

John D. Moore
Made For: 
An event

Fire Spell


You are a wizard and just learned a new spell to cast fire!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Zecks's picture


so i already told you how at first i tried something that didn't really work like a demo, but was supposed to be awesome and failed miserably

i decided to do something still with what little motivation i had left (which doesn't abide by any 'demo rules' at all anymore, blah)

the first 9 or so were actually somewhat cool but i ran out of ideas immediately thereafter and took the joke route further
also the reverse doesn't really reverse at all but creates more random shit

Made For: 
An event
Strong's picture

Mystic Steamboat Adventures


You're a steamboat in a weird river thing! Press left and right to move left and right. It's really a peaceful adventuretrip.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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