Holiday Themed

everythingstaken's picture


Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 4.07.46 PM 1.png

spin. eat candy. screen wrap. embody a snake. eat the special candy to be attractive to the other candies. sate your candylust and roar with euphoria. and then stop.

-Ben Sironko
October 11th, 2017
Brooklyn, NY

Made For: 
An event

Exil Chaistmas 1


Before I learned of Foreign clipart that sung and danced and greeting carded for you, I came up with this title. This one will REALLY get you in the season, and I figure it's a good throwback to really get things going. I recall putting a lot of work into this one back in the day using some extra curricular procedures for the fancy art scheme. Who knows? It's been so long. Lost technologies but this was part of the puzzle, the one that brings you a joy for the season, to really patch things up. It's pretty much a 10 year anniversary of it so it may also have some datedness in it, but regardless enjoy. With this marking I think now it's time to bring back the ZZT caravan back in. Have an Exil Chaistmas everyone.

Made For: 
An event
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