TheCakeFlavor's blog

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Rotting Seaweed

This isn't *really* a blog entry. I know no one reads the blogs here, so I'm using this as a sneaky image host for a game called "going to the beach with your favorite nerd :)". It doesn't exist yet, but I'm almost done making it, and if you go back to my account and click games, you'll probably be able to play it.

I can't host the images on the game page, because it doesn't exist yet, so I gotta host em here. Thamks to sergiocornaga, I found out I could unlist them, so there's no risk of any snoopers around.

TheCakeFlavor's picture

Fake Unity Generator


I decided to make a thingy so that you can make a game look like it was made in unity.

Currently it's tuned to knytt stories, but as long as you know how to launch your game using commandline, you can use this tool.

This tool uses pyg.exe ( and Noyb's KSCommandline (, so credit to those guys for that.

You can delete start.bat if you want to, but make sure that projectname.exe works first I guess. Otherwise get yourself some bat to exe conversion and use that on start.bat. Projectname.exe asks for administrator access, but it doesn't have to, my bad.

The thing is written in python, so python proficiency will help, but you should be able to figure out how to get it to work with enough fiddling. You should probably know that strings in python are either between two quotes or two single quotes.

Open to see most of the code. I've put comments on the lines that I'm guessing you'll want to use.

The first comment says "####NAME OF THE DATA FOLDER" , so if you change the name of the folder from projectname_Data to something else, you should change the thing that says /projectname_Data to /something else.

The second one says "####CHANGE TO THE SIZE OF THE OUTPUT THING YOU'RE TRYING TO LAUNCH". It's less jarring if the size of the splash screen is the same as the size of your game's window, so the option to change it is there. Currently the size is tuned to knytt stories size, so if your game is in knytt stories, then you don't need to change it.

The third one says "####THIS IS THE THING THAT APPEARS AT THE TOP OF THE UNITY SPLASH WINDOW". I've left that blank, but you can put your game's name there if it's more realistic.

The fourth one says "####FIDDLE WITH THIS UNTIL IT WORKS". I realize this isn't a useful comment, but that's how I did it. Consider reading the documentation for KSCommandline and python's subprocess module. If you're doing a KS game, just change the part after LevelBin to whatever your knytt.bin is called. If you're doing an exe, just replace the whole string with the name of the executable. If that doesn't work, try changing the thing that says shell=True to shell=False. If THAT doesn't work, fiddle with it.

Contact me if you are having issues, although I might not be able to help. I'm TheCakeFlavor#4666 on discord, but if I don't exist there or here anymore, try my email at .

You can use this to participate in unity contests without having to use unity! they will definitely catch you, this isn't that subtle.

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